
Support The Coffee Party NOW!!!

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The Coffee Party USA (CPUSA)

Comrades, Rejoice! It is with great socialist pleasure that we found the Communist Coffee Party (CP). No more listening to teabaggers TEA Party's and their talking points about limited government, fiscal responsibility, and the tyranny of big government which the right wing radicals who founded the USA (spit) warned against, NOW we have our very own movement comrades! The Communist Coffee Party (CP) was founded by Obama volunteer and New York Times insider Annabel Park who stated as dear leader of this movement that we will “push leaders to enact the progressive change for which 52.9 percent of the country voted in 2008.”

Comrades, let me be clear, we will show you how government is “the expression of our collective will” and government can and must step in and educate all the unwashed masses in our progressive agenda. But wait comrades, let me be clear, this is a GRASSROOTS™ movement with NO SUPPORT FROM THE MSM™ and absolutely BIPARTISAN™ in nature. Comrades, trust The Party™, this is NOT ASTROTURF™ like the teabagger TEA Party Movement who our NEW MOVEMENT™, which IS NOT REACTIONARY™, has A LOT IN COMMON WITH™.

In fact comrades, teabaggers TEA Partiers are like our new kissing cousins, that's right comrades suck it up find brotherhood and peace for The Party™. I know, I know, (spit) I HATE THOSE VILE TEABAGGERS TOO it's hard to accept The Current Truth™, but comrades we must kiss teagger butt find common ground with our teabagger TEA Party brothers and sisters. (spit)Join The Coffee Party NOW!!!

Hail Obama!

UPDATE: Comrades! This just in, it appears Comrade Annabel Park is also our Riefenstahl to Michael Moore's Eisenstien! Our Trihn T. Mihn Ha to Hollywood's Social Justice bakery machine. Comrade Annabel Park is also a filmmaker! Praise Stalin!

Just look at this gloriously crafted piece for The Party™....

Drink up Comrades!

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Question Comrade Rooster? Are there different factions in the WonderfulKoolaid Coffee party. say the Mocha Chino faction, Latte faction, Espresso, Frappuccino, or Cafe Breva. This could be a problem and cause infighting.

I can understand why this is such a great idea, where else are you going to be able to hang around a bunch of Screeching hags, and brainless mouth breathing, drooling guys.

Hail the Coffee party!!!

Comrades!!!! Let us all hold hands and sing "OOOOOOOBoooonnngggooo, Ohhhh Bongo".

All together now...

Commissar Red Star CEO Hemlock Hospitality® INC
Director of Kicking Doors at Midnight
Keeper of the sacred Plasma Cutter
Herdsman of Rainbow Farting Unicorns
Defender of the Faith

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I hope that this is Fair Trade Coffee. After all, we wouldn't want Andy Stern to get upset that we were paying Columbians a fraction of what we'd pay Americans to pick the coffee.

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This is a little early in the day for that O Bama video, it made me throw up in my mouth a little.
Glorious, I'm sure! But I think I'll wait for the CVP (Collective VODKA Party). "Yeah, baby!"

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Besides Vodka, what else is in that Coffee, Tovarich Image...?

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Strong coffee will defeat weak tea.

(Wake up people and smell the coffee! It's an eye opener.)

Wonderful! Must use Officially Sanctioned™ Laika the Space Dog Transmission Receptacle!


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Absinthe is now being made in America--again. I vote that we all switch from Putinka vodka to absinthe. After all, there's something about progs and wormwood that goes together.

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Are there different factions in the Wonderful Koolaid Coffee party. say the Mocha Chino faction, Latte faction, Espresso, Frappuccino, or Cafe Breva. This could be a problem and cause infighting.

Ah, in the glorious world of His Obamaness, there is but one coffee: Cafe au lait

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Red Rooster said:
"Comrades, Rejoice! It is with great socialist pleasure that we found the Communist Coffee Party (CP). "

Red Rooster thank you for sharing this glorious news!!! Who really likes tea anyway, what a joke. Annabel Park is a true Prog and with this new astroturf grassroots movement we can hasten the coming of The Glorious World of Next Tuesday!
Now we have another party popping up calling itself grassroots, The Cocoa Party. Already they are experiencing infighting over mini-marshmallows. A little further investigation into this new drinking party may be warranted. They could be infiltrators, very suspicious how they came about so quickly after the CPUSA!!! Where is that Black Ops guy when you need him?

The Cocoa Party Movement gives voice to Americans who want to see chocolate in government. We recognize that the federal government is not the enemy of chocolate, but the expression of our collective will to drink hot cocoa, and that we must participate in the democratic process in order to address the challenges that we face as cocoa-drinkers. As voters and caffeinated volunteers, we will support leaders who work toward the addition of those little marshmallows, and hold accountable those who want to ban hot beverages altogether.

We're so grassroots, we're weedroots. ... coa-party/

Image <br>!/gro ... 0386299906

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I'm still holding out for the CVP!
(much more kick for your Enrollment Fee)

Image and we have Black vodka for the more progressive Progressives ~

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Well, Fraulein Pulloskies, here's your chance to rack up some brownie Pinkie points with me. START A VODKA PARTY MOVEMENT!

Dammit, I was thinking of doing it myself, but then I saw your post. Here's a chance for me, as a high ranking Party member, to delegate, and for you to strut your stuff.

I'm going to throw you the ball and let you do it, so long as we understand one thing: I'm going to take credit for it--unless, of course, it turns out to be an abysmal failure, and then it's to the wall and under the bus with you.

Comrade Nika:

Dammit again! I came into this thread with that very link for the Cocoa Party, ready to say something witty along the lines of I would sign up for Facebook just to get in on the Cocoa Party because--well, as my bailiff you'd know better than anyone how much I adore chocolate.

How is it that comrades here are posting stuff I want to post ahead of me? How is it that I'm running behind and late on everything? Does this have anything to do with the Chilean earthquake they say has knocked the planet off its axis (damned Big Oil drillers) thus putting us behind by so many millionths of a second? BUT WHY DO I SEEM TO BE THE ONLY ONE AFFECTED?

Or is this another harebrained wormhole plot by Colonel 7.62?

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Fraulein Pulloskies,

From where do I sign up to join the Vodka Party? I've had to quit Tequilas. My morals slipped southwards to the point of being nonexistent as a "Party Member" in good standing with the Tequilas...I did, however have many, many, many male friends. Whooooooo Lawdy! Did me and the boys ever love each other at the Tequila Rallies! Heavy Sigh. Good times, good times.

So...with Vodka, there's a possibility I might expect to keep my panties on self respect?

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The wondrously successful grassrots grassroots Coffee Party will soon inspire imitators:

Irish Coffee Party - because you have to be drunk to sign on to anything the NY Times is behind.

Coffee Cake Party - a political bowel movement like this needs some solids behind it.

Cream in the Coffee Party - for Chris Matthews and fellow travelers

Decaffinated Coffee Party - don't want nothin' keepin' us awake at night in case Obama decides to make another healthcare speech

They Got An Awful Lot of Coffee in Brazil Party - for those thinking of going someplace where there's still a viable economy and the possibility of finding a job

Coffee Break Party - union thugs rally behind Obama

Let's Have Another Cup of Coffee Party - Kool Aid drinkers movin' on to bigger things

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Fraulein Pulloskies, any progressive movement worth its salt uses visual propaganda to spread the truth. Here is my contribution to your noble cause.

Pinkie has never looked so handsome, uh oh sh*t, its just an expression Pinkie, you always look marvelous. And if not marvelous at lest stunning, and I'm don't mean the feeling one gets from your shovel whacks.


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Superkommissar Maksim wrote:Fraulein Pulloskies, any progressive movement worth its salt uses visual propaganda to spread the truth. Here is my contribution to your noble cause.

Pinkie has never looked so handsome, uh oh sh*t, its just an expression Pinkie, you always look marvelous. And if not marvelous at lest stunning, and I'm don't mean the feeling one gets from your shovel whacks.


Maybe CNN will run a feature story on you if you start a facebook page!

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Red Rooster wrote:
The Coffee Party USA (CPUSA)

Comrades, Rejoice! It is with great socialist pleasure that we found the Communist Coffee Party (CP). No more listening to teabaggers TEA Party's and their talking points about limited government, fiscal responsibility, and the tyranny of big government which the right wing radicals who founded the USA (spit) warned against, NOW we have our very own movement comrades! The Communist Coffee Party (CP) was founded by Obama volunteer and New York Times insider Annabel Park who stated as dear leader of this movement that we will “push leaders to enact the progressive change for which 52.9 percent of the country voted in 2008.”
Red Rooster,
Your poster and column belong in The People's Cube Hall of Fame.
Here's how the Coffee Party will bring victory for our Collective. First, even though everyone knows we drink Latte, not coffee, we know that "independents," whose formerly empty minds (in 2008) we need to win back from the brainwashing applied to them by the tea-partiers in 2009, and since we know none of them drink Latte (because even they don't want to be perceived as "Latte-drinking, Volvo-driving, etc." liberals or progressives), we therefore must actually drink coffee in order to try to lure them back into our fold.
Furthermore, we can take advantage of a huge tactical mistake by the tea-partiers: none of them drinks tea-- they equate tea-drinkers with latte-drinkers-- and they know that independents drink coffee, not tea or latte. Thus, by identifying themselves with "tea," they've made a huge strategic error. Thus, these independents will feel naturally attracted to our "coffee party."
In addition to that, with approval from the top party leaders, I've already ordered 2.5 million gallons of Coffee-Colored Kool-Aid for spiking the coffee to be served to independents who show-up (or stumble into) our Coffee Parties. This allows us to enhance the power of using coffee instead of tea. We want people committed to our movement, and everyone knows that an irresistable urge the satisfy the needs for a movement often quickly follows drinking a lot of strong coffee. How so? The Coffee-Colored Kool-Aid is a tasteless additive which, when added to the coffee, greatly increases it's effect. Thus, independents who attend our parties and drink our coffee will experience an irresistable need to submit to the demands for surrendering to the need for a huge movement, which is the same movement we're spreading throughout the country.
To make sure all Coffee Party Leaders and Organizers understand the importance of using the Coffee-Colored Kool-Aid as an additive, I've designed a poster to be displayed in the offices of all such leaders and organizers to remind them of the availability and importance of the additive.
To be fair to you (even though I know you would eschew such capitalist nonsense), the poster includes a credit to you for your insights in recognizing the obvious sympolism of an acronym describiing our Coffee Party movement-- to wit, "CPUSA." To say that was brilliant is such an understatement. It inspires us to Progress Onward and Upward to a Utopian Paradise like the one on my home planet, Pandora.
Praise be to Lenin, Gore, Cameron, and Maximum Leader Obama.
--GAIA Minister Neytiri

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Excellent Comrades!!!

The Party™ thanks you all so much for your replies to this glorious new movement for The People™... but especially as our comrades at The Coffee Party say... for The Children™!!

So please comrades allow me to share this message from The Party™ satellite corn flake offices whilst the collective awaits Comrade Pulloskies most glorious Vodka Party!!!

Coffee Party (CPUSA)
The Coffee Party - Collective Politics Protest & Puffery

Coffee Party Progressive Reform for Obama

Visit The Coffee Party er..... Cocoa Party... and find out how you two (tooooo) can yawp subversion diversion into the discourse of Amerikkkan politico-tics. It's a political Coffee Party ... er.... Cocoa Nuts good time for all!

Hail Obama!

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Opiate wrote:Let's Have Another Cup of Coffee Party - Kool Aid drinkers movin' on to bigger things
For some reason this is very resonant with me. Drinking Kool Aid. Drinking Kool Aid. Why do I feel like I've been doing that every time that I watch MoonbatSNBC?

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I have a couple cups of coffee and have a big coffee movement every morning. The Coffee Movement - bwaaahahaha! Talk about a Freudian slip. Perfectly descriptive of the Obama administration. America is his toilet. Heads up, incoming!

Stupid commies. The revolution flushes its own.

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Commissarka Pinkie wrote: How is it that I'm running behind and late on everything? Does this have anything to do with the Chilean earthquake they say has knocked the planet off its axis (damned Big Oil drillers) thus putting us behind by so many millionths of a second?

Commissarka Pinkie, it was either the earthquake or Boosh's 'fault'. Now what is a good comrade supposed to do with all these choices, coffee, cocoa or black vodka (NEVER tea!)? Until the Politburo makes a decision I feel I have to go with Fraulein Pulloskies, especially after seeing Superkommissar Maksim's glorious poster! Pinkie have you lost weight? But then again, I do love chocolate too.

Red Rooster, I took your advice and made another visit to THE Cocoa Party and what did my wondering eyes behold? You and your glorious contribution to the new Party! I must say, what a lovely family you have! I couldn't help but notice that none of your chicks children look like you, they all must take after their mother?

Hail The Children!

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Ah but what of the fact that Starbucks has the nerve to say they won't kick people out for wearing guns while ordering coffee? It seems the Coffee Party has already been infiltrated. Proles cannot wear guns and order coffee!

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Comrade Nika thank you... er... I mean, yes, yes, good vodka make many proles for digging. Shovel children, shovel NOW!!! The Party needs stimulus for all five year plans NOW!

More for The Coffee Party...
[TABLE][TR][TD] Image [/TD][TD] Image [/TD][/TR][/TABLE]er... Cocoa Party....

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Commissar Theocritus wrote:I hope that's whipped cream on their heads...

Hoping won't change what it is Commissar. As his O'liness has demonstarted to the world.

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Red Rooster wrote:Comrade Nika thank you... er... I mean, yes, yes, good vodka make many proles for digging. Shovel children, shovel NOW!!! The Party needs stimulus for all five year plans NOW!

More for The Coffee Party...
[TABLE][TR][TD] Image [/TD][/TR][/TABLE]er... Cocoa Party....

Some spelling/grammar suggestions (in red ink, of course):
"...blame-oriented? That is why I, Glass Ceiling Hillary, support the Cocoa Party today and always!

Otherwise, excellent work!!

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I, Hillary Rodham Clinton, our Many Titted Empress, do hereby declare that there's nothing better on earth that whipped cream made of good old-fashioned meth. When I feel that my eyes might close, I let my tongue, lizard-like, lick the top of my head and I can go and go and go.

I can even keep up with my boss, Barack Hussein Obama in bowing to squatty little dictators.

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Comrades, if you truly wish to support the Coffee Party, may i suggest joining election ink (formerly the Obama Forum)?

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To Red Rooster:

Here's tribute to your insights about the CPUSA (it focuses on Red Rooster starting below your Hall of Fame Poster:

To counter the Tea-Party Movement, Progressives conclude it behooves 'em to gather and meet for coffee, not tea, to further progressivist movements. They think that the Tea-Party Movement misjudged what would best have behooved 'em 'cause coffee, not tea, best fosters the need to answer the call for a movement.
So therefore, Progressives have started the launch of a new "Coffee Party," so movements like theirs are found everywhere when coffee is drunk at their parties. In contrast, the Tea-Party thinks such new Coffee-Party will link the public's perception of coffee confections as spawning a movement that stinks.
Yet Tea-Party folks aren't perceived as drinkers of latte or tea, but like independents, their hot-beverage preference is coffee that's strong, 'stead of tea. Progressives more likely than not in choosing a beverage that's hot drink latte or tea, not coffee from beans, which doubles this paradox crop..
"So how can this paradox be removed?" asks the Party of Tea. A "how" is not needed, but why ain't it needed? 'Cause through it most people can see.

A new "Coffee Party" official, who knows it to be interstitial 'twixt "social" and "istic" has asked, "Can we fix it to not be perceived interstitial?" "We must be covert to succeed to make independents believe that we are like them with vigor and vim supporters of liberty's creed."
Covertness of course needs a name for winning covertly the game-- a name that avoids subliminal voids opponents can fill with the name. The name "Coffee Party" is not immune from subliminal plots against it by those intent to expose facades we erect for our plots. An acronym-coiner explains the new Coffee Party's real name ain't "Party of Java" or yada or yada-- It's really "C.P.U.S.A."

The acronym-coiner's a booster of Cubists prohibiting "losers" at the Peoples' Cube dot-Com which includes a writer by name of "Red Rooster." "Our new Coffee-Party's a movement. It's nom de plume name for our movement has drawbacks" said Rooster "'cause Tea-Party boosters can mock it as coffee-spawned 'movement.'" "You ask what I mean," added Rooster, who then quoted Tea-Party boosters in ads that proclaim "C.P.U.S.A. yields movements like coffee-caused movements."
We'd thought that the Party of Tea in smearing us wouldn't succeed; however, says Rooster, the Tea Party boosters seem likely in this to succeed. And tries by our media flakkers' to mock them with terms like "Tea-Baggers," have failed 'cause they've turned the use of such term from smear to a young-male attracter. So, what should we learn from these facts from watching our media flaks? It's harder for flaks for us to attack the Tea Party people as quacks. So therefore, we have to develop improvements of ways to envelop our tactics behind facades we devise to keep our agenda enveloped. However, maintaining facades is tougher these days than it was when channels for news were three for one view sans radio, bloggers and Fox. So therefore, our task must include regaining control of the news like "localize" tools for radio rules, net-neutral and neuter Fox News.
Perhaps as you're reading these lines you've noticed a rhythm and rhyme-- and if you prefer the format of verse, scroll-down for the stanzas and lines:
To counter the Tea-Party Movement,
Progressives conclude it behooves 'em
to gather and meet
for coffee, not tea,
to further progressivist movements.

They think that the Tea-Party Movement
misjudged what would best have behooved 'em
'cause coffee, not tea,
best fosters the need
to answer the call for a movement.

So therefore, Progressives have started
the launch of a new "Coffee Party,"
so movements like theirs
are found everywhere
when coffee is drunk at their parties.


In contrast, the Tea-Party thinks
such new Coffee-Party will link
the public's perception
of coffee confections
as spawning a movement that stinks.


Yet Tea-Party folks aren't perceived
as drinkers of latte or tea,
but like independents,
their hot-beverage preference
is coffee that's strong, 'stead of tea.

Progressives more likely than not
in choosing a beverage that's hot
drink latte or tea,
not coffee from beans,
which doubles this paradox crop.

"So how can this paradox be
removed?" asks the Party of Tea.
A "how" is not needed,
but why ain't it needed?
'Cause through it most people can see.

A new "Coffee Party" official,
who knows it to be interstitial
'twixt "social" and "istic"
has asked, "Can we fix it
to not be perceived interstitial?"

"We must be covert to succeed
to make independents believe
that we are like them
with vigor and vim
supporters of liberty's creed."

Covertness of course needs a name
for winning covertly the game--
a name that avoids
subliminal voids
opponents can fill with the name.

The name "Coffee Party" is not
immune from subliminal plots
against it by those
intent to expose
facades we erect for our plots.

.<br> acronym-coiner explains
the new Coffee Party's real name
ain't "Party of Java"
or yada or yada--
It's really "C.P.U.S.A."


The acronym-coiner's a booster
of Cubists prohibiting "losers"
at the Peoples' Cube dot-Com,
which includes
a writer by name of "Red Rooster."


"Our new Coffee-Party's a movement.
It's nom de plume name for our movement
has drawbacks" said Rooster
"'cause Tea-Party boosters
can mock it as coffee-spawned 'movement.'"

"You ask what I mean," added Rooster,
who then quoted Tea-Party boosters
in ads that proclaim
yields movements like coffee-caused movements."

We'd thought that the Party of Tea
in smearing us wouldn't succeed;
however, says Rooster,
the Tea Party boosters
seem likely in this to succeed.

And tries by our media flakkers'
to mock them with terms like "Tea-Baggers,"
have failed 'cause they've turned
the use of such term
from smear to a young-male attracter.


So, what should we learn from these facts
from watching our media flaks?
It's harder for flaks
for us to attack
the Tea Party people as quacks.

So therefore, we have to develop
improvements of ways to envelop
our tactics behind
facades we devise
to keep our agenda enveloped.


However, maintaining facades
is tougher these days than it was
when channels for news were
three for one view
sans radio, bloggers and Fox.

So therefore, our task must include
regaining control of the news
like "localize" tools
for radio rules,
net-neutral and neuter Fox News.

--GAIA Minister Neytiri
(If you want an outside link to the source, let me know-- otherwise, I won't post it here.)

User avatar
Komsomolka Olga Katrina wrote
[quote="the Cocoa Party [/quote]

So sorry to have to correct you dear Komsomolka Olga Katrina. I know you are the glorious People's Grammar Czar (or something like that) but if you had read the THE Cocoa Party Manifesto you would know that Red Rooster was correct.

We must always remember and never forget, True Progs are always factual truth tellers, no matter how often that Truth may Change.

A direct quote from Party Headquarters:

"Please note that "Cocoa Party" is an unacceptable description. We are unique like Ohio State and Miami are unique. It is THE Cocoa Party."

Image Red Rooster and someone named Booger Bear are having some fun over there!

User avatar
Thank you comrades, your input is most inspiring and GLORIOUS!!! (that riddle makes my progressive head spin!)... er... I mean.... you proles better praise what The Party and The Party alone thought of, even I, Red Rooster, of the BBQ did make any of this up, The Party delivers!!!! For comrades of spelng and gandma and progs of of higher standing, er hmmmm, Commissar Theocritus... I fix, da?


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Ah yes... and let us have proper propaganda for the unwashed masses...

Perhaps this makes it clear to suffering workers of the USSA!?!

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The seeds that were planted in the 70's have taken root among the masses. Propaganda then was to prepare to masses to only have a choice of one brand of coffee as that is were socialism will eventually lead all of the masses with us the party elite and technocrats in control over all production and redistribution of the wealth. To see it morphed into the Coffee party ideology of 2010 was unexpected but a very welcomed development!

Good to the last drop!

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Comrade Nika wrote:
Komsomolka Olga Katrina wrote: "the Cocoa Party

So sorry to have to correct you dear Komsomolka Olga Katrina. I know you are the glorious People's Grammar Czar (or something like that) but if you had read the THE Cocoa Party Manifesto you would know that Red Rooster was correct.

We must always remember and never forget, True Progs are always factual truth tellers, no matter how often that Truth may Change.

A direct quote from Party Headquarters:

"Please note that "Cocoa Party" is an unacceptable description. We are unique like Ohio State and Miami are unique. It is THE Cocoa Party."

That is a good point, Nika. As I said, they were suggestions. I certainly did not mean to demean The Laughably Fake Glorious Coffee Party(TM). I finally got around to reading the manifesto after doing lots of important bureaucratic work (like our comrades in Congress), and of course The Coffee Party Manifesto is an excellent example of progressive bullshit Party-approved Truths.

User avatar
Dear Comrade Olga K.,

By definition what we say is not bullshit. If what we said yesterday is bullshit today then either situations changed or we were not quoted right. Or as Robert Rubin conveniently did under Slick Willie, just tell a bald-faced lie. Over and over and over.

What is undeniably true is what was true at 7 AM this morning, as modified by the Politburo as necessary to get through the day.

User avatar
So one might make the conclusion that, whatever Truth is currently emanating from our lips, trumps whatever Truth we disseminated, at any time or place previously, until further Truth is revealed to terminate previous Truth?

User avatar
Precisely. And there's something else. As in Islam, where the word of a man is worth twice the word of a woman, so here in AmeriKKKa the word of a Made Prog is worth more than the word of, well, anyone else who is not a more senior Made Prog.

If I, as a Made Prog, state that 2 and 2 are 1, you better believe it because (1) I'm a very senior Made Prog, and (2) it's the only way that even CNN will believe that we can balance this turkey of a budget.

User avatar
Commissar Theocritus wrote:Dear Comrade Olga K.,

By definition what we say is not bullshit. If what we said yesterday is bullshit today then either situations changed or we were not quoted right. Or as Robert Rubin conveniently did under Slick Willie, just tell a bald-faced lie. Over and over and over.

What is undeniably true is what was true at 7 AM this morning, as modified by the Politburo as necessary to get through the day.

Of course, Comrade Commissar.

I never said "bullshit" without striking it out. Either I was quoted wrongly, or we are now at war with Eurasia Eastasia.

User avatar
GAIA Minister Neytiri wrote:
Red Rooster wrote:
The Coffee Party USA (CPUSA)
Red Rooster,
Your poster and column belong in The People's Cube Hall of Fame.
To make sure all Coffee Party Leaders and Organizers understand the importance of using the Coffee-Colored Kool-Aid as an additive, I've designed a poster to be displayed in the offices of all such leaders and organizers to remind them of the availability and importance of the additive.
To be fair to you (even though I know you would eschew such capitalist nonsense), the poster includes a credit to you for your insights in recognizing the obvious sympolism of an acronym describiing our Coffee Party movement-- to wit, "CPUSA." To say that was brilliant is such an understatement. It inspires us to Progress Onward and Upward to a Utopian Paradise like the one on my home planet, Pandora.
Praise be to Lenin, Gore, Cameron, and Maximum Leader Obama--GAIA Minister Neyti
Red Rooster and GAIA Minister Neytire, you may be aware of this, but just in case you're not, I wanted to bring this to your attention. Your glorious poster is on Pookie18 Toons today along with this one:
Hail The People's Cube!

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Comrade Nika wrote
Red Rooster and GAIA Minister Neytire, you may be aware of this, but just in case you're not, I wanted to bring this to your attention. Your glorious posteris [are] on Pookie 18 Toons today ....
Hail The People's Cube!
Comrade Nika,

I thank you for bringing to the attention of the collective the fact that the Right-Wing has posted our posters. We're familiar with the Right-Wing Agitation by Pookie18, whom we must remember to send to the re-education Gulag as soon as our Glorious Coffee Party eclipses their "Tea Party." 'Til then, we must monitor Pookie18 closely.

Thanks again for being "Eyes of the Party." We must be ever vigilant (to be effective collective vigilantes)

--GAIA Minister Neytiri

User avatar
Yes, thank Comrade Nika! And thank you Comrade GAIA Minister Neytiri for your contribution to The Common Good™.

Comrades, The Cocoa Party's nefarious effort to join our collective movement of The Coffee Party is not nearly as PRODUCTIVE as coffee, but none the less the unwashed masses are enjoying the glorious effort as it means not nearly the amount of throne time as coffee. In this spirit here's some more... er... evidence we found...


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Give me a double Mocha Latte, with some extra sprinkles of Pelosi dust, and lets hope I stop laughing before I take a sip lest I spit it out. That gulag in the photo above looks familiar. It is perhaps in FrankenLand?

User avatar
Perhaps Comrade Leninka, or perhaps it is Siberia? The Party does not disclose The Coffee Party's Shovel Ready headquarters... when a prole is ready to go, the thoughtcriminal will know it has arrived.

One double Mocha Latte, with some extra sprinkles of Pelosi dust coming right up!

User avatar
Seeing all these people with whipped cream on their heads reminds me of another thread that showed people wearing pancakes instead:

To make it a complete Progressive breakfast, who shall have egg on their faces?

User avatar
Commissarka is that some kind of chicken slight? Do you have a an egg certificate to talk about eggs this morning? Did you file form #EG-8453483 with you local collective farming division?

Whipped Cream just happens to be far more Obamariffic that say progressive pancakes. It gives the collective that soft fluffy feeling of Hope™ & Change™, this is why Dear Leader Obama is 100% behind the Cocoa Party platform. Yes, that means he has dropped the Coffee Party Movement (as we all do every progressive morning) and moved on to well... fluffier things like Charmin. AND DON"T ASK "HOW IS LARRY!!!" I'm already working on The Fisting/Coffee Movement Directive passed down by Laika's Tinfoil Signal Department in the Collective Correlation Division. It's all about the ASS for some Freudian reason, please don't ask me why, it is beyond my pay grade.

Now that I've tortured you with The Current Truth... Ah Marx!!! O.k. we'll see what we can do about progressive breakfast for our dear beloved Commissarka, but please don't make me lay more Golden Yeggs with that Golden Shovel of yours!

User avatar
Fear not, my fine red feathered comrade!

White House Easter Egg Roll to be Environmentally Friendly

A White House announcement Monday said the eggs at this year's April 5 roll will be made from paperboard that contains no wood fibers from endangered forests, is recyclable and features vegetable-oil based inks and a water-based coating.
What's more, they'll come in purple, pink, green and yellow and feature the stamped signatures of both President Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama.

That's right! No more eggs from real chickens! From now on, we'll be eating yummy paperboard! And unlike the real eggs, these are recyclable, meaning that after they've been pooped out, they can be made into new eggs! (Just think of all the new green jobs THAT will create!)

PETA will be thrilled! No more eating chicken periods! From now on, it's nothing but good, nutritious People's Poop!

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Being a creature of habit I always start my day with two scrambled Cadbury chocolate eggs, a strip of soy bacon and a steaming cup of instant coffee dissolved in vodka.

It provides all four essential food groups: coffee, cocoa, soy and sugar. The alcohol being the solvent which dissolves the nutrients and speeds them into my bloodstream.

As a result of years of this healthy breakfast I'm proud to say that my blood pressure, blood glucose and LDL are all way above normal proving that my heart is working extra hard. And we all know that forced labor is good, it makes you stronger.

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Eggsellent!!! Free The Chickens! Power to The Hens! Chicks Unite for Farmyard Justice! Fight Cockerel Capitalist Egg Copulation of the Oppressed Hegemony! References to Fluffy Yellow Cute things is RAAACCCCIIISSSSSTTTT!!!! (Chick: 1. a young bird, esp. one newly hatched. 2. informal chiefly derogatory a young woman: she's a great-looking chick.

Praise Obama The Chicken King!


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Commissarka Pinkie wrote: White House Easter Egg Roll to be Environmentally Friendly
What's more, they'll come in purple, pink, green and yellow and feature the stamped signatures of both President Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama.

What a narcissistic nice touch! Just what I would expect from Mr. and Mrs. 0.

User avatar
Comrade Komsomolka Olga Katrina,

I have reason to believe you have been a secret operative of the Coffee Party since its creation. It is too coincidental that your name sounds like "Komso-Mocha" for me not to suspect this.

In any case, excellent work, Comrade.

User avatar
Leninka wrote:Comrade Komsomolka Olga Katrina,

I have reason to believe you have been a secret operative of the Coffee Party since its creation. It is too coincidental that your name sounds like "Komso-Mocha" for me not to suspect this.

In any case, excellent work, Comrade.

Thank you, esteemed Komradka Leninka. I assure you it was a 0% 100% grassroots effort, but I will gladly ignore this epic fail of a movement take credit for this glorious achievement. Indeed, as an academic elitist, I do enjoy sipping a mocha or latte whilst constructing discursive norms and looking down upon those ignorant conservatives who would dare to stand in our way.

Because I take such progressive pride in constantly reminding everyone of my meaningless important titles,

Komsomocha Spell Cheka

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Red Rooster wrote:Chicks Unite for Farmyard Justice! Fight Cockerel Capitalist Egg Copulation of the Oppressed Hegemony! References to Fluffy Yellow Cute things is RAAACCCCIIISSSSSTTTT!!!! (Chick: 1. a young bird, esp. one newly hatched. 2. informal chiefly derogatory a young woman: she's a great-looking chick.

Amen brother! There is nothing sexier than chicks with guns.


User avatar
Oddly only 5 showed up in NYC. Talk about "low key."


User avatar
La, la, la! Oh, oh, oh!

merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily

Since I got my Jiffy Lobo!

Only five! Baloney. This is the corporations last stand. All they can do is lie. Don't listen. Our fingers are in our ears and we're singing loud and strong SO WE CAN'T HEAR YOU!!!

The Movement is strong. Thousands and thousands and thousands. Like ants at a picnic. Taking our fair share. And we take pictures too. And post them too. And enjoy the millions of comments:

Fan photos from Join the Coffee Party Movement

La, la, la, la, la!
Oh, oh, oh!
Life is but a dream
when you sing
all day
the Jiffy Lobo way
there's no price to pay
when you're just a singin' and a dancin'
with your fingers in your ears

User avatar
Whoopie, you bumbohead! That's the only known actual genuine photo of the teabaggers' rally in Washington D.C. last September 12th. Remember how they stole all those photos of the millions and millions of mourners who lined the streets from Boston to Arlington for Teddy Kennedy's funeral procession, then doctored them up with all those Nazi signs and posters to fool everybody into thinking THAT was how many losers turned out for their so-called Tea Party?

Meanwhile, some neocon puke over at the American Stinker claims to have infiltrated a Coffee Party, and is spreading lies, exaggerations, and disinformation about what he thinks he saw: ... serva.html

[quote] The "brainstorming" session became increasingly hard to follow as everyone seemed to be talking at once in liberal gibberish.[/quote]

That's because you need "brains" before you can storm, you Faux News addicted moron.

[quote] Clearly this was no tea party.[/quote]

Well DUH, you digitally Limbaughtomized imbecile! What tipped you off that this was no "tea party"? The absence of guns being fired into the air? The lack of signs calling for Obama's death, and posters that depict him looking like Hitler? The dearth of insane rage and hate speech?

Or maybe it was all the caring and compassion that left you confused and wondering, "What is going on here?" Or the fact that not everyone was white and wore Brooks Brothers suits?

[quote] One final note. The tea party movement has been criticized for being "racist" because of the alleged lack of minority participation. The Milwaukee coffee party that I attended did not have a single member of any minority group, although I strongly suspect that the alternative lifestyles community was well represented.[/quote]

Neocons don't even believe in minorities, let alone "alternative lifestyles", so what does this guy know?

Lies! ALL LIES!!! I want this man's head. On a stick.

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If the Tea Party refers to an actual event in the history of the country what event does the Coffee Party refer to? Did Eleanor Roosevelt have coffee parties or something?

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Now that I'm back in business (well, almost) we can make a spoof of the Coffee Party website just as we did with Sheehan's site - to reinforce their weak coffee with our strong vodka.

An anonymous benefactor has registered a domain. WE CAN DO IT! YES WE CAN!

Ideas welcome.

User avatar
Greetings Comrades,

It was a glorious day across the People's Republik when the Party funded purely grassroots organized Coffee Party met in coffee houses all across the motherland, buying coffee and supporting child labor on coffee farms in 3rd world nations equal rights for all and encroachments on free speech civility in political discourse. Now I have found my home and family in the People's blog, where I too can support cheesy, snarky, rip-off honest, civil, forward-thinking movements.


User avatar
Red Square wrote:Now that I'm back in business (well, almost) we can make a spoof of the Coffee Party website just as we did with Sheehan's site - to reinforce their weak coffee with our strong vodka.

An anonymous benefactor has registered a domain. WE CAN DO IT! YES WE CAN!

Ideas welcome.
ALL HAIL COMRADE SQUARE! Grovel, grovel grovel..... And about that website....I see a need to link the two. "For all good F.I.S.T.-ers, for the perfect pick-me-up....stop by The Coffee Party!" "Did you F.I.S.T. last night? Feeling a little sluggish? Cleanse that colon right with The People's Coffee Enema™ .... Stick the Coffee where the sun don't shine!"