
New Antidote for deadly fungus spreading in US, Canada?

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Hi Comrades. This cartoon originated nearly 3 months ago in Scotland. It looks like most of the world is laughing at our nation's leadership? The world is onto us!
What shall we do?

22 Apr 2010 22:21:58 GMT

Source: Reuters * Fungus is unique genetic strain * Climate change may aid its spread WASHINGTON, April 22 (Reuters) - A potentially deadly strain of fungus is spreading among animals and people in the northwestern United States and the Canadian province of British Columbia, researchers reported on Thursday. The airborne fungus, called Cryptococcus gattii, usually only infects transplant and AIDS patients and people with otherwise compromised immune systems, but the new strain is genetically different, the researchers said.

"This novel fungus is worrisome because it appears to be a threat to otherwise healthy people," said Edmond Byrnes of Duke University in North Carolina, who led the study.

Here's the link....

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Perhaps that is what is happening to our PPPPE Comrades (Peaceful Progressive Palin Protesters in Eugene).
The fungus must be infecting the intelligence of the PPPPE with the violent and vulgar teabagger signs in a hate free zone

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spit spit! are evilest of Scottish kapitalist. This is worse than the mocking of Muhammad . . . were are gnarly radical muslims up-in-arms when you need them?!

FUNGUS? Comradess Pulloskies hates funguses, moldy stuff and the like. eeeeek Do we think know that this was invented by Bushitler drones? Or those evil Scotts? Or has glorious Leader, the Ob™ , told us what we should know yet??

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It is fault of climate deniers. They have been to refuse all good sciences like as what Algore to be preaching. Maybe this new fungus to be of targeting climate deniers as they have been of compromised immunity to listening to great scientists such as IPCC, HokeyStick Mann and CRU peoples.

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Pamalinsky wrote:Hi Comrades. This cartoon originated nearly 3 months ago in Scotland.
Actually, it was created ~10 1/2 mos. ago in the US by Toby Dials.
(h/t Pookie)

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It least it wasn't CBO.

Carbon Barackside has been known to emit outhouse gases.

Anything that has carbon is dangerous.
Just say NO to carbon.

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As long as the beet supplies are safe from Carbon Barackside, there is no reason to panic.

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So this is what they put in our People's Kool-Aid! Also, it seems to kill brain cells to, but it's not like us or any Comrades we use those anyway!

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Laika the Space Dog wrote:It least it wasn't CBO.

Carbon Barackside has been known to emit outhouse gases.

Anything that has carbon is dangerous.
Just say NO to carbon.

Ah, but the Barack would make it right again any ways! Carbon is only bad when made by KKKapitalist pig$, but with our Fearless leader, it hugs puppies and magically regenerates trees. Just like how Comrades know that KKKommerce is bad in private, but when our Leader spends trillions, all will be right again!