
Barak Obama Seeks Butt Kicking

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Super Hero status not withstanding, Barach Obama, Leader of the People, wears his Redwing work boots while searching for serious butt to kick, thus sending a dual message that being a tough no-nonsense leader need not separate a great man from his working roots. Teach your children comrades, we have a leader who looks for "butt to kick". One day we will look back upon this time and say, "he looked for butt to kick". No butt has yet been kicked, but he is looking. The eyes of Obama go to and fro throughout the land searching for kick worthy butt.

Here is an article by the Palm Beach Post. They seem to be saying "George Bush started it, he said it first" which is time validated strategy and wise on their part. This way we get the glorious benefits of sounding tough but avoid criticism by deflecting to Bush. We need to keep these creative news organizations alive. I would never have been able to devise a way to drag George Bush into this "kick butt" statement. These people are worth their weight in internet taxes.

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Here's a butt he could kick, if that's anatomically possible.


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"Subjugator of the Many Titted Empress"


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I'm unable to express more than a Thought-Crime:


I present myself for re-education in the Thought-Crime Gulag.


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From Comrade Jon Stewart......
MSM Daily Show news alert!!!!!!


Making of great search for kiester to kick!

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Kick Ass!

This new Deity Peoples Hero is just what we need!

And what better start than Comrade Putouts napkin sketches? (Yeah I know I threw you under the Yugo yesterday Comrade) it was all for Party Acceptance and avoidance of the gotdamned Pinkie shovel. Is that not Progressive?


I join Obamugabe in More Equaler Red Squares denouncement. One more and he may forced to present evidence of this "Many Titted Empress"...

Dear Leader would want it that way.Image

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The MTE, Many Tittied Empress used to be the Cube's term of affection for Hillary Clinton back when it seemed that she would be the One to dispense the mother's milk of big government to the masses.

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Ah, those cloven hooves! That slightly sour scent of spoiled milk and mothballs she exuded. Those were heady days, comrade, back before the Apotheosis of Obama. Who knows? Perhaps she would have been able to inject our agenda subtly, unlike this milk-toast Marxist we have now.

"Wait a minute Betinov! What are you saying here?!" Yes, I can hear the questions, my friends, and feel the accusing stares, but the time has come to face the facts. We have backed the wrong horse's ass here. We need to admit it. We thought that putting a noble African American in the White House would give us the power to shout "Racist!" at any dissent and quell it automatically. We counted too heavily on the associate victimhood of our candidate.

Yes, I know it was a tough call: the clean, articulate Black man (with all the guilt this could generate) or the strident, liberated prog-proven, prog-approved MTE. Race or Gender? Gender or Race? But face it: we flipped the coin and it came up tails. I am becoming increasingly convinced that His Obamaness cannot lie, cheat, and steal the way Hillary of Blessed Memory could. He promised transparency...who knew that he menat his inability to lie convincingly.

And his delivery! He should have won that Nobel prize for curing insomnia! Did you see that video of his commencement address to the Kalamazoo high school class? The one where the kid behind him almost fell out of his chair fast asleep? Let's see that Young Pioneer sleep through the screeching, hectoring address of Hillary! He wouldn't be in no ways tahrd, now would he?

I say it and I stand by it: He is a dedicated Communist. comrades. He just isn't any good at it.

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Ivan Betinov wrote:I say it and I stand by it: He is a dedicated Communist. comrades. He just isn't any good at it.
Not to disagree but this is quite disconcerting. We may not have another opportunity like the one now presenting itself. If you are correct (I hope and change not), then we must do as much damage to Capitalism a inhumanly possible before the elections, thus enabling us to hold the collective ground we have gained through The People's long years of struggle. Perhaps Comrade Obama is Lenin. Could Stalin be yet in the womb? Should The People suspend abortion temporarily? Excess population is scheduled for dispatch with the Final Health Care Solution ™ so population equilibrium will be maintained. Complexity increases in the Motherland.

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Comrade Buffoon wrote: One more and he may forced to present evidence of this "Many Titted Empress"...

In the heady old days of the MTE cult mentioned by Betinov, it was forbidden to display images of the Many-Titted Empress (see Mohammed). But ever since she has been subjugated by The One, people have relaxed (even Helen Thomas has), so we might as well announce "Everybody Draw The Many-Titted Empress Day."

But a better way to spend People's Time™ would probably be to create a gallery of The People's Superheroes.


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Impressive provision-ess that one.
But more on the Kiss Kick-Ass theme ...

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Oh, Red, thank you. Thank you. I have been so lonely out here in the West Texas wilds ever since our Many Titted Empress stopped stopping by. I know that I've told tales of her ventures here. How I had a bedroom refitted, just for her, with concrete floors and walls and a drain in the middle.

I recall the times that she'd stop by--always a pleasure--and bring along friend like Janet Reno and Helen Thomas. And then they, best of friends, would bring out the Hildo Turbo-Hydramatic 7.2 with three-phase power. I still recall how grateful our MTE was to dear Sister Massively Opiated, who invented the Hildo. Just for her.

And how unselfish. Let's recall Gennifer Flowers' statement that Hillary has fat ankles and Bill has a small penis and they'll both have to live with each other's imperfections.

Not so, not here at the Rancho. While Bill was playing the first black president in Harlem, our MTE would be here, and although I would never break up the power couple of the Clintons, I was still very glad to be of service to our dear MTE, and the lights from Brownsville to El Paso flickered only once.

And after it was over. And she'd left. I didn't mind, not a bit, the holes in the walls in the shape of her tusks. I didn't mind, not a bit, the divots in the terrazzo in the shape of her hooves. In fact one night I got up for a drink and I found that one of those divots was suppurating blood! It's a shrine! It's the Divot of Our Many Titted Empress!

Watch it pool up in blood. Give it money. Watch the money disappear. Repeat.

And all in my house. I'm going to be rich, comrades. I'm going to be rich.

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Betinov, you and I must talk. Now, I as a made prog, quite agree with you in the calculus of victimhood. I mean, I personally think that being gay means that I get to jump and down on the shins of everyone, and having Bruno tag along means that I get lots of credit for dealing with "special-needs" people.

But, really, I'd take even me out of the equation, and I can see you reeling right now. "What?" I hear you gasp, "how can a made prog ever take himself of of things? Made progs are the center of the universe!"

And so we are, but only up to a certain point. Our Many Titted Empress is the one constant in a universe so strange that we cannot fathom it. She is the only thing in the world which existed BEFORE the Big Bang. She has seen inside the Event Horizon. In fact, her ass IS the Event Horizon.

She is the everlasting, eternal, bitch-goddess of all that's grasping, awful, horrible, smug, nasty, vicious, dishonest, criminal, and mean.

God, what a gal.

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ThePeoplesComrade wrote:Impressive provision-ess that one.
But more on the Kiss-Ass theme ...

Dear Peoples Comrade,

Since we've shown KICK-ASS and KISS-ASS to be two sides of the same coin (or, perhaps, Ego & Alter-Ego), I think what is needed is a special wing in the Thought-Crime Museum of Art. He kicks the asses of capitalists, constitutionalists, individualists, staunch allies of America, etc. and kisses the asses of collectivists, revisionists, repressionists, and staunch adversaries of America, etc.

There are many more faces in need of being depicted on the heads of asses being kicked as well as asses being kissed. It's his KICK & KISS strategy. Sort of Pavlovian, isn't it? But the question remains whether he's Pavlov or the dog. (If the latter, is he too old to learn new tricks or to recognize the futility of the old tricks?) Manipulator or manipulatee? Puppet or puppeteer?

He's a gradualist and Machiavellian wannabe. He thought the oil-leak disaster on the heels of his having announced his faux-support of off-shore drilling had presented him with a win-win scenario without his having to do anything. Thus far, his strategy has backfired.

So, now he'll start kicking the asses of anyone supporting drilling and kissing the asses of anyone demanding intensification and acceleration of the greenification and GAIAfication of our energy policy. And, of course, if he lacks enough Machiavellian astuteness to mix a lot of faux into his anti-drilling posturing, the speed of his pedal-to-the-metal driving us towards an economic and political cliff will dramatically increase.


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Speaking of Pavlov, if you add one more "K word" to the Kick and Kiss, you can make Reverend Wright slobber.

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Comrade Betinov! I humbly submit to collective agreement my answer for third "K" for agitation/salivation/blovation of Rev. Wright. "Kicks and Kisses Kiester" The Obamahero could use this as uniform Emblem, no? Needs good agitprop artist for creation of such visuals, as alas, I have no Reuters-grade Photoshop SW.

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Ivan Betinov wrote:Speaking of Pavlov, if you add one more "K word" to the Kick and Kiss, you can make Reverend Wright slobber.

Maybe it's the edge of the two-sided coin:
Ko-opting Ass (ass being the donkey or jackass)?
Kapturing Ass (ass being the donkey or jackass)?
Kollectivizing Ass (ass being the donkey or jackass)?


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Boris Badanoff wrote:Comrade Betinov! I humbly submit to collective agreement my answer for third "K" for agitation/salivation/blovation of Rev. Wright. "Kicks and Kisses Kiester" The Obamahero could use this as uniform Emblem, no? Needs good agitprop artist for creation of such visuals, as alas, I have no Reuters-grade Photoshop SW.

Dear Comrade Boris Badanoff,

I like your idea: Kicks & Kisses Kiesters (need plural version to make collective grammar correct).

Or maybe many more K's:

Kicking Kapitalists Keisters & Kissing Kollectivist Keisters Keeps Kontinuum's Komformative Kadence.

Too much of a good thing? Probably.

Back to your idea: Kicks & Kisses Keisters.


P.S.-- I digress. Loved your role not only in Bullwinkle, but also the recent political thriller with Natasha:

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Glorius Comrade KOOK

I accept you superior collective wisdom here on plural versus singular.
After all, is not single the role of kulaks, while plural is role of collective group comrades?

Besides, with his super powers, we understand that the Obamahero has abilities to kiss and kick many kiesters at one time, while we proles cannot but watch in awe as he does it!

Thanks to good comments on Rocky and Bullwinkle, athough I suspect for some time my Natasha always had crush on moose, as he was "always horny".

I in return like your formal dinner jacket! Did our dear comrade Ahmed of glorius Iran give you this? Does it come in other colors than white, and most important, is it equality of all in one size to fit any prog?

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Boris Badanoff wrote:Glorius Comrade KOOK

I accept you superior collective wisdom here on plural versus singular.
After all, is not single the role of kulaks, while plural is role of collective group comrades?

Besides, with his super powers, we understand that the Obamahero has abilities to kiss and kick many kiesters at one time, while we proles cannot but watch in awe as he does it!

Thanks to good comments on Rocky and Bullwinkle, athough I suspect for some time my Natasha always had crush on moose, as he was "always horny".

I in return like your formal dinner jacket! Did our dear comrade Ahmed of glorius Iran give you this? Does it come in other colors than white, and most important, is it equality of all in one size to fit any prog?

Thought-Crime Warden [pictured here] forced me to choose between wearing the dinner jacket on the one hand and losing the end of my tongue on the other. Thought-Crime Warden thinks my being forced to wear the jacket has the effect of placing a collectivist scarlet letter on all my thought-crime rantings so that they are thus made to appear to be the ravings of a lunatic.

Meanwhile, Fearless Leader is driving the Truth-Speak Train towards the damsel in distress tied onto the tracks while we all ask: Where in the hell is Dudley Dooright?


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Such execellent indeed gift from member of Supreme Soviet Comrade Rahm!
I am jeolous to own one myself, even with out being denounced for non-collective-approved thoughts!

Perhaps if I denounce myself, dear Rahm would visit me with one?
Maybe in shower of gulag? I shall endeavour to work extra HARD on beet fields, in just expectatly anticipation of visit of noble Poltiburo hero of the Collective!

I therefore pick up my glorious State-provided shovel and march to work!

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Boris Badanoff wrote:Such execellent indeed gift from member of Supreme Soviet Comrade Rahm!
I am jeolous to own one myself, even with out being denounced for non-collective-approved thoughts!

Perhaps if I denounce myself, dear Rahm would visit me with one?
Maybe in shower of gulag? I shall endeavour to work extra HARD on beet fields, in just expectatly anticipation of visit of noble Poltiburo hero of the Collective!

I therefore pick up my glorious State-provided shovel and march to work!

Regarding visiting Rahm in the shower-- you must make an ObamaCare appointment so that your credentials may be properly examined:


User avatar
ThePeoplesComrade wrote:Here is an article by the Palm Beach Post. They seem to be saying "George Bush started it, he said it first" which is time validated strategy and wise on their part. This way we get the glorious benefits of sounding tough but avoid criticism by deflecting to Bush. We need to keep these creative news organizations alive. I would never have been able to devise a way to drag George Bush into this "kick butt" statement. These people are worth their weight in internet taxes.

What glorious news agency is Palm Beach Post to be! They are to be of keeping the only message we are to be of assuredness - it is all the fault of the BusHitler.

From very moment of stolen election way back in the history of the 2000 year, all things to be the fault of the BusHitler as such year was beginning of eight year Modern Dark Age.

Even the fall of MTE to Dear Leader to election of Dear Leader is fault of BusHitler.

And though Dear Leader to be as shining light piercing in through the thick haze left by the BusHitler, there still to sometimes be the gathering of the clouds of Modern Dark Age - as so strong to be the evilness of the BusHitler that it not to be of full dissipation. We know this must be as so because what else can be of explaining the melting financial world so as to cause for Dear Leader to have no choice but to be overtaking banking. And then there to be the health cost to be of skyrocketing so Dear Leader to have no choice but to be of creation of Obamacare. And so much of the broken cars so Dear leader to have no choice but to be of inventing Government Motors. Finally now we to have big Gulf leak. All such miseries can only to be of fault of the BusHitler who was of ushering in Modern Dark Age.

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KOOK wrote: Regarding visiting Rahm in the shower-- you must make an ObamaCare appointment so that your credentials may be properly examined:
I of humble prole existence forget this MUST be done! I applaud you Comrade KOOK for making me of memory to do this first. As simple peasant of the collective, I have of no knowledge of correct Obamacare Examination Request form. Do you have this form, or of which esteemed Kommisar(ska) should I submit request to? Indeed, proper protocol should of all times be practiced, as deviations from correct procedures can be misunderstood as crime against the Collective, and as such must be most denounced in greatest terms and fashion!

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Boris Badanoff wrote:
KOOK wrote: Regarding visiting Rahm in the shower-- you must make an ObamaCare appointment so that your credentials may be properly examined:
I of humble prole existence forget this MUST be done! I applaud you Comrade KOOK for making me of memory to do this first. As simple peasant of the collective, I have of no knowledge of correct Obamacare Examination Request form. Do you have this form, or of which esteemed Kommisar(ska) should I submit request to? Indeed, proper protocol should of all times be practiced, as deviations from correct procedures can be misunderstood as crime against the Collective, and as such must be most denounced in greatest terms and fashion!
Comrade Badinov,

You have long been such a loyal Pary Member, I will grant you an examination without requiring the usual paperwork-- it's a privilege accorded Loyal Party Members (and especially Courageous Party Operatives). Meet me in the former Congressman Massa's shower stall at Midnight tonight (I have other important Party duties between now and then), but don't tell anyone else. I know from your long history of doing battle with the naive but dangerously armed Dudley Dooright that you have consistently risked life and limb for the Party.

It's the least I can do.

--Thought Crime Warden

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Comarade Kommisar Thought Crime Warden!

I of feeling of great priviledge to meet of you!
I as show of humble adoration shall bring pail of Beet Goat Gonad soup to meeting!

In preparation for meeting must work hard in beet fields for glorius Collective!
Can I bring shovel for you spank me with?

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You know, it's not too soon to start thinking about 2012. It could be our last chance to fix our mistake. Obama has been a grave disappointment. I know it sounds like blasphemy but it's cool to bash Dear Leader now. Everyone is doing it, from Jon Stewart to Spike Lee and James Carville. Heck, even the NYTs is questioning his competency.

I say we start a "draft Hillary" movement. Force a Democrat primary. Replace Obama with the woman we know could advance the cause. And best of all, if she wins, she can have 2 terms in office. Think of it comrades 12 unbroken years of Socialist control. Not since FDR have we enjoyed that.

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Speaking of Goat Gonad Soup, I believe Mrs. Al Czarweary is adding camel's milk to her secret recipe, providing some extra kick. PS. Mrs. Al, you don't have a nice profile shot by chance?

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ThePeoplesComrade wrote: Super Hero status not withstanding, Barach Obama, Leader of the People, wears his Redwing work boots while searching for serious butt to kick, thus sending a dual message that being a tough no-nonsense leader need not separate a great man from his working roots. Teach your children comrades, we have a leader who looks for "butt to kick". One day we will look back upon this time and say, "he looked for butt to kick". No butt has yet been kicked, but he is looking. The eyes of Obama go to and fro throughout the land searching for kick worthy butt.

Possibly he got the idea from here or this was what he was really thinking. It looks rather inviting for a kick


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I know you will feel my pain and I yours on learning that the fascist libertarian reactionary magazine Reason has created a YouTube propaganda piece barbarically titled "3 Reasons Why Obama Should Kick His Own Ass."

How can one talk down to such insensitive homogenous myopic inbreds?

Ah, the statue of Marx, Engels, or Lenin each of us must bear in our efforts to enlighten the masses.

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All right, all right! What's all this shit about Boris and Natasha and Bullwinkle? Haven't you got the message? They're non people. Natasha it seems instead of being the perfect prog femme fatale spent her time in leg-waxing salons and Nordstrums. Boris is, well, Boris. Now he's in a Juarez prison.

Fearless Leader? It is to laugh. He turned out to be a silly old queen with a uniform fetish.

All that is left is yours truly, Commissar Theocritus, also known as, wait for it, Meester Beeg!

Now if you'll pardon me, I'm going to fly to my mountain of Upsidasium and fly around the world in the biggest floating party since Douglas Adams in The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.

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Still looking for the Silver Bail are we? Well *I* need that to gain access to the freedom fighters of Krikket. So there.

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Don't forget your towel, and "Go stick your head in a pig!"

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ThePeoplesComrade wrote:
atlas kiss ass2.jpg
Peoples Comrade,
I must say you are an excellent artist. In the interest of Gender Equality, I'd bet that Atlas Shrugs would appreciate an additional, Atlas Shrugs version also. We know she admires the Cube.


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Comrade Kook, The People's Comrade is nothing but a cut and paste hack who relies upon the talent of others and only survives by freely applying The Parties Philosophy of "To Each According To His Need" and The People's Comrade is very needy indeedy.

OH, and thank you, I am always happy to take full credit for the work of others. Giving them credit would only make my candle appear less bright. The State has assured my Right To Happiness and this makes me happy. (I did do a nice job of cutting and pasting BO into that Atlas art didn't I - and the speech bubbles are Original Art ™ )

Edit: I fear you have struck a chord in me Comrade. Be assured that I firmly BELIEVE in giving others due credit. And this BELIEF allows me to assume a superior position. I have no intention of expending the effort involved in giving that credit but I BELIEVE in principle. The New Left is quite fond of this "what one believes" philosophy and adherents rise quickly within their ranks.

For example: I believe all people should share equally in the economic abundance of the United States, yes even the orphans of Somalia and those poor persecuted Palestinians (if their leaders confiscate all the funding and use it to feather their own beds, so be it, at least we tried). I believe the United States should never, ever again use another fossil fuel - ever. I believe the Government is always good and capable of handling any problem (unless the Republicans are in the majority). I believe President Obama is black enough. I believe if you graduated from an Ivy League school your ideas are all perfect and wise and holy.

I also believe in: (cut and pasted from somewhere)
  • Cap & trade
  • Marijuana legalization (tied in with ending the drug war as a whole)
  • Amnesty for illegals
  • Cutting Israel loose (we saw the first step toward this last week)
  • Creation of an international legal system
  • Media "reform"
  • A new NRA (National Recovery Act here, playmates -- not the gun guys.)
  • A government-mandated green economy
  • An equal-outcomes, "multicultural" society
obama ass kickin fool.jpg

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Comrade ThePeoplesComrade,

I think with that last post I might not have to read my daily diet of Krugman, Dowd, Rich, and other enlightened more-equal comrades. Perhaps I will use this time to consider how best to distribute it among others.

While aurally consuming a revolutionary art work known as "Paul's Boutique" by the progressive trio of rappers known as the Beastie Boys, I was struck by how progressive the song "High Plains Drifter" is. Consider, for example, these self-denying and redistributive lines:

I found a nice place to visit
But a better place to rob

Need I say more?

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Comrade_Tovarich wrote:Comrade ThePeoplesComrade,

I think with that last post I might not have to read my daily diet of Krugman, Dowd, Rich, and other enlightened more-equal comrades. Perhaps I will use this time to consider how best to distribute it among others.

While aurally consuming a revolutionary art work known as "Paul's Boutique" by the progressive trio of rappers known as the Beastie Boys, I was struck by how progressive the song "High Plains Drifter" is. Consider, for example, these self-denying and redistributive lines:

I found a nice place to visit
But a better place to rob

Need I say more?

Napoleon Dynamite says more!

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A nice place to visit but a better place to rob? You mean Arizona?

Betinov, Colonel, personally I think that I am the incarnation of Slartibartfast, who was so proud of his design of the Norwegian coast line while the Earth was being made, on order of the mice. Then there are times that I feel like the sperm whale which materialized ten miles over the surface of that deserted planet and as they say, the first and last thing to go through its mind was its asshole.

[ off ]Those were were found, read by Adams himself, on his Mac when he died. They've enlightened many a drive. But in the move the Dirk Gentley CDs got lost, damn it.

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The People are obsessed with cut and paste and are starting a Cut and Paste Support Group.
badass obama.jpg

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Commissar Theocritus wrote:A nice place to visit but a better place to rob? You mean Arizona?

I do believe the original context implies New York City, but given his idiolect, Our One surely would interpret those lines to mean the United $tate$. He is, after all, a world citizen, not an ugly AmeriKKKan.

Napoleon Dynamite has shed the glasses but not the style!

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I get so locally tingleized knowing The One is our Dear Leader!

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For years when I thought about Lord Awesome Zero I felt a tingle run down my leg.

Now I know I am incontinent.

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He is very tough

The_Good_The_Bad_And_The_Ugly copy.jpg

Hillary Clinton as Blondie: The Good, a subdued, cocksure bounty hunter who competes with Tuco and Angel Eyes to find all the conservatives in the middle of the two warring factions of the New American Civil War.

Barack Hussein Obama as Angel Eyes: The Bad, a ruthless, unfeeling mercenary named "Angel Eyes" who attacks and call racist anyone in his path.

Joe Biden as as Tuco: The Ugly, a comical, oafish, fast talking bandit who is wanted by the authorities for plagiarism

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Commissar Theocritus wrote:For years when I thought about Lord Awesome Zero I felt a tingle run down my leg.

Now I know I am incontinent.

Comrade Commissar Theocritus,

I believe you might be in error. You are incontinent, true, but that is clearly a nation-state ethno-/geocentric view. It behooves us all to know that while always incontinent, be we in North America or elsewhere, we are all international. We transcend mere geographic boundaries.

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Yes, we should all follow the example of Lord Barack Whoseass Obowma. Because he's just too big to be constrained by the U.S. In fact he's too big for the oil spill. That's clean-up work. He's meant to change the way that everything is done.

To the point that I need never be continent. Isn't that the progressive state? The one which relieves you of the requirement of prudence and competence?

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I support entirely our President's handling of the BP spill. In fact I support everything that he says. I've been doing two Jiffi-Lobos a day, but I support him. Anyone have any cheap Depends?

I can hardly wait until all the experienced offshore drillers and platforms all go to Brazil, where the US government will help pay for the drilling. We don't want oil and gas here. We want renewable energy. I personally run the Rancho de Rio Grande by the methane released from the compost heap that I have from the many visits of Our Many Titted Empress. One party with her, Helen Thomas and Janet Reno was so, er, robust, that I'm working out the half life of the compost heap.

So I run a green Rancho. By the methane exuded by three of our most glorious progs.

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I am impressed, TPC, with your most-equal shopping skills. I can weave a skein of words, perhaps, but since the demise of Superpaint 15 years ago I have been incapable. But then I paid attention to it.

What about a cyborg army of barrackers? They could spread abuse and contumely on all. Barack, leader of the Barrackers, who will revile you and your ancestors for the crime of being.

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Commissar Theocritus wrote:What about a cyborg army of barrackers? They could spread abuse and contumely on all. Barack, leader of the Barrackers, who will revile you and your ancestors for the crime of being.
I believe you are referring to Trial Lawyers. You indeed see clearly.

Thanks, I am somewhat improving in my graphic manipulations to no practical purpose but childish fascination and political frustration. But here in the land of digital giants it is best to give the beanstalk a wide berth.

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Red, thanks for our Way Cool Prez. My spies tell me that "Hail to the Chief" will be replaced by Right Said Fred:

I'm too sexy for my love too sexy for my love Love's going to leave me
I'm too sexy for my shirt too sexy for my shirt
So sexy it hurts
And I'm too sexy for Milan too sexy for Milan
New York and Japan

And I'm too sexy for your party
Too sexy for your party
No way I'm disco dancing

I'm a model you know what I mean
And I do my little turn on the catwalk
Yeah on the catwalk on the catwalk yeah
I do my little turn on the catwalk

I'm too sexy for my car too sexy for my car
Too sexy by far
And I'm too sexy for my hat
Too sexy for my hat what do you think about that

I'm a model you know what I mean
And I do my little turn on the catwalk
Yeah on the catwalk on the catwalk yeah
I shake my little touche on the catwalk

I'm too sexy for my too sexy for my too sexy for my

'Cos I'm a model you know what I mean
And I do my little turn on the catwalk
Yeah on the catwalk on the catwalk yeah
I shake my little touche on the catwalk

I'm too sexy for my cat too sexy for my cat
Poor pussy poor pussy cat
I'm too sexy for my love too sexy for my love
Love's going to leave me

And I'm too sexy for this song

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The presidency has had very sexy people. Like Wilson and Carter and of course Slick Willie of the Wee Willie. According to Gennifer Flowers, who knows a lot from the spilled gism.