
Brokaw Caught In Covert Sweep

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Another comrade has been outed by Michelle Malkin. Tom Brokaw concealed his leftiness for years and presented himself as a balanced reporter. Many on the right are left confused and disillusioned, having been duped for years. Republicans are asking themselves, "Who can we trust anymore?"

brokaw shock.jpg

We more discerning Progressives always had our suspicions about comrade Tom, but one almost feels sympathy for the gullible conservatives. If only Tom had not given voice to the obvious similarities between Dear Leader Obama and Jesus Christ, he might still be under cover.

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This is of most amusement, is it not?! Only a Rethuglican conservative would have been fooled by the foolery of Mr. Tom. Is it not fun to watch them scream and grab their privates in shock? Do they not know that only the smartest of the smart are in the news media spreading dear Leaders socialist propaganda.
And please, no one watches Faux news, dear Leader saw to that.

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I recall a bygone age when the worse thing any fellow traveler could do was allow himself to be exposed as a Communist. The Party had stern punishments (banishment and shunning) for any member who foolishly bragged about his ideology. The first rule of the Party: There is no Party.

I see now that we're in power that old rule has fallen by the wayside. I personally feel this is a grave mistake. In the past when we thought we had all our ducks in a row, we were forced to slink back into the shadows and change our name. Communists became Socialists. Socialists became Liberals. Liberals became Progressives. What if some catastrophe forces us to remodel ourselves yet again? What will we call ourselves then? Populists?

I remind all Party operatives in no uncertain terms. Once you have exposed yourself your value to the Party is compromised. Maintain your cover. Keep them guessing. And in so doing preserve your potential as an agent of influence.

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umm, this is well thought out, Comrade Whoopie. Dear beloved late Mr. P was often caught 'exposed' (in parks, school yards, many surly places) and it did him no good at all.

But back on topic, I like "change" and dear Leader is being all about "change", is he not? And if you take full note, our dear Russian comrades who have been 'exposed' have not been too harassed or maligned in our friendly socialist media. Amerikans do not know who or what communist are, except they are peoples who are in need. Look how we have had so much success in maligning Amerikans for their evil Cuban stance.
But, on other hand, I do like the newish, pop term 'Populist' and we would have many years before they reichwingers caught on to that one. Вперёд, к

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