
A New PC Term for White People?

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Dammit, I didn't get the memo. I sit here every day with my tinfoil hat on waiting for urgent communiques from Laika and yet I didn't get this latest tidbit of the current truth. Imagine how embarrassed I would've been if I walked up to a group of fellow travelers and mistakenly used the term "white guy" in a conversation?

Anyway, I had to read this news report to discover that white people are now referred to as Anglos by our media organs...

WEATHERFORD — The late-night pharmacy "customer" appeared to be in bad shape.
His head was wrapped in bandages, his left arm was in a cast and sling, and he walked with a crutch. But he managed to hold a handgun on a pharmacy employee Monday as he stole narcotic painkillers, police said.

The man was Anglo, about 6-foot-4 and about 175 pounds. He wore a blue plaid long-sleeve shirt, bluejeans and tennis shoes.
Anyone with information is asked to call police at 817-598-4300 or Crime Stoppers at 817-599-5555 (or 800-942-STOP).

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I did not get my memo either. Have we been outed from Memo chain?!!

My nifty pocket size dictionary says (NO, I don't have an Iphone or Ipad or Iwhosits! My government check is late... again. But I digress....):
"The term Anglo is used as a prefix to indicate a relation to the Angles, England or the English people, as in the terms Anglo-Saxon, Anglo-American, Anglo-Celtic, Anglo-African and Anglo-Indian. It is often used alone, somewhat loosely, to refer to people of British Isles descent in The Americas, Australia and Southern Africa. It is also used, both in English-speaking and non-English-speaking countries, to refer to Anglophone people of other European origins"

If you ask me, and I think you did, this is a very free form of wordage, which could refer, and does refer, to a whole host of peoples, including "anglo-Africa".
If I further contemplate, it would seem that an APB on an "anglo-African" who "may or may not be from Africa, Australia, America or Europe", would cause most sorts of confusion.
I know I am color blind to race, but if official government authorities and police personages are seeking an unidentified suspect for questioning, is not "anglo", by definition, causing confusion?

I need the Memo!! How do I know what to know, if I do not have Memo!? I will wait further instructions and delay any more further 'thinking' until I am told what is Current Truth for the Day ™ .

Anglo? anglo? sheeesh

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I hate to think, it gives me a headache.

Maybe we should change English to Anglish?

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Please, when referring to me, honor my heritage. I am an English-Irish-Dutch-Norwegian American. (Word is that the Norwegian side escaped Russia and hid in the Finnish woods before landing in Norway so we may have who-knows-what other hyphenations).

Why is this important? I expect time off from work for any and all national holidays (present, past, foreign or domestic) connected with any portion of my ancestry. This is my right.

Oh, and let's be clear, when reparations are paid to My People Groups (should Democrats retain control of both Houses of Congress), I am definitely in line.

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Loyal Comrade Peoples, I offer you very most apologies for what the others have not insinuated. We should acknowledge all your ancestries, which is so much more important than any Amerikan birthage.

Amerika - blah! All others - yea's!
We should all expect paid leave for our heritages. Not to do so is bigotry, is it not? And when shall we see Amerikian- Indian- African- Asian- Mexian history month? I have been emotionally wounded by this lack of recognizements and have carried my disdain of the burdeness burden, quietly. No more. We must all organize and protest, like our loyal comrades.


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Well TPC I'm glad you mentioned Norwegians and reparations. I don't like long winded comments but some might find this amusing. I'll trim it down to the bare essentials.

The Wages Of Injustice Is Shoes by Fred Reed

Folks at U.C. Berkeley recently got their
innards all in an uproar because the school didn't have enough

So two thousand activists and progressives and other academic rabble
held a great March for Affirmative Action.

By chance they marched past The Athlete's Foot, a store that sold
running shoes.

Whereupon the diversity looted it.

Now, the newspapers somehow neglected to say what the ethnicity of the
looters was. But I bet we can all
make a pretty good Kentucky-windage guess about who those looters

I bet I know what you're thinking right now.


Was I right?

I was. Why you prejudiced scoundrel, you!

Grabbing those Air Jordans provides an ethnic clue. Norwegians of the
inner city are famous for their larcenous predilections regarding
footwear. They can't help it, because of their past.

The word Norwegian actually derives from "Norse Weejuns," shoes worn
by the Vikings when they went forth to rape and plunder. In fact
that's how the French learned to wear shoes, which they saw for the
first time when the Vikings came ashore at Normandy. They figured they
could run away faster if their feet didn't hurt.

Now I'm trying to understand diversity, and why anybody would want it.
Be patient. I'm just a country boy, and slow, and don't understand
higher thought like I ought to. Where I come from, diversity just
means you have to lock your bicycle up. And stay in at night, and
carry a gun, and watch your daughter and chickens. And I figure that
if people loot stores, they just aren't civilized, and don't belong
among decent folk, and ought to be in jail.

Like I say, I'm simple.

Then I talked to some sociologist folk, and they explained to me that
Norwegians don't have a choice about stealing. Their history makes
them do it. This nice sociology lady told me about it. According to
sociology, she said, if anything bad happened to anybody related to
you, at any time, ever, you get to rape and rob and steal all you

I can't wait to get started.

Anyway, she said, the Norwegians used to be hunter-gatherers. I think
that means they shot turkeys with slingshots and ate wild persimmons
and smoked ditchweed. It's what we call shiftless in West Virginia.

But now I can understand about those shoes. When you see a persimmon
on a tree in the woods, you don't think it belongs to anyone. If you
can grab it, it's yours. When you catch a catfish, you aren't stealing
it. It's just there.

So when the diversity see Air Jordans in a store, how are they
supposed to know those shoes belong to somebody? To them, a shoe's no
different from a catfish. They're just celebrating their Viking

And they don't mean any harm by it. They just can't tell somebody
else's shoes from low-hanging bananas. It's their culture.

Tell you what, though. I'll bet that if you had a shoe store, and put
all your sneakers in boxes marked, "Books," the diversity would never
come within rifle shot. It would be like garlic for vampires.

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Norwegians of the inner city are famous for their larcenous predilections regarding footwear

That sounds so full of bigotry on first thoughtfullness... BUT.... on the other hand (the reason we have 2, no doubt) we must balance the facts as stated. These are white Anglo peoples and we know the bitterness & bigotry so many possess . . . and the lack of enthusiasm white Anglo people possess. . . otherwise, they would be DOING the jobs that they will not do and we would not have so many hard-working illegals Mexicans working here.
This is quite a conundrum.
But I am very disappointed in the Norwegians, who have proved the point - white Anglo peoples cause riots. It is so good we have Eric Holden as Attorney General. We can feel assured, he won't let this happen, since he is anti-white people.

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This explains much. I often wondered why we do not see more Norwegian lutefisk bombers on airplanes. Culturally Scandinavian-Americans are currently focused on shoes (for aforementioned reasons). The Ministry of Travel and Safety must still continue to strip and cavity search all Norwegians attempting to fly. We must treat everyone equally.
norwegian shoe.jpg

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Does this mean they're going to start calling black people Afros?

Leninka wrote:Does this mean they're going to start calling black people Afros?
hahaha very good comrade. I think they once were called afros. maybe time to bring back. What do you suppse they will call Asians?

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Grigori E.R. wrote:Maybe we should change English to Anglish?


I view this as the perfect method by which one can distinguish the purer language spoken by the members of the Commonwealth from that spoken by the benighted prisoners of AmeriKKKa.

For those concerned about comrades Down Under who might feel themselves slighted in being accidentally associated with such churls, I suggest Aunglish.

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I believe Comrade Tovarich is on to something. Whenever the slight occasion that Anglish is taught in our Schools it should be taught in the student's native dialect. Also it should include the regional variations of the area of AmeriKKKa in which the student currently resides. It's their right! (see Comrade Kagan for her pioneering work in student rights at Harvard)

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Leninka wrote:Does this mean they're going to start calling black people Afros?

This fellow traveler should also be called "Afro" for obvious reasons.


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What a lovely delightful hair do. How I wish I could, once again, wear my coiffure in such a fashionable fashion, but sadly, my hair ornamentation prevents such.

This attractive gentleman reminds me of the good, olden days of marijuana and alcohol intoxication and rampant, unbridled sexual encounters. oh my....

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The neat little epithet we all can abuse.....

Ought-oh Honkie-Ooos!

For those under 45....think of the old Franco-American spaghetti jingle.

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Comrade Dan wrote:
Leninka wrote:Does this mean they're going to start calling black people Afros?
hahaha very good comrade. I think they once were called afros. maybe time to bring back. What do you suppse they will call Asians?


Speaking of Spaghetti, how about race soup?

Comrade Obamugabe,

Being a light skinned black woman, I wake up with that hairdo every morning.


I'll never forget the late 1960's and early 1970's when you couldn't see past the afro hairdos in a movie theater; they were so large.

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Leninka wrote:I'll never forget the late 1960's and early 1970's when you couldn't see past the afro hairdos in a movie theater; they were so large.

Comradette Leninka,

I can get to that, as Funkadelic might have put it.

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Oh yes, Leninka, I remember... and the football games when we lousy white people brought bumper seats, just to be high enough to see. Pouffy hair and Afro's. ah, the memories.

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As our anglo-challenged comrades like to say, "Wassup, my anglos?"


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I just found out that in the 1960s Dr. Dolittle books (written in the 1920s), were all bowdlerized (underwent expurgation) to purge offensive racist remarks, dialog, and descriptions. The original versions of the books have been discontinued.

This page provides extensive analysis of one Dr. Dolittle book.

E.g., the revised edition replaces "Great Red-Skin" with "Great Long Arrow", and "Mighty White Man" with "Mighty Friend".

Also this passage was changed. It introduces Bumpo, doctor's future sidekick who also was an African prince:

"This was a most extraordinary-looking black man. The only other negroes I had seen had been in circuses, where they wore feathers and bone necklaces and things like that. But this one was dressed in a fashionable frock coat with an enormous bright red cravat. On his head was a straw hat with a gay band; and over this he held a large green umbrella. He was very smart in every respect except his feet. He wore no shoes or socks."
The revised version says: "This was a black man, very fashionably dressed."

A newer PC version of a longer poem in the book misses these purged lines:

One was a Black—he was dark as the night;
One was a Red-skin, a mountain of height;
But the chief was a White Man, round like a bee;
And all in a row stood the Terrible Three.

Oh, strong was the Red-skin fierce was the Black.
Bag-jagderags trembled and tried to turn back.
But 'twas of the White Man they shouted, "Beware!
He throws men in handfuls, straight up in the air!"

Long shall they frighten bad children at night
With tales of the Red and the Black and the White.
Come to think of it, the censors could have simply replaced the offensive references to melanin with such words as "Native-American," "African-American," and "Anglo."

As in:

Long shall they frighten bad children at night
With tales of the Native-American, and the African-American, and the Anglo.
Sounds much scarier, doesn't it? I know I'll have trouble sleeping tonight myself.

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The revised version says: "This was a black man, very fashionably dressed."

How pleasing it is, Comrade Red Square, that we have you to point out and provide are more politically corrected version of unpolitically correct versions. We may rest peacefully knowing you and so many of our comrades are doing Obama's Work ™ .

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Some comrades might find stimulating Dr. Seuss Went to War, a collection of his racist imperialist propaganda for the Yankee war machine. It is, one might say, a deconstruction of his subsequent children's books.

And does not the the Grinch bear an uncanny resemblance to every Rethuglican and Libertarian you've met?

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I like Dr. Seuss posters! Perhaps I should redistribute some of his ideas for this Party organ -


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I do not like to acknowledge that my forebearers were raped by impure Anglo-Saxons.

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Who is best suited as the Grinch? Bear in mind it is a tricky choice, for the evil Grinch turns out to have a most caring, compassionate, and redistributive heart.