
Take Heart Komrades, Our Redemption Draws Nigh

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Yes it was a devastating loss at the polls my Amerikan Komrades. However, we have cause to be of good cheer. Our Dear Leader has nothing to lose now and has already made great strides toward uniting the regime with our kollective brothers in Cuba. He has transmitted to Vladimir in Mother Russia his willingness to capitulate after the election.

Although he has publicly criticized SONY Pictures of the Ministry of Propaganda for 'bowing' to Komrade Kim Jong Un of North Korea, we know that he only criticized their technique, but applauds the action taken.

He has buried our kapitalist system under such a heavy burden of debt to our komrades in the People's Republic of China that our children will never be able to repay it, putting us squarely in their pocket.

So let us continue to persevere my brothers, for we are making progress toward our ultimate goal of global unification. Soon we will see the dream of shared sacrifice and equality of outcomes the world over. What a glorious day it will be when we can finally throw off the chains of individual liberty and live as the kollective society we were intended to be.