
ACORN Video emerges of Business Advice Given to Pimp


America truly is the Land of Opportunity! Being that a lot of the manufacturing jobs have been moved to overseas, it's good to know that ACORN is helping young entrepreneurs to make a living and serve the Party, the Children™ and the Progressive movement.

Here's a video of these tireless Public servants helping create new jobs for the masses.

User avatar
Hold on, Hold on!! Did the two of them go in the ACORN office dressed like they were in the beginning and end of this video? Please tell me they were, lol. I skipped through the video, but couldn't see how the two were dressed.

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I can't believe that Acorn is wasting money on idiot employees like this.
Not once did they axe to register the 10 Salvadoran shorties to vote!

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I hear that ACORN has developed a new electric car. It goes 150 miles on a single charge of racism.