
A Brief Message From The Outer Parts

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It seems to me ( Krasnodsar ) that the only thing this country's leadership can skilfully administer are suppositories.

End of message.

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Comrade Krasnodar, you may be giving this administration too much credit....

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Not all folks are bemoaning Obamacare...


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Mr. President .........

By this photograph, even I ( Krasnodar ) can see that you have a rectum.
Why, it's as plain as day ... that orifice right above the microphones !

( Just wondering...... are those two mikes used to pick up doublespeak ?)

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Ok, I hear voices in my head, and THEY want to know how Krasno gets messages from his "outer" parts...

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Is there a suppository big enough? Does she need to use two? Three? Twenty?


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Comrade Fine,

I find your picture quite offensive! Please do not post such filth in future. I have corrected the offensive image and re-posted it below:

25701-Stripping 2.jpg