
Absolute Proof of Dear Leader's Progress

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It seems that the hokey-pokey isn't what it's all about.........


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Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh, red is SUCH a beautiful color Comrade!!!

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The country has a fever, and the only prescription is MORE RED! The more red, the better!

I added the screenshot of the Debt Clock to the original post, so that the page would look even more red!


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Obama has provided America with a large dose of monetary Ex-Lax. Soon it will be time for the fiscal colonoscopy. It is hoped that no one has, like Michelle, been eating tamales.

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Debt clock? Who cares - as long as we continue generate feel-good emotions! Here's the latest show of lumbar support from such moral pillars of society as Madonna! In Joe Biden words, we see a "spine made of steel."

Let's just hope this is not her perverted racist way of rebuking Obama in the style of Republican dog whistles.


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To Cube collectivist peoples who are much informed into graphic arts things .........

About Madonna's backsides letters we have seen up above.......
The "M" in Obama is very much of an upside-down "W" !
I think a person who is not trained by the State made this mistake while upon on her.
Probably whoever had a Sharpie and was willing to put " Graffiti on a slab of bacon "

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I DENOUNCE THE INDEBTEDNESS CLOCK.... THIS IS A REMINDER OF DEAR DEPARTED EX- MR PULLOSKIES AND HIS IS KEEPING TABS ON MY PERSONAL SPENDING!! It was so annoying I could almost have fed him delicious poison gonad soup. (what a lousy cheap sos he was)

Most important is that our Great Leader saved Ford Motors. So now, to pay their debt in gratitude, the kollective at Ford will be changing the name of their most grateful company to FORWARD Motors. Their latest production plant will be built in the state that changed its name in honor of the Dear Leader, Al'obama. Just more proof of progress, by the chief prog himself.