
US to Have World's Best-Educated Blue Collar Class

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By Igor Toutellalai, American Media Collective

Studies are showing that America's education system is having a true ‘trickle-down' effect on the labor force, as more Blue Collar workers have college degrees than ever before. Rather than owning a house or even getting married, the new ‘American Dream' appears to be a college education for more and more working-class Americans.

According to the most recent study, nearly half of all Americans with college degrees are considered ‘overqualified' for their jobs based on their college education. This means the US has set a pace to catch up with India's top position as the world's most college-educated labor pool.

While only around 23 million jobs in the US require college degrees, there are over 41 million college-degree holders still in the US workforce, not counting those graduates who have retired or opted out of employment. This means that college graduates are taking on positions where degrees are not necessary.

“The popular myth is that a university education is about employment,” said Candy Panzer, an analyst with the Center for Progress in Education, which studies how colleges educate young people. “Colleges are not telling students that they will get great jobs if they graduate, but rather than a degree is part of one's self-exploration. It is about personal fulfillment.”

Panzer said that students are not always looking for a career path when they enter college, as most parents are more interested in getting their children into a college rather than finding an employment track. When parents admonish their children over poor grades, it is rarely about jobs, but college that they are thinking.

“Graduation from college is usually the starting point for many young people in finding out what they want to do with their lives, and what they are really capable of handling,” Panzer said. “Many degree programs are not about going directly into the labor market. I mean, a bachelor degree in Latino Studies is not going to translate into a $100,000-a-year job.”

Panzer thinks that Generation Y, which are those students presently in college, are not interested in working in traditional ways, and will find more contentment with being able to ‘just get by' rather than to have stress-fill but lucrative careers. They are not measuring themselves by material success, but rather living up to the ideals set for them in colleges.

“Students are being taught to value themselves rather than their stuff, and I think that is great,” Panzer quipped. “The lower their expectations are of employment, the happier they will be as our nation changes course towards a less materialistic and more globalistic direction.”

Faithfully submitted to the Collective of the People's Cube,
Comrade Nomenklatura-climber
Dialectical Progressivism Translator

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Has B.S. In Obamanomics. Does not see redundancy.


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Well, socialism can turn the health care industry into nothing but glorified first aid so I suppose you damn commies can also turn education into nothing but glorified jerking off.

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In this case BS is BullShit. Or is it the difference between
oBama and
oSama ?

...... so I suppose you damn commies can also turn education into nothing but glorified jerking off.
Comrade Halliburton that is exactly what the progressive educators are doing at the University of Minnesota - Twin Cities (UMTC) where over $3,000 USD borrowed from the PRC will be invested in helping female students achieve orgasm (I would've done it for free as I am committed to the empowerment of female comrades)

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Expel The Red States wrote: ... where over $3,000 USD borrowed from the PRC will be invested in helping female students achieve orgasm (I would've done it for free as I am committed to the empowerment of female comrades)
USD borrowed from the PRC for "more and greater orgasms" for a select few is NOT following the Tuesday™ Directive. Orgasms must be equally more and greater for all. More USD must be borrowed from the PRC for more equal orgasm distribution.

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Also more LSD and THC. The above pictured young comrade is merely preparing for OWS festivities. Cut him some slack, OK?