
BEHOLD; The New Peoples Tool in the Revolution!

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“What we will be doing is ignoring the people's business of creating jobs and frankly putting ourselves in the role of a clogged toilet,” said Commissarka Sheila Jackson Lee. “That means we are doing nothing. We are stuffed up.”

Copy of bathroom-stall.jpg

Comrades - to the commodes!

We need an immediate 5 yr. plan to increase the Peoples Plunger ™ production!

We must jump in & help our tireless leaders like Commissarka Jackson Lee unplug the Rethuglikkkan Occupiers Clogged House Shitters ™ so true social justice & progress can flow to the People ™ in time for Dear Leaders bid for 2012!

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Comrade Lee is correct. The Washington Toilet is stopped up.

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Plunger keeper Lee did not dispute the contents of the bowl, so Congress must be full of Sheets.

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I am confused. Is not Comrade Shelia Jackasson Lee the Czar of Commodery? Has it not been her job to stuff the House toiletry with . . . . debris, since Pres. Bush? If not, then she should be appointed to the position because she has been doing a fine, get-your-hands-dirty job of it.

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Plungers for the People or something like that.

Comrade Rep. Lee has spoiled the big announcement. As part of the Shovel Ready Jobs Initiative we are pushing to re-establish the time honored job of Men's Room Attendant. In the old days, you knew you were in a classy establishment when there was an Attendant in the Men's John.

I know, settle down Comrades, this sounds a little crazy, but think of the jobs this program will create. An Attendant in every Government Men's Room? An Attendant in every Government Ladie's Room? We're talking millions of jobs here and it's budget neutral! At $80K per year for each Attendant the tax revenues will be pouring in.

These jobs will be, of course, Union Jobs, but that's kind of been the hold up. The Unions are fighting over who will control these new jobs. I'm sure this argument will be settled soon as we will give the jobs to the bidder who kicks the most back to us who best serves the needs of the People.

Last, but most importantly, I have an announcement:
Your most humble Spiritual Adviser is pleased to announce the opening of Grigori's School of Rest Room Attendants. Learn, on-line, at your own pace and from the comfort of your PC. These high paying Government jobs won't last long, so APPLY NOW...............

Isn't it great how our system works? You've got to love it.

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Grigori E.R. wrote:These high paying Government jobs won't last long, so APPLY NOW...............

The online training was fantastic. I'm ready to Plunge4Utopia. When will I know if my application (in triplicate with a #2 pencil of course) was accepted?

Copy of Copy of sheila-jackson-lee-shovel.JPG

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Plunge4Utopia? That's super Comrade Dig4Utopia. Your accepted Comrade,congratulations. Is that the new and improved People's Plunger she's holding in that photo?

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I take it there is something she wants to pass but has no where to go.

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Holy secular Lenin - House Rethugs are blocking the proper functioning of the lower chamber!


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Gulag 4 Alfred wrote:We need an immediate 5 yr. plan to increase the Peoples Plunger ™ production!
Comrades, I am pleased to report that The People's Plunger™ Factories are working into wee hours producing plungers in sufficient numbers - so far - to successfully plunge everything coming from city of Darkness and Confusion.

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R.O.C.K. in the USSA wrote:
Gulag 4 Alfred wrote:We need an immediate 5 yr. plan to increase the Peoples Plunger ™ production!
Comrades, I am pleased to report that The People's Plunger™ Factories are working into wee hours producing plungers in sufficient numbers - so far - to successfully plunge everything coming from city of Darkness and Confusion

How delightfully delightful that is. These .... That must be the "shovel ready" job dear kept referring to. Are we not pleased that Comrade SJL is the one in charge of such necessities... and has such experience!

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Grigori E.R. wrote:Plunge4Utopia? That's super Comrade Dig4Utopia. Your accepted Comrade,congratulations.

(I just joined for the hippie chicks.)


Comrade Sheila is very busy, what with trying to increase plunger production, lining up men's room/ladies room attendants, procuring rubles to build the memorial commemorating Neil Armstrong's planting of the flag on Mars,etc. With such as she looking out for our interest, why soon unemployment will be down to 20%!