
Bette Midler attacks Melania Trump’s accent

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Bette Midler faced an angry backlash last night after ridiculing Melania Trump's accent and calling her an 'illegal alien' while the first lady spoke at the Republican National Convention.

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Live-Tweeting during the Republican National Convention, Midler thought it was a good idea to make a quip about Melania Trump's accent.

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As one would expect, Trump supporters were not pleased with her xenophobic comments. The saddest part is she likely doesn't even realize how ignorant her Tweet makes her look.

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Melania Trump speaks five languages. Yes, she has an accent from her native tongue, but her intellect far exceeds that of the radical progressive Hollywood moron who spews out hateful vitriol on a regular basis.

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Melania Trump is fluent in 5 languages:


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Bette Midler's Tweet is currently being “ratioed” from every direction.

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Ms Midler's maid, Consuela, reached out to MSNBC today to reinforce her employer's support of immigrants.


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As long as they don't speak English when voting or in school it's all OK.

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I suppose Serbian and Slovenian are close enough to the Mother Tongue, but I don't see Arabic or even Persian on the list. Is this racist?

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Comrade Jenkem wrote:As long as they don't speak English when voting or in school it's all OK.


As long as they work for slave wages, vote Democrat, and do as the the elite leaders instruct.

God Bless the United States of America.

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Comrades, we did it once, now do it again: let's sing for graceful Melania (and all Komradettes included, of course).

Not Arabic, not Persian — Slovenian!