
Bible Justice: Tell God you want better commandments!

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SUBJECT: Bible Justice: Tell God you want new and better commandments now!

Dear Friend --

We're up against a whole lot more than just opposition in Congress.

We're facing an obstructionist entity that is willing to cling to every last outmoded law of nature and society to stop President Obama's agenda in its tracks.

The name of this entity is God, and you can be damned sure that he is not going to stop throwing wrenches in the works of progress unless you do as we say. Organizing for Action is going to shift the balance of power back to real people.

Today's most pressing issue that keeps all real people worried is, of course, same-sex marriage.

All it takes for us to be endowed by our Creator with the inalienable right to marry one or more persons of the same sex, is to demand via emails, Facebook, and Twitter that the Creator quit stalling and add same-sex marriage to his commandments.

This is going to be fun. If we do this right, the Creator won't know what hit him.

People like you have shown over and over again that no amount of brimstone can stop millions of Americans calling for change.

It's going to take each of us rolling up our sleeves and chipping in what we can when we can. Donate $5 or more right now to become a founding member of a new creation:

Jim Messina
Organizing for Action

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If only there was a more progressive deity out there that the media could tell us about!


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Surely Jim is not suggesting that there is another supreme being?!

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Tell the Colonel to fire up a wormhole.
It's time to introduce this riechwing God to a good old fashioned prog protest march!
He too will bow to the one true deity BARRACK HUSSEIN OBAMA's (pbuh) will!


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My Our entire collective has been demanding Newer And Better Commandments™ for years now. But only now that Dear Leader has been elected for His Second Term are these Demands being published for dissemination to the less-than-capable regular volk.

Our Demand compilation extends to multiple pages, but these particular Demands have filtered to the top of Our List Of Demands:

* You Cannot Use More Electricity Than Your Allocation.
* Ditto Water.
* Ditto Food.
* Ditto "Internet time".
* You Are Not Allowed To Curse Or Otherwise Disparage Our Brilliant Government Bureaucracy.
* The Rich (ptui, ptui) MUST Pay Their "Fair Share" (and Commissar Obama Decides What Is "Fair.")
* Commissar Obama MUST have more time to Impose Hope & Change upon The Ignorant Counter-Revolutionary Amerikkkan "dirty little nuthins people". Maybe 25-30 More Years - as our preliminary guess.
* ALL Firearms MUST be strictly reserved for use ONLY by Members Of The Glorious Heroic Peoples' Revolutionary Secret Police.
* ALL citizens Citizens In Good Standing Patriots are REQUIRED Urged to Report ANY suspicious activity by any neighbor, family member, or acquaintance. [Note: you may receive a reward if your report leads to an arrest!]

Beyond these, our List Of Commandment Demands has become rather lengthy (including demands about eating only locally-grown carrots, plus keeping tires properly-inflated to be enforced by firearms if necessary, and then there is the very sensible demand that "'electric clothes washers' are employed only by revanchist slackers in order to steal labor from the Collective".) However, many of these items seem to fall into the area of "Slightly-Less Urgent Demands..."

Yours - In - Stalin - Khruschev - Gorby The Peoples' Pal,
App. Unk.