
Big Brother is now CALLING YOU!

Comrades! The new White House Snitch line is WORKING. Here is the proof. A Boston talkshow right wing nut job Michael Graham has the evidence.

Was NH Man The First Victim Of Obama's Snitch Line?
by Michael Graham

August 7, 2009 @ 08:12

Meet NashuaDan.

That's the name a NH man uses when he posts comments about news stories in the Nashua Telegraph on their website.

On Wednesday he posted this comment about President Obama's upcoming visit to Portsmouth:

"I hope NH is better than letting this guy off the hook. Let Obama know what 'Live Free or Die' means (hint: it isn't reckless TAXING and SPENDING). Otherwise, Portsmouth will just be another glorified photo-op for the Socialist-in-Chief."

The next day, NashuaDan got a phone call from the government. To be more specific, he was called by the Secret Service.

On Thursday morning, NashuaDan found himself on the phone with a Secret Service agent, explaining that his remarks were only philosophical and not intended to threaten Obama, he said.

The Secret Service accepted his response, he said. And from now on, NashuaDan said he willuse caution in future Internet postings.

"I do support the fact that we have freedom of speech," he said in an interview. "This incident doesn't change my thoughts on that, but the lesson is, I'll have to choose my words carefully."
"I'll have to choose my words carefully." NashuaDan has clearly gotten the White House's message. He's been "recalibrated."

Here's my question: How did the White House get the message on NashuaDan? No disrespect to the fine folks of the Nashua Telegraph, but somehow I doubt that it's the newspaper sitting on President Obama's breakfast tray each morning. I'm guessing the White House staff doesn't pass it around fighting overwho gets to do the Jumble.

Isn't it far more likely that someone tipped the White House about NashuaDan's "dangerous"posting? Perhaps with a quick email to [email protected]?

Having been contacted by the Secret Service over harmless non-threatening comments myself, I know the folks are professional and just doing their jobs. But it is inherently threatening to a typical, law-abiding citizen to get that visit or receive that call.

And over what? Quoting the New Hampshire state motto? Some have suggested that the White House Snitch Line is illegal. I'm not so sure.

But I do know that a phone call from the Secret Service is far more threatening than anything NashuaDan put in his harmless posting.

Big Brother really IS watching you.

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NH must change its motto to avoid these unfortunate misunderstandings.

Live Free or Not

How about, "live free to snitch"

Comrade GLORIOUS NEWS! New Hampshie IS Going to change its Motto. FOR REAL. Seems like Live free or Die is too mean spirited. Click here for article ... 9d6f877309

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Ted State wrote:How about, "live free to snitch"

Comrade GLORIOUS NEWS! New Hampshie IS Going to change its Motto. FOR REAL. Seems like Live free or Die is too mean spirited. Click here for article,%20not%20a%20sales%20pitch&articleId=67b3f66f-d329-4e48-8821-dd9d6f877309

What in the hell are we going to do with all these damn quarters?

Reno? Just fixing your post Comrade prole. -RR

Hmmmmm I see TWO problems with your rubble there comrade. First of all, the Man on the Mountain fell down a few years ago. See here Too bad we didn't have Government health care back then. We could have glued him back on, perhaps suing some of Comrade Pelosi's Botox. The second problem is the state motto. Perhaps we can send all of those quarters to a reeducation camp or maybe THIS was the CHANGE our leader speaks so fondly of.

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Ah, glorious. It reminds me of Comrade Nicolae Ceausescu's Securitate in Romania, which would often make anonymous, mysterious phone calls to dissidents to scare them out of their minds.