
BLM's occupying sections of Seattle try to start a farm

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Here is a good laugh to start your weekend...

A group of BLM & Antifa anarchists who commandeered six city blocks in Seattle, are having a really hard time kick-starting their new “autonomous government.”

CHAZ Garden.jpg

They've named their new zone “CHAZ.”

Update: CHAZ is an acronym for "Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone."

CHAZ Garden2.png

On day one, the homeless people the communists invited into CHAZ, ate all their food, so they were already starving before they even started the second day.


Hopefully, this group of American-hating commies has Pizza Hut on speed dial

Obama statement.jpg

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A friend of mine used to call them city-ots.

Let's do farming!

Did they ask mini-Mike to 'splain to them how simple it is?

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The Seattle Antifa hires Mike Bloomberg as farming consultant.


User avatar all this seed planting, just remember what Bloomberg said about no gray matter required - which is a real load off for these shared croppers.

why even the mythical horned rodent in The People's Kindergarten Youff Kamp planted a seed of corn in a styrofoam cup that sprouted but yielded nothing but just amazement and joy...and horned rodent's gray matter is just fluff.

Russian Asset
#BR 549

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White kids take a city to free da Folk, an' da first thing dey do is set up a plantation.

An' don't get me started on the racist Seattle govment. In the 80's a few black folks take a few buildins, and da Man in Philly drops a bomb on dem and kills de childs. Today, a bunch of whities take down town Seattle, and dey open the door for dem. I demand equality: BOMB SEATTLE! or at least cut off their soy supply lines.


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Ellsworth Toohey wrote:
I never knew that Mayor Mike was the star in "Green Acres."