
Breath mints for the people!

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Comrades Rejoice!

Bourgeois scum has long denied the people the benefit of fresh breath but NO LONGER. Report to your collective and obtain your state ration of COMMIE MINTS!

Fresh breath while denouncing KKKapitalism... it it your RIGHT!

Revolutionize your breath just like Lenin and the Bolsheviks revolutionized Mother Russia!


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And try these other new, State approved flavors ........

Denounce-Mints and Harass-Mints !

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Very tasty flavors, comrade Krasnodar!

I also enjoy Entitle-Mints, Anti-Establish-Mints, & Indict-Mints.

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I love the smell of napalm, I mean, Commie Mints in the morning! It smells like victory over capitalism!