
C3: A new grave danger is already here, studies say

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Wednesday, Sep. 23, 2020. Five to midnight, we are here at a hurriedly convened inner-circle presser of the Weizenheimer Institut für Theoretische Experimenttechnik und Faktualitative Prognostik, headed by Prof. W.C.

Location: A cacophonous mix of a Jugendstil villa with a modernist bungalow, on a sunny (at daytime) slope over the Weizenheimer Gorge, a cul-de-sac in south-eastern Graubündner Alpen, Svizra (as they call their country here, in Rumantsch).

"Meine Herren," starts WC "we are here to get you informed of the new wave of doom, already rolling up upon the globe. To keep it short," continues WC "it's the Carbonous-Coronary Coagulum, characterized by its Coronaceous Carbo-Coating. Consequently, vee designate it C3. It was unmistakably identified by our Institute, in the meantime also unequivocally confirmed by the global net of our research bureaus. A falange of studies (they already circulate internally) reporting and analysing the C3 phenomenon will be switch-published in the coming days."

(himmelherrgott, a murmur goes through the interelitist audience - seasoned experts, top-grade indoctrination operators, reps of prog-govs, meritorious leaders of civil society, etc.)

A flurry, coming from the audience: ...but how..? ...where do you..? ...why now..? etc.
Meine Herren, meine Herren - WC waves his arms, calmingly - nacheinander, one by one pleeze.

Here! here! - Yes, points WC, pleez. Question 1?
Q1: C3, the nature of C3. Could you, the details, tell us some details, the essential details?
WC: Yes. A combination of Corona and Carbon. The Corona community obviously discovered the benefits which molecular, even atomical Carbon offers them. Single Corona specimens, and increasingly also flocks of them, started to build up a personalized coating out of single Carbon atoms and also of pico- up to nano-sized Carbon atom compounds. As you can easily imagine, the aim of such activity is to armour themselves. Literally armour, like medieval knights, in their Panzerung. Once they are panzered - panzered in composite fiber, mind you - they vill be invincible, literally unvanquishable.

(mumble, half-anxious half-triumphant - finally! carbon-corona, the cudgel! climate-pandemics united, apocalypse of doom!.. ja! jawohl! endlich mal, die massen unter kontrolle!.. ...)

Here! nami..! - Yes, yes, pleez, question 2.
Q2: Name, naming. C3, that's of..
WC: Yes, yes. Of course. Coronaceous Carbo-Coating, the technique, as just described, and thence C3. Also: the subject, the deployer of said technique. It's a Carbonous-Coronary Coagulum. Coagulum of Corona individuals with Carbonous objects. Subject and its technique, both C3.

(relaxation, approving whispers - yes yes, that's it, c3.. ja, so ist gut, voll korrekt.. nu, vot khitryi chit.. si, si, naturalmente, c-tre.. ...)

Yes, pleez. Ah, Bayerische Pravda? Griaß di! Question 3.
Q3: But but, how is it, the size. A coronator, and atom by atom. That's hopeless, the size..
WC: (searches within his lapel, fetches a circular slide rule) .. pm 170, single carbo, atom .. pico 170, times 6, 1020 pico, is 1 nano, fuhget 20 .. hm hmm .. coro 50-200, middle 100 nano .. uh uh, 6 for one nano, is 600 for 100 nano, jawohl .. well (returns the slide rule to within his jacket), cap-a-pie, a coronator needs just 600 single carbons. Carbon compounds, maybe 120, on average. So, 120 to 600 grabs, and Herr Korona is panzered, yes?

(pained moans - pico, nano, oh geez.. nein, nein, nur nicht das, nicht schon wieder.. yolki-palki, vot etot shutka.. coño, que es pico-nano?.. ...)

Next? o yep, pleez. Question 4.
Q4: What in Zürich, I mean Genf, Geneva. WHO, I mean Tedros Tedros-Ghali, they know? And..
WC: Yes, yes, sure. Vee informed, and our benefac.. our essential supporters too, of course. GenSek Guterres already proclaimed an urgently ultraspecial supranat spez-session, the whole ZK, Zentralkommittee.

(muffled laughter - fatso, ese hijo de puta.. fetter kommie und dem seine bande.. tyedros, kakoi kloun.. dumb gensek, our george will shove a petard up his ass.. ...)

One more, and then finished. Yess, question 5, pleez.
Q5: Yes, thank you. How is, the name of your, I mean techniq.. your methodology, and the name, it's "Theoretical Experimentation", yes? and "Factual Prognosis, Prognostics", correct? Does it mean..
WC: Ah, well. Yes, Theoretical Experimentation Technique. It stands for a highly advanced cognostic level, an ultimate level of cognizance extraction. You see, the specimens to be experimented with, they are of theoretical nature. Think e.g. outputs of series of complex model runs. For instance, you meticulously model Corona samples - molecular structure, behavior, lifecycle and all. That's your Model Co (#42, #314, whatever), by Team Blue. Likewise, Team Red models Carbon, all quirks included, and the result is Model Ca (say, #2.718). So, the CoCa-runs yield our theoretical specimens, and now we can start experimenting with them. In our case, the post-CoCa experiments show steadfastly the Coronators carbonously panzering. Simple to understand? eh? (looks around) eh? So, that's our technique, the Theoretical Experimentation Technique.

(approval, scattered applause - yeah, that's the way, mystery model magikk!.. hah, hah, wieder mal modell-keule, gut so!.. yob tvayu, obmanivayushchiy modyelizm.. ...)

Q+: Yes, yes, now it's clear. And, uh, "Factual Prognostics"?
WC: Oh, no no. Not "Factual" but "Factualitative". As you could see, we don't experiment on "facts" (in this case, schmutzy nano-lumps of earthly matter, constantly yammering for respiratory vapors, randomly bouncing around, trying to ahem-ahem each other, dying), no, no, we experiment on factuality, and thusly our out of the blu.., I mean, our prognostics are factualitative. Agreed? eh? (looks around) eh? Well, I see you all got it, and I'm confident that our benefac.. our essential supporters, and also Fatso comrade Guterres plus this Tedros Tedros caboose in Genf, will be fully pleased with your reporting.

(outright laughter, cheers - ... korrekt!.. delude!.. deceive!.. derange!.. deconstruct!.. discombobulate!.. ...)

A quarter to 1am, WC finalized: Meine Herren, you are the chosen ones. Pleez be careful in your reporting. Remember that our future contacts, further calls and invitations of you to our sublime circle included, depend on your conform.. collaborative exactitude in rendering the factualitativ.. facts which vee confided to you. Ja?

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Colonel Obyezyana wrote:... Perfesser!

Yet I sincerely hope, you, Colonel, didn't catch any harm - eh?


Btw (and all hail Marx!), I saw Godzilla in recovery, and back home!

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That was most equal, Comrade, and thus I award you with The People's Ben-Wa Balls, which are mostly equal but seldom useful, mostly. (Just be sure to wash them and use only State-approved industrial lubricants.)


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By Lenin's scrotum! .(und zank yu, zank yu, Genosse!)

Can't wait until Komradette CIZ stops by, her Gulag-warden boots on, and plays a little with those cuties. (inner Perfesser can't help but remark that the volume of each one is (4/3)*Pi*Radius³.)

And another deep thought: What fun would Komrade Craptek alias Rodent have with those revolutionarily geometro-organic objects, eh?

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My brain hurts and I'm pretty sure it's not because of the beet vodka. This is far worse than any of the water-boarding re-education I was ever subjected to. Comrade GD, you should not be releasing State Secrets™ to the masses. We can't give them an opportunity to prepare.

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Colonel Obyezyana wrote:...
Genosse Dummkopf wrote:... Btw (and all hail Marx!), I saw Godzilla in recovery, and back home! ...
You wondered (#MeToo), how is it that (a) Godzilla (documented!) dies, and then (b) recovers and (documented!) returns home?

That guy, you know.. that... (pkhhhhh! snort.. splutter..) Perfesser (giggle.. titter..), he decoded how that can be.

Yes - he splained - Godzilla read, Godzilla died, Godzilla ascended to Ethereal Bestiarium. And there they say to Godzilla: Lookie, in a few decades, maybe two, maybe one, that Perfesser will come here, too. Godzilla: Akh, zou.. Dhen tranzmit mine bak. And bziiiii-eee-dyoommmp, here Godzilla, back home. EOD, End-Of-Decoding.

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Colonel Obyezyana wrote:...
Kapitan Kangaroo Kourt wrote:My brain hurts ...
First Godzilla, then Gorilla, now Marsupial...
Stroke-n-died, next tried-to-read, and now brain-hurts.

What's that?
Yet another facet of La Petite Différence between Anthropocomrades versus Other-speciesistically identifying Komrade/s/ttes?

(just wondering: Why no Anthropocomrades here? Too busy with Planetary Karbonizm? Too mesmerized by Koronator-voices susurrating 24/7 from the walls?
Ekh, fsyo ravno... Maybe (pkhhhhh..) Perfesser can (pkhhh..) "decode" it?)

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Genosse Dummkopf wrote:
Colonel Obyezyana wrote:... Perfesser!
Now here you get a truly magnificent specimen!

tweet (of a White House correspondent for Newsmax TV) wrote:... Georgetown University .. hiring disgraced FBI agent Peter Strozk [sic] as a professor.

A 17 second summary (yep: miscreant Strzok, now perfesser!):

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(having perchancely visited that mausoleum of a Kubic Idea a year later...)

Komrades, I denonunce my dummkopf.

It satirizes It meant to satirize . . . .

Switzerland Graubünden ( Rumantsch), that points to.. Davos!
The Jugendstil villa hosting the Weizenheimer Institut, that's.. WEF!
The Carbonous-Coronary thing, that's.. the amalgam of Koronizm & Klimatizm!
[right](by then, mid 2020, already in the making!)[/right]
Inter-journos, stammering xzem ill-considered questions.. Kfality Shurnalizm 2000!
W.C.? why, Weisenheimer of Carbono-Coronism!
Herr Prof. W.C. - well, none other but.. haughty Herr Dr. Schwab!
[right](morphed now Klaus-Ernst Stavro Schwabfeld)[/right]
Of kohs1 there is also a flashback to the War Room with Dr. Strangelove-Schwabfeldov giving the "Perfesser" (in Q3), and so on...

1 vee all know Dummkopf's reverence for Kubrick, eh?

Komrades, I doubleplusdenonunce myself!

The whole thing is – particularly from the transatlantic vantage point of KKKapitalism's Motherland – indeed, in―de―ci―phe―ra―ble.
The (above!) death (and lucky (above!) revival) of Godzilla were in―ev―i―ta―ble.