
Calling a Spade a Spade

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Grab your shovels comrades, our day is about to dawn. I don't know about you, but I've been polishing the shaft of my new shovel all night in eager anticipation of the coming of our messiah.

Yesterday at a photo-op our Dear Leader said that everyone must do their jobs, because if if everybody did the their jobs well, everything would be just fine. Tomorrow I plan to be standing by the door in my work boots, shovel in one hand and cellphone in the other waiting for the knock on the door or phone call telling me where to report for my "shovel ready assignment".

btw: Like most folks I gave my beloved shovel a name. I call mine "David". Get it? David Spade...Joe Dirt....Little joke there....ah, nevermind.

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There was time when Commissarka Pinkie glued a picture of Brad Pitt's head on the working end on her shovel and took it to bed with her. Don't ask.

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Comrade Whoopie, we are all reporting to Washington DC tomorrow for People's shoveling duty. After Lord Obama Won Kenobi's speech and the MSM coverage of same, the city will be waist-deep in you-know-what which will have to be removed before Wednesday (so Congress can resume and generate much, much, more!) It will kind of like a snow storm, only brown. There will be plenty of work for shovellers there for the next four years as our society's best and brightest roll up their sleeves and do what they do best.

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Comrade TV-ski I seek solace in the old proverb

<img width="500" src=" ... age_01.jpg">
"that which hits the fan shall not be evenly distributed"

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There was time when Commissarka Pinkie glued a picture of Brad Pitt's head on the working end on her shovel and took it to bed with her. Don't ask.

I was about to make a comment but then decided I like the current convex shape of my skull.

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Comrade Whoopie wrote:
Grab your shovels comrades, our day is about to dawn. I don't know about you, but I've been polishing the shaft of my new shovel all night in eager anticipation of the coming of our messiah.

Ah, Comrade Whoopie, good work! But remember, it's not the length of that shaft that counts--it's how hard and fast and deep you can dig!

Now excuse me, while I take my own shovel and hunt down a certain Brain in a Jar and a certain Cube in a Hand.

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A Cube in a hand beats a Brain in a jar every time. Pinkie beats them both. Unmercifully.

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Comrade Betinov, I thought your species was protected by the Partytm . Therefore since you are more equal than others how in the parties name are you cowering in your jar? Go forth and proclaim your superiority to Pinkie and that she should bow down to you.

Therefore I DENOUNCE Pinkie as a 23%'er for not acknowledging your protected status

* Commissar L.R. Star neither confirms or denies this communique

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Pinkie! PINKIEEEEE!!! Lookit, lookit, lookit what LRS said! Hit him, not me! Don't believe the disclaimer!

BTW, what the Hell species do you think I am? True, the term "weasle" has been applied, but it's more of a description of my actions, not my DNA.

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I'm trying to beat Lone Red Star with my shovel, but I scarcely have room to swing it around the small space in his pink Hello Kitty tank. I'll have to hit him with something else. Something smaller, with an easy-to-grab top I can fit in my hand. Something hard, with a flat, blunt surface on its bottom . . .

Ah, Betinov! Your jar! That'll do nicely!

BAM! Take that, Lone Red Star! BAM! Try to denounce me, will you? BAM!--oops! What happened to your jar, Betinov? I can't see inside this tank, it's so dark. And what's all this wet stuff splattered everywhere?

I hope it's Lone Red Star's blood.

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Thank the Collective, but now Obama is in power, and my healthcare shall be provided free of fact, I bet I'll get paid for using the National Health Service to repair my jar and the protoplasm therein.

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Alas poor pinkie, in your exuberant zeal to turn my grey matter pink all you have done is to deface the bust of his O'liness I carry in the BMP. I will admit though that it does look odd with a tinge of grey on it. Hopefully this does not prove to be a bad omen for the Glorious Leader of Next Tuesday. I will gladly transport Comrade Betinov to the nearest Autopsy,er Body dump, er hospital facility and turn over the heinous taped onslaught to Marshal Pupovich and youtube so we may start your show trial.