
Calling All Comrades

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I've been rambling on for years about Communist Progressive Pride. It's time we stood up and announced to the World I'm a Communist Progressive and DAMN PROUD of it!

So, if you have a ounce of Progressive Truth in your bones, please join me in this Special “Dependence Day” seminar titled “Trolling Palinites” ( How to troll conservative blog sites and retain your sanity ):

In this special "hands on", online seminar we shall foray into the vast, Obama forsaken wilderness of the Palinites. We shall attempt to educate them in the error of their ways, theWord of the Obama and whatever the Current Truth of the Day is.

Comrade Dr. Gagafolo had this to say;
“Warning, this seminar will not be for the faint of heart. These ventures into the land of the Reich-Wing, Tea Bagger's can be hazardous to your health and sanity. These people, if you can call them that, don't have the same brains as we have. I strongly suggest only the most stalwart Comrades apply.”

Commissar Red Star sent the following orders;
“Yes Comrades, it is your Patriotic Duty to comment on (to be announced), our message of "Hope and Change” must be delivered.....”

Commissar Red Star CEO Hemlock Hospitality® INC
Director of Kicking Doors at Midnight
Keeper of the sacred Plasma Cutter
Herdsman of Rainbow Farting Unicorns
Defender of the Faith

*Stay tuned. The Seminar will begin at the stroke of Midnight est and continue all day.
The raucous Camaraderie comes to a halt as Grigori enters the classroom. He is followed by Comradess Fraulein Pulloskies and Commissar Colonel 7.62. Grigori is garbed in his tattered Monk's Robe and he gently lays down his most prized possessions, his Book of Obama, his Saint Nansky Cross and Comrade Reid Prayer Beads.

“First, I would..........What the?......Ok, who's the smart ass who wrote on the chalkboard: “Grigori is an old Foo Fart”?”

These young ones. I'll have my work cut out for me!

“Ahem, I would like to thank the lovely Comradess Fraulein Pulloskies and the Commissar of Time Colonel 7.62 for taking time out of their extremely busy schedules to join us in this Righteous Endeavor. So let's have a rousing, shoe banging welcome for Fraulein Pulloskies and Colonel 7.62! Yeah!”

“Ok, calm down.....Comrade Buffoon, nice to see you without that Boot on your head.”
“Comrade JAC (Just A Car), I'm sorry, you can't park your little green car in here. We need the room for more Comrades.”

“Let us begin.”
Comrade Chedo is frantically waving his hands.
"Yes, Comrade Chedo?"
“Holy Saint Pelosky Grigori, do we have to do this?”
“Yes we must, Comrade Chedo. It's time for us to give our all for The Party, Dear Leader Obama and our dear friends who have helped us in the Great Struggle.”

“I've programmed the People's Main Frame with a list of the most heinous, conservative blogs who dare blaspheme theWord. It will pick one at random based on the Moon's position over DC at 00:00 est. Frau, would you hand me the printout please? Thank you Comradess and the winner is...... gulp, I was hoping for an easy one, iOTW. This is a particularly vile site, along with it's creator, I'm loathe to say it, a Reaganite named “Big Fur Hat”. I Own The World indeed! Here's the link

“Before you venture forth Comrades, you must beware. These Palinites are crafty devils! They will ply you with reason, facts, figures and logic! These things will be said to confuse you Comrades. Remember that anything bad anyone says about Obama is just a distraction. High unemployment, the deficit, the oil spill, Afghanistan, they will all be blamed on Dear Leader Obama."

“Comrade Whoopie has prepared a great list of Talking Points (below). They will be most effective when used in a mix & match fashion and no matter what the topic, be sure to praise Dear Leader Obama and of course Marxism.”

"Just in from Comrade Whoopie: Any posts you see are fair game to add a comment. Obviously whatever's on top that has the least number of comments already is a prime target. That gets you maximum exposure."

"Let us go forth Brothers and Sisters, LET'S KICK SOME ASS!"

Talking Points:

Of course, blame Bush. He's the gift that keeps giving.

If someone complains about the Chicago way...that's just politics as usual.

If Michelle is's because she's black, or because people are jealous or envious of her beauty.

Cap-n-trade or climate legislation...that's "energy policy" now.

The failed stimulus...that's a "jobs bill" now.

ObamaCare is's health care reform.

Kagan...a wise Lesbina.

Illegal immigrants...undocumented Democrat voters.

The Constitution...a list of negative rights.

Islamic Extremism...non-sectarian activism.

Tea Partiers...Christian Extremists.

Hamas...Palestinian peace activists.

Dirty Jews...Zionist occupiers.

Afghanistan...a quagmire.

Taliban...our Afghan peace partners.

Iranian nuclear enrichment...they have a right to develop non-polluting forms of energy.

American nuclear energy...a dangerous threat to the environment.

Capital punishment...judicial murder.

Abortion/euthanasia...choice/end of life counseling.

Book ban/net neutrality/fairness doctrine...regulating hate speech.

Gun owners...right wing militia.

Armed drug gangs...neighborhood organizations.

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I can not wait. It sounds like a true "re-education" at its' best!

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Eyes Only
Not to worry Comrade Buffoon, that was an old posting. The latest is a 4th of July thing, perfect! Now I know everyone's excited, but orders are to wait for 00:00 hours est.

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Gun jumping will not be tolerated! However your choice of targets is very good. These reactionary running dogs at

deserve to be educated. They have mocked our Dear Leader far too long. High time for all right left thinking comrades to pay them a visit and set them straight.

Dependence Day is a perfect opportunity to stroll over there and give them a piece of your mind.

And while you're there, give a thumbs up to any commenter who displays an avatar of someone giving the finger...they're our fellow travelers from a shadowy group of agitators known as "The Commentariat." The People United Will Never Be Defeated!

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It is already the 4th here. I have tuned in to Radio Pyongyang to get the requisite dirt.

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Wow, the People's Main Frame picked iOTW! What a coincidence.

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Just made my first comment:
I was thinking Happy “Dependence Day”
Hmmmmm, nice site. Let's see here, uh hummm, uh hummm, oh my Obama! These people really do exist!

Que the sounds of hammers cocking, pump shotguns being pumped and pins being pulled on grenades.

Don't shoot! I'm unarmed! I only have my Bible (the Book of Obama), my Saint Pelosky Cross and my Harry Reid Prayer beads. It was an honest mistake. I saw I Own The World and just assumed it was an Obama site. Now take a deep breath “folks” (that is the correct term I hope), lower your weapons and I'll be backing out of here ever so slowly……….

Not! I just stopped by to spread theWord of the Obama, hallowed be his name. Please continue with whatever it is you do here.

Think I stirred the pot a little Comrades?

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My Comrades

I have done my Duty to the Collective. I have ventured forth into the realms of Darkness and I have spread the Light Of Collective Wisdom and Current Truth!



This man is a dangerous thought criminal and should be send for End Of Life Counseling immediately!

Non Gender Specific Person Kagan is beyond reproach. Whatever this goon says she did in the past is NOT part of the Current Party Approved Truth and therefore IT NEVER HAPPENED! This is comparable to the vile accusations that Robert Byrd was ever a racist. Obama said he was not, therefore it is the Truth!

I must say, I am really starting to doubt the patriotism of this website. Who is this Big Fur Hat non-person anyway? A tea party mole?

One Rethuglikkkan One Bullet!


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Of course Roman Polanski is innocent.

We all know that the Prophet of the Religion of Peace had his wife when she was nine years old. So what Polanski did is just part of millenia old Progressive tradition!

May I suggest that your Dear Leader Obama absolves Roman of all his “sins” (which was just being a good Prog anyway) and award his the Purple Heart, or whatever medal America has to offer, for Courageous Restraint in Not Coming Back to the USA in Many Decades!



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My Comrades

This is most interesting. The application of this reaches far beyond the obvious. This may have far reaching implications for the Science of the Current Truth!

Just imagine this, my comrades. The American Declaration of Independence (What a vile document!) is written on a piece of parchment manufactured from this miraculous material.

Now imagine a Paragon of Progressiveness, like Elena Kagan wants to expunge the words “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights…” The paper simply miraculously folds itself in such a way that the words disappear, as if they have never been written!

The Current Truth is that these vile words were never written, so this ugly inconsistency at the Truth Event Horizon will have been corrected!



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@ Snowball

You seem to be quite smart (A cat with an opposable middle finger)and yet you are too stupid to see that most of those words have never been written.

Please refer to my post under the video of the Folding Paper.

The Current Truth does not allow words like “created” “Creator” or “Inalienable rights”.

Rights are bestowed or revoked by the state. In America's case, the State is now represented by the Incomparable Obama. The Current Truth is that the vile document you refer to actually states “Obama Bestowed Alienable Rights”



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My Comrades

This is very confusing. This man is obviously not a Tea Partier but a true progressive.

A Tea Partier would go across America in an SUV or around the globe in a Gulf Stream, spewing Carbon into the air and not even bothering to buy Carbon Credits to atone for his environmental sins.

The fact that he WALKED across America showed that he has a deep seated love and respect for Gaia. HE CANNOT BE CONSERVATIVE!

The only conclusion one can make from this is that he is a Mole planted by the Party (Not the Tea Party, moron) to destroy the vile Tea Party from within!

May I suggest we all give this courageous man our support!



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What a gloriously simple way to control the Juice population! Dispense this to al the male Juice while our Palestinian allies breed as usual! This way we will see the Unification of Palestine without having to fire a single shot!

Allahu Akbar!

La Ilaha Illa Alla, wa Obama RasoolUllah!


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Seems Comrade Helen is now posting comments at iOTW:

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That's a big Thumbs Up for Leader Obamugabe!

You can get your avatar to follow you where ever you comment. Go to It's free.

Remember to give a thumbs up to all the finger givers.

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I have forwarded the link to this thread to the Commentariat so that they know we are in solidarity with their cause.

Long live the Revolution!

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Whew, I just got back from placating our beloved MTE (the things I do for my Comrades). It was a heavy price to pay but I finally got her to contact the iOTW with the terms of their surrender. That Big Fur Hat person won't answer any of my calls. We'll see what happens.................

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I've read both threads and (curse) BLESS (accuse) The Peoples Pork Collective and a stoopid celebration of freedom and capitalism for hindering my Utopian activities!

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Read? READ! Please tell me you commented Comrade Buffoon. Not commenting WAS NOT AN OPTION Comrade!

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My Red phone's ringing...........
"Hello,... Hill sweetie? ....... I've been waiting for your call."
"He said what? and he said do what with our terms? Well, you knew this was going to be difficult.........Uh huh.......uh Huh."
"We've got to end this at midnight. My Our funding runs out then. Yes I tried to get an extension but George won't budge."
"OK, do what you can........"
"Love you too sweetie, bye."

Jeeeesh, the things I have to do. I need a drink.

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Just in:
The APP (Associated People's Press) reports that a Peace Accord has been reached between the Peoples Cube and the iOTW. Unconfirmed rumors are that Sec. of State Hillary Clinton was instrumental in crafting the Peace Accord. Officials at neither the Peoples Cube or the iOTW could be reached for comment. This was probably due to the Holiday weekend.

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Comrade Obamugabe,

Are "Amandla" tattoos covered covered under ObamaCare? I think I need one on my forehead: Wear it loud, wear it proud!

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Comrade_Tovarich wrote:Comrade Obamugabe,

Are "Amandla" tattoos covered covered under ObamaCare? I think I need one on my forehead: Wear it loud, wear it proud!

Comrade Tov

Sorry, don't know about Obamacare.

Here in Africa we brand it with a hot iron on your behind.

For Free.

For the Children.



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My Comrades!

While I do not want to diminish the fact that I am an equal among equals, I do think it needs to be said that one of my posts at iOTW earned 10 thumbs!

That is why I am President For Life!



(With obvious thanks to the comrades who contributed)

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I noticed that not one Tea Bagging Palinite disagreed with what our forces had to say. In fact there was widespread support for our message. I do believe we re-educated many of them. Planting the seeds of self doubt will pay dividends come Next Tuesday.

Well done comrades, well done.

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Breaking News from the APP:

It's was a glorious morning aboard the People's Eco-Friendly Aircraft Carrier. Commodore Snoogie Woogums was positively radiant as he strode upon the Carrier's grass covered deck, his crisp, white uniform glowing in the morning sun.

Already seated at the conference table was Comrade Whoopie who kindly agreed to be the Proxy for the iOTW. In attendance were the usual media types, dignitaries and Sec. Clinton who was smiling from ear to ear.

After the signing of the Historic, ground breaking Treaty between the Peoples Cube and the iOTW, we spoke to Sec. Clinton. She had this to say;" This is one giant step towards World Peace. This is what I do best, now where did that Grigori get to?

We caught the People's Cube Spiritual Adviser just as he was sneaking aboard his waiting helicopter. He said only two words; "Mission Complete".

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OH shite!, that I would have seen this on Dependence Day (Depends Day?) instead of with lateness, but that is my lot. I do proudly announce Red Pride ™ Image and stand with dear Leader Obamoa in denouncing capitaism! "It's it's good'nuff for Mama Mo, It is good'nuff for me! ™

ImageImage oh yes!

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Grigori E.R. wrote:Read? READ! Please tell me you commented Comrade Buffoon. Not commenting WAS NOT AN OPTION Comrade!

Often times machinery does not work for the benefit of the collective. Corn rendered moldy months ago now rears its head,,, and makes a big effin mess glorious compost pile!


Well, maybe Ethanol...

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Comrade Buffoon,

As Comrade Obamugabe most likely recalls from the extensive exploitative farms that produced corn and other staples, farms that are now run with social justice for all, moldy wheat and related plants are not necessarily a bad thing. Ergot can help achieve the enlightened conscience that aids the development of progressive thought.

Why, "Ergot" even sounds progressive with its non-family-friendly cover.

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Ergot Poisoning is currently considered to be the cause that led to the Salem Witch Trials: ... re=related

I'm afraid we're going to have to confiscate your stash Comrade Buffoon. We will, er, see to it that it is properly re-distributed among the masses. Comrade_Tovarich and I will see to it personally.

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I seem to recall a recipe for roast pig that involved getting the hog drunk on Jack Daniels whiskey a couple hours before butchering. I hear tell it imparts a fine flavor to the meat.

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How did you get Hilary to drink that much?

oh, never mind.... I misread.

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As usual I'm two days late to the party. Or is the party two days late to me? I'm not sure. But while infiltrating a capitalist organization this last week, I had to pretend to work so much, I'm only now syncing the world with my office. My humble contribution. ... ent-150904

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You praises Google and not dear Leader? A week in Jiffy-Lobo for you!


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I thought the only roasting going on was of vast right-wing conspiracy tomes, pedagogical materials like physics textbooks that are culturally or otherwise biased, Bibles, Torahs, Books of Mormon, Declarations of Independence, and Constitutions. Have I missed something?

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Are we going to Summer internment camp? Sounds exciting!!

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Good idea Comrade Marxist. Maybe Camp Karl? Books and documents burning in the campfire and our camp counselors are to die for. Comrade Che Gourmet makes a great chicken and black bean soup. Just don't say anything bad about his cooking and you'll be fine.

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I recall the time he introduced haute cuisine to the People's cafeteria. A square plate with a zig-zag of ketchup, a few leaves of endive, a slice of beet and two chick peas on top. Oh and let's not forget the sprig of rosemary on the side. I used it to pick my teeth afterward.

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Groucho Marxist wrote:Are we going to Summer internment camp? Sounds exciting!!

I do hope we can build the camp itself, to protect ourselves from Their kind. Then we can dig beets and tubers, polish Party members' boots, dig holes and fill them back in again, and so much more while singing the real classics like the Internationale.

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ah yes! The glorious days of summer in remembrance! Hours of toiling in the gulag galley fixing those delectable beets and chick pea entree with that tasty ketchup (I do have some regrets for using so many cats). There is nothing like a summer campery to revitalize our Prog minds for entitlements.