
Be Careful Where You Point That Banana

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When they started protesting on campuses in support of terrorist organizations,” I did nothing because it didn’t affect me.

When they started arresting people for calling terrorist organizations “terrorist organizations,” I did nothing because it didn’t affect me.

When they started arresting people for brandishing bananas, I realized that real life had become a Monty Python film.
Last week at a pro-Hamas demonstration, London Police arrested a counter-protester for holding up the flag of England and eating a banana. Why? Because RACIST WHITE SUPREMACY!

Leftists have determined that the flag of England is a heinous symbol of centuries-past colonialist racism and oppression (by a nation that can now barely tie its own shoes anymore), so holding one up is a triggering act deserving arrest for public disorder (at an already disorderly demonstration) in the eyes of oafish London police.
But what about the humble, innocuous banana? Some imbeciles have recently decided it must be a symbol of White Supremacy because the student protesters at an American university specified that bananas should not be included in the free meals they demanded (due to someone among them having a “banana allergy,” which sounds like pure snowflakery).

Nonetheless, the usually vacant imaginations of Leftists were roused from their accustomed dormancy and suddenly bananas are being tagged as symbols of two things that live almost exclusively only in the minds of Leftists: White Supremacy and Racism. This leap in logic is how assholery is spawned and spread, similar to how the Left condemned the “OK” hand gesture as symbolizing White Power. 

It seems that the Left won’t be satisfied until no one can effectively communicate without hurting someone’s feelings (which isn’t illegal yet but they’re working on it with “Hate Speech” legislation). It also seems as if everything is going according to plan since the Frankfurt School of the 1920s–the originators of Political Correctness—migrated to Columbia University in the 1950s.

Comrades, a banana is just a banana.....even if some people just don't get it.

Joe Banana.jpg

 REFS: ... n-protest/ ... ist-group/

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I once thought of something shortly after the 2016 election. I called it "the goose step two step," Everyone ought to know that the National Socialists were first display goose stepping in parades and rallies, then I noticed that the Soviet Socialist military, adopted the marching style of their hated enemy, the National Socialists. But then I saw news footage of Chinese, Cuban and North Koreans and they too goose stepped. Then, the Middle East began numerous brushfire wars leading inexorably to Desert Storm. It seemed everyone who toted a Kalashnikov did the goose step, all bad actor Dictator's armies, and even Hamas and other entities not affiliated with any client state, goose stepped.

The Goose Step Two Step is a tap dancing routine leftoids do to avoid owning fascistic violence they commit while pointing their fingers at perceived fascists.

While contemplating all of that, I dredged up a memory from my youth, nearly 60 years ago. I didn't realize it had been made in 1941 in protest to the Nazi invasion of Holland. I remembered it in black and white because we had a B&W TV, here it is, George Pal's "Tulips Shall Grow."

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Comrades, remember; the banana is a temporary and situational weapon designed to protect you as long and until you can get away, or to a superior toaster pastry to defend yourself.

3.5 years later, 'Pop Tart Gun' suspension resolved

Your welcome.  Now, let's get back to our beets, shall we?

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Ivan the Stakhanovets wrote:
5/13/2024, 10:51 am
Your welcome.  Now, let's get back to our beets, shall we?



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Bananas are cultivated on PLANTATIONS. That means colonial enslavement. Bananas don’t have the political power to be weaponized. It takes people to weaponize bananas.

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Most Equally Esteemed Comrades,

THIS should make everything crystal clear. 

Red Salmon

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The next obvious step is to close the banana clip loophole at Hair Stylist’s Shows.

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jackalopelipsky wrote:
5/14/2024, 11:00 am
The next obvious step is to close the banana clip loophole at Hair Stylist’s Shows.

You've reminded me! There is no such thing as a banana "clip."

Common 30-round ammunition magazines.
Common 30-round ammunition magazines.

These are magazines, not "clips." Therefore, banana clips do not exist and if they do not exist they cannot be racist.


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Colonel Obyezyana wrote:
5/14/2024, 11:28 am
jackalopelipsky wrote:
5/14/2024, 11:00 am
The next obvious step is to close the banana clip loophole at Hair Stylist’s Shows.

You've reminded me! There is no such thing as a banana "clip."


These are magazines, not "clips." Therefore, banana clips do not exist and if they do not exist they cannot be racist.


The jackalope just loves it when that happens!! Happiness for everyone, comrades.