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Chair relativism:

Obama chair and bench.png

(Top photo courtesy of
Bottom photo courtesy of a Nikon wide-angle lens.)


Cher the chair.png

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I'll play...

Which direction is the U.S.S.A. heading in?
Option 1
Option 2
Field of Dreams, or Down the Crapper?

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Comrade Sister,

I do believe you captured the essence of the Chairman's chair.

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The Sheeples' Chair... a chair for the sheeple.

sheep chair.jpg

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Comrade Maksim,

With your artwork, you have cut straight to the nub of what truly offended our Demokrat brethren and sistren during the performance by thought-criminal Eastwood.

Had Dear Leader been presented in such a proper throne of imposing majesty and ruthless devotion to the cause, it would have been a fitting tribute, and no doubt he would have verbally "Chuck Norrised" Mr. Eastwood's clock on that stage.

Instead, Dear Leader was given but a prole's chair upon which to rest his glorious haloed buttocks. It's no wonder he was made to look foolish in front of a hall full of thought criminals.