
Coming Soon

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Drat !

I can't seem to find my event calendar for October thru November.

Does anyone here at the Cube know the date when the MSM starts pumping out the word about mass hysteria and rioting in America's cities if Obama loses the election ?

I didn't want to miss recording the broadcasts.

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I believe the memo said on November 1, Comrade.

It's still uncertain if the right-wing wacko extremist assault weapon mass murders will start just before or just after.

Timing is everything.

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Enter the ol' " Anarchy & Implementation of Marshal Law by Executive Order " Plan !

I sure hope this idea of Dear Leader's works.
If not, we just might have a November election after all...... with Romney as the winner.

Comrade Alinsky, help us !

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Like drone strikes, the One is likely relying upon His superior wisdom and tactical insight to make the decision for the MSM at "just the right time." The implant in Matthspews leg will start to tingle; he will get on the batty-phone to Rachel Maddog; and, the ball will be rolling. Text messages to the 47% via obamafone will be sent, followed by "verified" reports of "grumblings" "heard" on "the street" (including Sesame). Since bars on windows will not deter firebombs, those not dead or illegal (those votes are locked) who were even thinking of just chillin' at home and smokin' a doobie on election day will line up for the One to avoid the disaster-in-the-making. Brilliant! A true Chicago vote-for-The-One "or else" plan.

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Comrade Kras,

Dear Leader has been ordering his minions for quite some time now to stockpile ammo all the way from Homeland Security to the IRS. They have been purchasing ammo like it's been going... well... as if they were preparing for something huge to happen, and I don't think it's for a 21-gun salute when Dear Leader wins reelection forever.

Does anyone know if they allow Teddy bears in the FEMA camp?

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Does this count? --

From ... sue-2.html

"On the left, widespread allegations of voter suppression likely would emerge if Romney loses the popular vote but wins the presidency.

Citing the strict voter identification laws that have been passed in several states, Harold Meyerson speculated in a July column in The Washington Post about what would transpire “if Romney comes to power on the strength of racially suppressed votes.”

“Mass demonstrations would be in order,” Meyerson wrote. “So would a congressional refusal to confirm any of Romney's appointments. A presidency premised on a racist restriction of the franchise creates a political and constitutional crisis, and responding to it with resigned acceptance or inaction would negate America's hard-won commitment to democracy and equality.” "

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Leeroy Jenkinsky wrote:Does this count? --

From ... sue-2.html

"On the left, widespread allegations of voter suppression likely would emerge if Romney loses the popular vote but wins the presidency.

Citing the strict voter identification laws that have been passed in several states, Harold Meyerson speculated in a July column in The Washington Post about what would transpire “if Romney comes to power on the strength of racially suppressed votes.”

“Mass demonstrations would be in order,” Meyerson wrote. “So would a congressional refusal to confirm any of Romney's appointments. A presidency premised on a racist restriction of the franchise creates a political and constitutional crisis, and responding to it with resigned acceptance or inaction would negate America's hard-won commitment to democracy and equality.” "

Comrade, that's like asking if the NBPP blocking a Pennsylvania polling place "counts". We know that it's impossible for any sort of voter fraud to take place -- unless Mittens™ wins.

And pay no attention to that guy who said, "I have a dream!"

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"America's hard-won commitment to democracy and equality.”
Image If this were a democracy, I might give a rat's behind. It has been until recently [i.e., "executive" BS], and must be again, a Constitutional Republic. (can I emphasise that more?). If it were a democracy, we would not need the idiots on the Supreme Court, dead-vote counters would be enough. That character has the nerve to talk about a constitutional crisis? I wonder if he has read The Constitution of the Unites States of America. (Cue The Anthem please ....)

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Comrade Anyer,
Would you by any chance be related to Rufus T. Firefly ?

Marxism ( sm ).....jpg

Such a commanding figure ...... so progressive !

His promise : " I'll do my best to bring about vast accomplishments with half-vast ideas. "

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Image Comade Krasnodar,

I am actally an unaborted waif, unrelated to anyone or anything except my wife and 4 children, but I can't mention them for fear of reprisal for: 1) being heterosexual; 2) having more than .7 children; and, 3) having to actually work to support this crowd, but have found purpose in purposelessness in my pseudo-parents' (governments') ranchhouse basement. To borrow the addition of a Comrade, since I have no thoughts of my own, I am the 47% + 99% therefore 144% idiot. But I have a shovel (!) and follow at the end of the Kool-Aid Parade to scoop and preserve the leavings of The Glorious and Glamorous ( One. Image As masters of satire and spoof The Marx & Co. would likely agree that even the Cube Comrades could not make up the stuff harpooned here without a whale. And BTW, PETA, no actual whales are harmed by the jests. I only hope to be worthy to post alongside those such as Comrade Putout, to mention only one, whose background illustration is as entertaining as her foreground points. Innuendo intended.

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Krasnodar wrote:Enter the ol' " Anarchy & Implementation of Marshal Law by Executive Order " Plan !

I sure hope this idea of Dear Leader's works.
If not, we just might have a November election after all...... with Romney as the winner.

Comrade Alinsky, help us !

PamALINSKY here! I'll help!

Um, let's see, um… ignore or demonize anything and everything the opposition says! Yeah! That's the ticket! Make stuff up, if necessary! This always works and if you repeat it enough, it will be believed!

This meme has worked so far, why would it not work now?

I don't see the problem here.