
David Swanson to Discuss and Sign New Book

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This item doesn't require rewriting, editing, or any "out-of-karakter" icons, especially for the veteran Cubists familiar with the life and times of prog prince David "Gloria" Swanson.

David Swanson to Discuss and Sign New Book at Barnes and Noble on September 3rd

Submitted by davidswanson on Wed, 2009-08-19 00:38.

David Swanson will talk about and sign copies of his new book "Daybreak: Undoing the Imperial Presidency and Forming a More Perfect Union," at

6:30 p.m. on

Thursday, September 3, 2009 at
Barnes and Noble bookstore at
Barack's Road Shopping Center
1035 Emmet St Suite A
Charlottesville, VA 22903
(434) 984-0461

"Daybreak offers a powerful and compelling picture of what real change in America could look like. The world needs more true advocates of democracy like David Swanson!" -- Thom Hartmann, Author, The Last Hours of Ancient Sunlight

"David Swanson's masterful exposure of the emergence of a monarch-like president coupled with an effete, irresponsible, and constitutionally ignorant Congress is well worth the price of admission. An aroused public with a litmus test of honoring the Constitution is urgently needed to prevent the Republic from capsizing." -- Bruce Fein, Associate Deputy Attorney General under President Reagan

"Daybreak is an eyeopener about how our nation was hijacked by the Bush administration and how much repair work we, as citizens, must do. David Swanson, who has been a one-man wonder leading the charge for accountability, writes a compelling narrative that inspires not just outrage, but ACTION." --Medea Benjamin, CoFounder of Code Pink and Global Exchange

"David Swanson is the most thoughtful, determined, and energetic progressive activist in America, and one of the most important voices of his generation. He's also a unique bridge between traditional real-world organizing and the brand new world of online activism. His combination of cheerful organizing, passionate speaking, and brilliant blogging is an inspiration to everyone who craves a more just, peaceful, and sustainable world." -- Bob Fertik, President of

"In this important book, David Swanson carefully documents the myriad ways in which Bush-Cheney has amassed unprecedented imperial power, while Congress has abdicated its constitutional duty to check and balance the executive. A useful guide to restore the balance of powers and reclaim our constitutional system of government." -- Marjorie Cohn, President of National Lawyers Guild

"Swanson's book gives a most compelling description of the significance of signing statements -- those mostly invisible steps to fascism. As for the role of the 110th Congress...if it's possible, they turn out to be bigger weasels than I had previously thought." -- Mike Ferner, National President of Veterans For Peace, author of "Inside the Red Zone: A Veteran For Peace Reports from Iraq."

"Swanson has been an indefatigable commentator and activist tirelessly advocating for the dismantling of the imperial presidency and the restoration of the principles of our Constitution. His energy and passion are infectious, as is his cogent reasoning. 'Daybreak' urgently reminds us that good political intentions are not sufficient to ensure the continuation of our democracy; informed vigilance is vital to that task." -- Mark Karlin, Editor and Publisher,

"If Tom Jefferson were with us today, he would be saying that we still must burst the chains of monkish ignorance and superstition and break the bindings that strangle our liberty. But Jefferson - like Paine - is gone. So it falls to another from Virginia to sound the signal for a rising on behalf of the republic and our own freedom. That man is David Swanson, and this remarkable book is his - and America's - call to arms." -- John Nichols, from the Introduction

"David Swanson writes faster than anyone I know, and is always worth reading. He wields a wicked pen (well, technically a wicked keyboard), a la Swift or Twain. He thinks with precision and intelligence, with the powerful logic of an undefeated chess-playing computer program. He is fearless, speaking truth to both power all the time. He bears daily witness to the decomposition of our would-be democracy, and he carries that same crusading spirit into this book. Read it. Buy it for your friends, especially your younger ones. Get together and argue about it. Ask John Stewart and Stephen Colbert to have him on their shows. Because a better world is still possible, and to get there, a more democratic America is necessary." -- Steve Cobble

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But we have Obama and a real People's Congress now! This fellow and his book are yesterday's news.

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Don't forget, Comrade Opiate, about the importance of creating reference points in rewriting history.

At first I also thought it was an anti-Obama thoughtcrime:

"David Swanson's masterful exposure of the emergence of a monarch-like president coupled with an effete, irresponsible, and constitutionally ignorant Congress is well worth the price of admission. An aroused public with a litmus test of honoring the Constitution is urgently needed to prevent the Republic from capsizing....

I was about to fall off my rocker when the next quote by Medea Benjamin reconnected the dots and put everything in its proper place:

"Daybreak is an eyeopener about how our nation was hijacked by the Bush administration and how much repair work we, as citizens, must do. David Swanson, who has been a one-man wonder leading the charge for accountability, writes a compelling narrative that inspires not just outrage, but ACTION." --Medea Benjamin, CoFounder of Code Pink and Global Exchange

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Opiate, why do you think he's so desperate for you to buy a copy not only for yourself, but for your friend? And your significant other? Your Congressman, both your senators, your mother and everyone at her bridge club? Why do you think he wants you to Mimeswipe all those graphics and paste them everywhere you can free of charge?

And while there's a certain cheap thrill to be had out of watching one's Amazon rankings change from one hour or day to the next--we're only human, after all--the sad ugly truth is that unless you happen to be in the top 100, Amazon rankings don't mean squat. When was the last time you picked up a book that said "Amazon Bestselling Author" on the cover? And as for that Amazon tracking device thingy on his website, he may as well sew a scarlet P for Pathetic on his chest.

If he really wants to reel in the readers and rake in the royalties, he might do better to offer incentives like these:

It never hurts to offer a little incentive, especially if your incentive has the potential to drive extreme right wingers crazy, so among our prizes is a grand-prize of a trip for two to Honolulu, Hawaii for a private tour of the hospital where President Obama was born, followed by an opportunity to take part in a community service project there on MLK Day of Service, January 18, 2010.

No word on whether the winner will have to bring their own shovel, but it certainly sounds like a "Cube Ad."

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Thomas Jefferson?

"If Tom Jefferson were with us today, he would be saying that we still must burst the chains of monkish ignorance and superstition and break the bindings that strangle our liberty. But Jefferson - like Paine - is gone. So it falls to another from Virginia to sound the signal for a rising on behalf of the republic and our own freedom. That man is David Swanson, and this remarkable book is his - and America's - call to arms." -- John Nichols, from the Introduction.

Didn't he own slaves or something like that? Not like Mr. Slave from South Park, but honest to goodness real Negroes?
Didn't he whip and beat them, then raped the females and then the males?
What is Nichols talking about?
Wasn't Jefferson a KKKapitalist too?
Holy Engels!

Ohhhh...that's gonna hurt sales....errr...I mean progressive libraries using public funds to enlighten the public.
Why couldn't he give a nod to Karl or Vladimir or Iosef?

Nichols, you owe Gloria an apology!
Fascist Blurb Commenter!
Down with Nichols!

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Laika the Space Dog wrote:OMG!

Thomas Jefferson?

Didn't he own slaves or something like that? Not like Mr. Slave from South Park, but honest to goodness real Negroes?

Comrade Space Doggie, having owned sex slaves myself in a past life (Before the Civil War when I was Col. Sander's great grand daddy) I can attest to the fact that negroes make terrible sex slaves. They'ze always singing and stuff. I can't believe that Jefferson fathered a mulatto child since turkey basters hadn't been invented yet.


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Check out the bottom of Gloria's website:


click on

Bask in smoke-coming-out-of-the-ears leftwing news from 'round the world.

The top news on the blog when I went there is an article about the Cuban Five written by that fine Jeffersonian statesman Ricardo Alarcón de Quesada, president of the Cuban National Assembly.

For a man committed to the US Constitution and Jeffersonian ideas Gloria certainly keeps odd company.

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Red Square wrote: I was about to fall off my rocker when the next quote by Medea Benjamin reconnected the dots and put everything in its proper place:

"Daybreak is an eyeopener about how our nation was hijacked by the Bush administration and how much repair work we, as citizens, must do. David Swanson, who has been a one-man wonder leading the charge for accountability, writes a compelling narrative that inspires not just outrage, but ACTION." --Medea Benjamin, CoFounder of Code Pink and Global Exchange

This was my point.... Bush is gone and the light being (Obama) and his minions (the Kleptocratic Congress) are running the asylum now. The "repair" effort as this fellow would define it is now well under way, or at least would be so if the public had behaved as all the political scientists had predicted and jumped on socialism the way Ted Kennedy would jump on a waitress. But, stupid public aside, these should be the halcyon days for the likes of Swanson as his vaunted socialism has (had?) its best chance ever to become reality. So why is he putting out his toilet paper book now? Bush doesn't scare people (outside of the likes of Medea Benjamin) anymore, they're now more scared of Obama. With folks going to Barney Frank's townhall meetings carrying pictures of Obama as a caricature of Hitler, a book warning us about the evils of fascism under Bush is a day late and a dollar (or trillion) short. Is he that dense that he doesn't see his hero crashing and burning or does he think he's going to reverse the tide with his brilliant prose? Either way, his magnum opus seems anachronistic at this point.

Anyway, that's my take on it. For the record, when I walk into a bookstore and see an author there autographing and discussing his book, I think to myself "Here's a pathetic loser who's so desperate for attention he sits around a bookstore all day to make sure you know he wrote an effing book." Then I avoid eye contact and try to sneak by the table without getting sucked into any conversation with the bozo. JMHO.

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Commissarka Pinkie wrote:
It never hurts to offer a little incentive, especially if your incentive has the potential to drive extreme right wingers crazy, so among our prizes is a grand-prize of a trip for two to Honolulu, Hawaii for a private tour of the hospital where President Obama was born, followed by an opportunity to take part in a community service project there on MLK Day of Service, January 18, 2010.

No word on whether the winner will have to bring their own shovel, but it certainly sounds like a "Cube Ad."

Wow, a private tour of the hospital where Lord Obama was (alledgedly) born? Do I get to poop in the same bedpan, too? (They did save it for future inclusion in his Smithsonian exhibit, didn't they?) Ooooh, I'm feeling a tingle down my leg. I hereby renounce all of my previous sarcasm and cynicism because this has convinced me to change sides and join the Obama team now!!!! Progressivism forever!

It's tough to write satire when reality is so ridiculous.

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Opiate of the People wrote: For the record, when I walk into a bookstore and see an author there autographing and discussing his book, I think to myself "Here's a pathetic loser who's so desperate for attention he sits around a bookstore all day to make sure you know he wrote an effing book." Then I avoid eye contact and try to sneak by the table without getting sucked into any conversation with the bozo. JMHO.

LOL, many authors do not enjoy doing it because they're afraid that's what everyone is thinking!