
Egypt Riots in the Streets over Arab Spring Morgue Freshener

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Dateline Egypt, the Middle East

Crowds rioted angrily in Egypt today, as the Arab Spring continues to unfold after the Misloom Brotherhood's takeover election to leadership there.

With 44 now confirmed dead from the riots, many spousal units of those killed in the conflagration are now rioting themselves. We spoke to a Misloom Brotherhood Spokesprophet about the causes of the secondary rioting.

"It's because we now have many dead spouses, and the government has run out of Arab Spring Morgue Freshener, which we as Egyptian Mislooms are entitled to!" yelled Muhammed Sayeed Akbar Mohammud from the center of one of the riots. "Since last year we can have sex with them up to several hours after their deaths, but we need the Arab Spring Morgue Freshener to help keep the mood!"

Speaking of the mood, it was becoming increasingly hostile as the riots ramped up, and we barely escaped with our lives when some of the fine Misloom gentlemen noticed our female camerawoman and came after her. Always a trooper, she just grinned later in the hotel and said, "All in a day's work - besides, if they kill me they can still marry me and we can do it for hours, Allah willing!"

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Stalin be praised these adherents of the Religion of Pieces only spotted a camerawoman and not the nearby herd of goats!

And here I thought it was "Arab Sting".

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Comrade G, that's why there's Aloe in the soap :)