
Entertainment-Indoctrinational Complex Readied for Obamacare

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Dear Comrades,

The Chief Commissar for Political Agitation, Comrade Valerie Jarrett, has issued new instructions to members of the Entertainment-Indoctrinational Complex on the implementation of a new celebrity-based educational format to help citizens volunteer for healthcare collectivization under Obamacare.

Comrade Party Chairman and Future President Barack Barackovich Obama made a cameo appearance to rally the loyal Party members in attendance prior to his departure for his weekly vacation, as he recuperates from the stresses of racial agitation now underway in the wake of the Zimmerman incident

With the responsibility of managing the collective ownership of State information centers, including Socialist Media like Facebook and Twitter, the Party realizes its responsibility for teaching the workers and peasants of the USSA about the true joys of State-run healthcare. Members of the Entertainment-Indoctrinational Complex are needed to lend their inspirational and compelling figures to the campaign for social conformity and compliance with State mandates.

Their example of Volunteerism demonstrates to all of us why Entertainers are the Vanguard of the Party. We encourage the Masses to follow their hearts and open them to the dulcet tones of national celebrities, who will teach citizens about their assigned roles as fellow-travelers in the path towards the Dictatorship of the Proletariat, manifested in the glorious executive orders of Comrade Barack!

Citizens, heed the educational speeches of your celebrities! Entertainers will teach us about the joys of collectivized healthcare!

Faithfully submitted to the Collective of the People's Cube,
Comrade Nomenklatura-climber
Dialectical Progressivism Translator

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A brilliant and most needed move on the part of Comrade Jarrett. We wholeheartedly support the efforts to coerce convince our citizens into mandatory volunteering for their Party and their fellow comrades and we sincerely pledge our involvement to ensure they succeed!

May the Revolution continue! Praise be to the Republic!

Image P.S. Nice picture, Supreme Comrade Square.