
Re-educate your comrades about equality of all genders

POLL: Will you re-educate a comrade through the People's Cube?

You may select 1 option

According to a survey produced by the biased and unreliable Boston Globe, discriminatory capitalist pigs in the USSA have voiced their opinion that "gay marriages" are allegedly wrong. While half of those people, those who were re-educated, know that everyone is equal and that gender does not exist, some of those in the USSA forget this important fact and label others as "homosexuals," "bisexuals," and "heterosexuals."

The facts are very clear, and the re-education must continue.

Gender should not be a factor in any matter, whether it is marriage or rights.

It doesn't exist.

Some, like those comrades who are braving the capitalists by striking down their discriminatory propaganda, are helping re-educate the people of the USSA. To support this continual re-education, the true people of the USSA must continue the revolution and add our comrades in places where re-education can occur, in the capitalist term "the courts."

To continue this revolution, begin by re-educating your comrades through the People's Cube, then place our brave comrades in "the courts" so that the people learn from the capitalists' mistakes.

Marching on to a new day,
Vladimir Ivanov
Red Journalism Headquarters, Moscow, USSR

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Everyone, to the re-education camps with you all!

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I'm asking this as a serious question, than why are we different?