
EXTREMELY Disturbing Video, Burn After Watching

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Comrades, this video claims to have been put together by a mere citizen, not the Rethugglikkkans, not the Tea Party, not the Koch brothers, a MERE CITIZEN (who obviously has the gulag in his future).

I have never in my life seen anything so disturbing, so vile - we must all do everything we can to prevent our friends, neighbors, cow-orkers, and other comrades from seeing this. There isn't enough eye bleach in the world to remove this from your memory once you've seen it!


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Oh, sure, it indicates it wasn't produced by RethugliKKKans or Teabaggers.

But we know who did this, don't we, Comrades?

The guilty party will soon be joining that "filmmaker" we have put in prison for making a film no one saw that offends our Glorious Islamic Brothers!

Yes, they will be rotting away together with no hope of pardon.

Hail Lord 0bama! Hail the god-state!

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I didn't watch it before I did...or was it the other way around? I forget.

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Comrade Ded, the important thing is that you didn't watch it, whether that was before OR after you did. And that you make sure as many people as you can think of also don't watch it.

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What I didn't watch was amazing. The YouTube page says over 500,000 people didn't see it. I wish more people won't see this in the next couple of days.


Is not problem Comrades. Everybody knows Conservatism will never be applied against the People until all other redistributionist and leveling schemes have been tried an failed. Proletariat will not allow this. Only failure ongoing is failure to confiscate and redistribute Enough. My Union tells me so. But even when Our demands were met Our sand box was never filled. We supposedly need to make more demands.
What confuses me is historic anomaly. The only time My standard of living really improved was during Ronald Reagan's second term. Life was good then. If I do not post after tomorrow, look me up in the Lubyanka.

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I am viewer 1001. I just thought that was cool.

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Outrageous!! Of course I didn't watch it but I heard all the sickening details from other people who didn't watch it either. It should have been passed through congress about 2 years ago so we all could have seen what was in it!!

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I didn't watch it, then I didn't share it with at least a half dozen friends. Whew! That was close.