
Falling Minnesota Bridges, Boobs, Bombs, and Bush

POLL: A bridge fell in Minnesota: is Bush to blame?

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I wanted to get the scoop from Liberal Larry.
Just add your posts to the thread with links.
It took the Kos FOUR minutes to blame Bush.
If the Kos was around on 9/11, it would haven taken TWO:

Leftist dementia: Blaming Bush & GOP for Minneapolis Bridge Collapse

We Interrupt This Laikia Transmission For A Special Message From Our Sponsors:

Get Re-Educated at The Peoples Cube Store >>>

This Neo-Kulak Kommercial Interruption from The Motherland is Sponsored by Fast Freddie's
Feline Emporium & Fashion Show. Thank You For Your Support!

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I especially like this quote. It could've come from Chairman M.S. Punchenko himself!
shpilk wrote:More Republican 'Family Values'?

Move along, nothing to see here folks.

Just another case of people paying with their lives, so the rich can keep "their hard earned money".

Just move along.

User avatar
I thought by now the Mime and Cap'n Crunch would have spewed some "Impeach Bush for Not Funding Bridge Repairs" by now, but alas, none such the thing.
I have faith in the Mime and Mulva.
It's coming. Just as sure as we all know Bush is the Anti-Christ.
(or if you are Moose Limb, the Anti-Allah)
Godless Commies and Atheists, just ignore the prior sentence.

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This kind of talk makes my heartstrings flutter:

you want services, you have to PAY FOR THEM.

That includes roads, electric grid, public transportation, airports, air traffic control, police, firemen, schools, colleges, and last AND least, military.

NO corporation is going to do those things. THERE'S NO PROFIT IN IT. And there SHOULDN'T be.

You can't run a 21st century country with a 19th century infrastructure. Or tax structure. Or 19th century thinking.

Scratch that - 16th century thinking.

If we want to live in a modern world we have to embrace socialism! This is what we've been saying for decades. I only wish that earth were more like Potyomkingrad on the Red Planet. There, the rivers flow with milk and honey, food and palatial homes are every person's right, no one does anything they don't want to and your life is yours to explore any career, any pursuit, any time anywhere. We have achieved all this through socialism. The Marxist dream is a reality in Potyomkingrad. If we could it on the Red Planet, you can do it on earth too. But you will have to sacrifice for a long time first.

Comrade Otis wrote:This kind of talk makes my heartstrings flutter:

you want services, you have to PAY FOR THEM.

That includes roads, electric grid, public transportation, airports, air traffic control, police, firemen, schools, colleges, and last AND least, military.

NO corporation is going to do those things. THERE'S NO PROFIT IN IT. And there SHOULDN'T be.

You can't run a 21st century country with a 19th century infrastructure. Or tax structure. Or 19th century thinking.

Scratch that - 16th century thinking.

If we want to live in a modern world we have to embrace socialism! .

Wise points, including yours, Comrade Otis!

The previous post had very good views. Corporations shouldn't be doing anything- the government should! Why, look at how great the government has been managing Social Security, FEMA... I could go on!

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I'm happy to see that the Party wasted no time in assigning proper blame to Bush for this latest national tragedy. We all damn well know that Bigger Government (socialism) is the only solution to keep bridges in perfect working order! And I'm more than certain that photos of Cheney planting explosives will surface on either Kos or MSNBC… I'm certain of it, comrades! Where is Spike Lee at? Someone get Spike Lee on line two and ask him to get a documentary going with testimony that Cheney was seen planting explosives. We got to pin this bastard, comrades! We must! Our perjury show trials aren't working and Rove managed to wiggle out of the hot seat! WE NEED PHOTOS OF CHENEY!

With all of that said, I'm happy Larry at BlameBush! is thinking outside of the box on this Bu$h induced tragedy and is thinking about the poor People of Scales who were murdered by this “bridge” contraption.

Larry's analysis on this latest Bu$h reichstag fire

User avatar
Who are we blaming this week for Katrina this week, Bushler or the Zionists? I didn't get my commie script* yet. Was it bush who span around on the White house lawn causing the hurricane or was it Sharon? I forget.

Question: Can I blame Bush if it rains or if gets too hot as well?

*commie script available on CNN (Communist News Network)

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Comrade Hasan wrote:Who are we blaming this week for Katrina this week, Bushler or the Zionists? I didn't get my commie script* yet. Was it bush who span around on the White house lawn causing the hurricane or was it Sharon? I forget.

Question: Can I blame Bush if it rains or if gets too hot as well?

*commie script available on CNN (Communist News Network)

Comrade Hasan, don't you know that it is always fashionable to blame Bush? Why just the other day after eating too many spicey Buffalo wings, I blamed Bush for unexpected diarrhea. After all, government shouldn't govern my life, they should only govern everyone else, so that I can remain blissfully ungoverned.


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Hmmm.....I'd better get my bags packed and get my fat ass up to Humptydumptyville before Obama does and "comfort" the masses.

Talking points....Hmmmm, Let's see....

1) I will "make the nation's infrastructure the main focus of my administration when elected", throw in "and I'm doing this for the children"...what else?...oh shit...yeah....."and for the millions of senior citizens living on social security who need safe bridges...yada yada, blah, blah"
2) Blame all Republicans, living or dead, with main emphasis on Bush.
3) Rove plot: The Rethug convention is there next year. If it gets rebuilt quickly, that's the proof. Tip o' the hat to Katie Couric for pointing that out


Hillary wrote:
3) Rove plot: The Rethug convention is there next year. If it gets rebuilt quickly, that's the proof. Tip o' the hat to Katie Couric for pointing that out


Your highness Empress Hillary, may I suggest another possible factor that this may have been a Rove job? Think about it... the bridge was in Minnesota... a heavy blue state. A state so blue it was the only state that Comrade Mondale won in 1984 (the year that Ronald Raygun stole his "landslide"). Is it possible that the Bush regime is targeting only blue states? I haven't heard of any disasters in the states that had their electoral votes stolen!

P.S. Hillary: watch out for Obama... remember when the tornado hit Kansas, he stole the headlines when he correctly claimed that 10,000 people had died.

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I have cast my lot with the unwashed masses.

Let it be known here and now that the imperialist bush bears full responsiblity for this disaster.

User avatar
Blamed to the bone.
In fact.....should be blamed for the election of clinton and carter.
Two men who hastened the day welfare recipients won't get a check and will most likely be fighting the appeased followers of Mohammed as they enter their cardboard homes at night.


Has anbody heard anything from Nawlin's Mayor Ray Nagin on the situation in Minnesoda as yet?

User avatar
Certainly....somewhere in Minnnnnnaaasssssooooddddaaaa, there should have been half a billion yellow public school buses which should have been strategically placed under the bridge and in the river BEFORE the bridge collapse...which would have prevented the bridge collapse....if only President Bush had been doing his job instead of worrying about another terrorist attack.

Tell me...where do the whiners and snivelers go to get their free tennis shoes?

Tell me...where do the whiners and snivelers go to get their free tennis shoes?

Shoot.....that's easy enough.....they loot the first place that they can break into. Off the Capitalist Pigs, Bother!! The ends do justify the means, right?

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Which came first:
The Capitalist Pig
The Hordes of unmotivated Liberals commie socialists who would feed off his tit?

Dead White Guys - Or - What Your history Books Never Told You

RUSH: From my second bestseller, "See, I Told You So, ""Chapter 6, "Dead White guys, or What the History Books Never Told You: The True Story of Thanksgiving." The story of the Pilgrims begins in the early part of the seventeenth century (that's the 1600s for those of you in Rio Linda, California). The Church of England under King James I was persecuting anyone and everyone who did not recognize its absolute civil and spiritual authority. Those who challenged ecclesiastical authority and those who believed strongly in freedom of worship were hunted down, imprisoned, and sometimes executed for their beliefs.

A group of separatists first fled to Holland and established a community. After eleven years, about forty of them agreed to make a perilous journey to the New World, where they would certainly face hardships, but could live and worship God according to the dictates of their own consciences.

On August 1, 1620, the Mayflower set sail. It carried a total of 102 passengers, including forty Pilgrims led by William Bradford. On the journey, Bradford set up an agreement, a contract, that established just and equal laws for all members of the new community, irrespective of their religious beliefs. Where did the revolutionary ideas expressed in the Mayflower Compact come from? From the Bible.

The Pilgrims were a people completely steeped in the lessons of the Old and New Testaments. They looked to the ancient Israelites for their example. And, because of the biblical precedents set forth in Scripture, they never doubted that their experiment would work.

But this was no pleasure cruise, friends. The journey to the New World was a long and arduous one. And when the Pilgrims landed in New England in November, they found, according to Bradford's detailed journal, a cold, barren, desolate wilderness. There were no friends to greet them, he wrote. There were no houses to shelter them. There were no inns where they could refresh themselves.

And the sacrifice they had made for freedom was just beginning. During the first winter, half the Pilgrims – including Bradford's own wife – died of either starvation, sickness or exposure. When spring finally came, Indians taught the settlers how to plant corn, fish for cod and skin beavers for coats. Life improved for the Pilgrims, but they did not yet prosper!

This is important to understand because this is where modern American history lessons often end. Thanksgiving is actually explained in some textbooks as a holiday for which the Pilgrims gave thanks to the Indians for saving their lives, rather than as a devout expression of gratitude grounded in the tradition of both the Old and New Testaments.

Here is the part that has been omitted: The original contract the Pilgrims had entered into with their merchant-sponsors in London called for everything they produced to go into a common store, and each member of the community was entitled to one common share. All of the land they cleared and the houses they built belong to the community as well.

They were going to distribute it equally. All of the land they cleared and the houses they built belonged to the community as well. Nobody owned anything. They just had a share in it. It was a commune, folks. It was the forerunner to the communes we saw in the '60s and '70s out in California – and it was complete with organic vegetables, by the way.

Bradford, who had become the new governor of the colony, recognized that this form of collectivism was as costly and destructive to the Pilgrims as that first harsh winter, which had taken so many lives.
(Chuck's edit: Liberalism is taking the same toll today)
He decided to take bold action. Bradford assigned a plot of land to each family to work and manage, thus turning loose the power of the marketplace.

That's right. Long before Karl Marx was even born, the Pilgrims had discovered and experimented with what could only be described as socialism. And what happened? It didn't work! Surprise, surprise, huh? What Bradford and his community found was that the most creative and industrious people had no incentive to work any harder than anyone else, unless they could utilize the power of personal motivation!

But while most of the rest of the world has been experimenting with socialism for well over a hundred years – trying to refine it, perfect it, and re-invent it – the Pilgrims decided early on to scrap it permanently. What Bradford wrote about this social experiment should be in every schoolchild's history lesson If it were, we might prevent much needless suffering in the future.

"The experience that we had in this common course and condition, tried sundry years...that by taking away property, and bringing community into a common wealth, would make them happy and flourishing – as if they were wiser than God," Bradford wrote. "For this community [so far as it was] was found to breed much confusion and discontent, and retard much employment that would have been to their benefit and comfort. For young men that were most able and fit for labor and service did repine that they should spend their time and strength to work for other men's wives and children without any recompense...that was thought injustice."

Why should you work for other people when you can't work for yourself? What's the point?

Do you hear what he was saying, ladies and gentlemen? The Pilgrims found that people could not be expected to do their best work without incentive. So what did Bradford's community try next? They unharnessed the power of good old free enterprise by invoking the undergirding capitalistic principle of private property. Every family was assigned its own plot of land to work and permitted to market its own crops and products. And what was the result?

"This had very good success," wrote Bradford, "for it made all hands industrious, so as much more corn was planted than otherwise would have been." Bradford doesn't sound like much of a Clintonite, does he? Is it possible that supply-side economics could have existed before the 1980s? Yes. Read the story of Joseph and Pharaoh in Genesis 41. Following Joseph's suggestion (Gen 41:34), Pharaoh reduced the tax on Egyptians to 20% during the "seven years of plenty" and the "Earth brought forth in heaps." (Gen. 41:47)

In no time, the Pilgrims found they had more food than they could eat themselves.

Now, this is where it gets really good, folks, if you're laboring under the misconception that I was, as I was taught in school.

So they set up trading posts and exchanged goods with the Indians. The profits allowed them to pay off their debts to the merchants in London. And the success and prosperity of the Plymouth settlement attracted more Europeans and began what came to be known as the "Great Puritan Migration."
Now, you probably haven't read this. You might have heard me read it to you over the previous years on this program, but I don't think this lesson is still being taught to children -- and if not, why not? I mean, is there a more important lesson one could derive from the Pilgrim experience than this? Thanksgiving, in other words, is not thanks to the Indians, and it's not thanks to William Bradford. It's not thanks to the merchants of London. Thanksgiving is thanks to God, pure and simple. Go read the first Thanksgiving proclamation from George Washington and you'll get the point. The word "God" is mentioned in that first Thanksgiving proclamation more times... If you read it aloud to an ACLU member, you'll get thrown in jail, but that's what the first Thanksgiving was all about. Get it. I'm telling you, read it.
(Click the second link below)
Maybe we can find it and link to it: George Washington's first Thanksgiving Proclamation. Folks, if you haven't read that, you need to read it. It will tell you the true story of Thanksgiving. I'm happy to share it with you each and every year as a tradition on this program.


Resources ... ginal.html

User avatar
<alarm sounds> Thought criminal comrades! Text about notions that the Pilgrams went to free enterpirse and these notions of Thanksgiving is giving thanks to a "God" (Unless Allah, of course) are all violations! I suggest that this comrade be put in the front line for his re-edukation forms. Everyone knows that the pilgrams did indeed stick with soicalism, it says so right here in this publik school textbook.

The Daily Truth ™ is subject to change without notice.

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LOL....Damn...I can barely keep up with this forum....lmao!

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OK....Let's twist this with Hurricane Katrina...Hmmmm...yes...This bridge will be rebuilt before the 9th Ward in NOLA, further proof that all Republicans are hypocrites because their convention is in Mimeapolis next year. We need to activate our Mimeshevik cell and spread more panic. Activate the Beingist cells also. Humpty H. Humpty would be proud of all the socialism he spawned.

Who's the idiot in the media who came up with the idea that the "death toll is going to be less than feared"?
I want to know dammit! That is not reponsible journalism! I bet it was Faux New or Rupert Murderdock.

Let's's a new concept: The bridge collapsed because there were too many SUVs on it and too many SUVs have been driving over it, creating stress and the final break causing the collapse. Yes, evil SUVs driven by evil Republicans!
Now that's TRUTH and responsible journalism!


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Let us not forget the tax cuts for the rich! And we know who the rich are! *
Image *Does not include George Soros, Ted Kennedy, John Edwards, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Sean Penn, Barbara Streisand, Rosie O'Donnell, Al Franken, William Jefferson, or Alva Goldbook in his parent's mini-mansion.

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You must have faith in the party comrades and the party will deliver!
Our Mimeshevik cell was activated and lo & behold, a spontaneous demonstration met the evil Chimpy Bushitler!
Hooray for Cap'n Crunch and the Mime!

<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data=" ... ayer%2Eswf" width="430" height="272" allowfullscreen="true" id="showplayer"><param name="movie" value=" ... wf"><param name="quality" value="best"></object>

Here's Cap'n Crunch leading the way with his "Bridges Not Bombs" protest sign! We knew we could count on the Cap'n!

<img width="500" src=" ... 9841_o.jpg">

And remember: Protests have nothing to do with politics!

Believe and the party delivers!

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All that money THE RICH are getting could've built this warmongering crime-scene of a nation into a glittering utopia COMPLETE with health care that could extend one's life another 300+ years! But nooooo, we have to give that money back to the taxpayer so that they can grow their businesses, create more jobs and reinvest in Bush's booming economy! Ugh! I hate the middle clas...errr.... Wealthiest 1%™.

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Love the touch in the background with The Peoples Factory. Expect to see more of those in the future when her Majesty is elected.

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Chairman M. S. Punchenko wrote:Bridges not bombs... how creative.
Not as creative as our martyrdom-oriented brothers in Allah (PBUH) would have done... they would have had signs that, more korrektly said, "Bridges AND Bombs"... I really just don't understand this need for exclusionary thinking... it is a limit to kreativity and stunts our options for achieving pieces... I mean peace... and when was the last time you saw a bomb that looked like that (what is that supposed to be... a bunker buster?)... it is comical... clearly, he is a member of the banned wrong-headed splinter group Kartoons for Kerry... that, or given the "$" signs, he is a mole for the evil Thought Criminal $.$. Haliburton and is attempting to poison the celebration... I mean protest... by subliminally effecting our thoughts processes in order that any contract to rebuild said bridge be awarded to 'you know who' with little or no argument... why else bring money into the discussion?

It would be sad if it were not so transparent... even to this Kanadjian Dolphin...

User avatar

What pisses me off is all the glib smiles of self the camera on?

After many years of listening to Bill and Hillary, let me parse IFP's statement:

As you know, a tragedy occurred Wednesday when the I-35W bridge collapsed in Minneapolis. We at Impeach for Peace want to extend our deepest sympathies and condolences to the victims involved and their families.(And turn this tragedy into a Bush protest) Impeach for Peace is based in Minneapolis so this hits close to home. (Duh?) Impeach for Peace organizers have struggled with how our organization should respond to President Bush's visit to Minneapolis on Saturday.(We "struggled" all of ten seconds once we found out Bush was coming...after all, it's about the "Struggle") We didn't want to appear as if we are using this tragedy to our political advantage,(But we did) nor did we wish for Bush to do so.(But we're glad he came to give purpose to our useless lives) What we decided was to encourage citizens of Minneapolis to protest with the message, "Bridges not Bombs." We decided to exclude the concept of impeachment from this protest so as not to disrespect the seriousness of the tragedy with what many see as a partisan issue.(But we'll insert it here) While Impeach for Peace doesn't blame Bush for this specific tragedy,(Specific? Hell no, we Blame Bush for all tragedies) we do see this event as being endemic of a larger failure of priorities. This administration has put the country's resources into unjustified military actions instead of investing in our national infrastructure. (See Hillary's talking point #1 in above post)

These pukes are so predictable it's frightening.

A day in the life of a Bush Hating Protester:

1) Wake up
2) Hate Bush
3) Turn on NPR
4) Hate Bush some more
4) Breakfast. Granola with soy milk. Coffee made with hand picked beans from some peasant in Guatamala
5) Take a shit and check out Daily Kos with laptop
6) Shower if it's Tuesday
7) Splash on some organic patchuoli
8.) Take bus or bicycle to co-opt. Curse SUVs and Bush during commute
9) Arrive at co-opt. Complain about Bush with other comrades at co-opt for two hours. All agree there can be no disagreeing.
10) Take another humongous shit because granola and PC coffee is working. Read Mother Jones and The Progressive taken from co-opt's magazine rack while on shitter. Use only one square of recycled because co-opt rations toilet paper.
11) Stock shelves for fifteen minutes with progressive vegan holistic organic tribal gay lesbian third world goods
12) Lunch. Bean sprouts and hummus on pita. Bitch about Bush.
13) Sweep floor of co-opt the rest of the afternoon and complain about Bush to customers. All agree there can be no disagreeing.
14) Quitting time. See #8 only destination is home.
15) Arrive at rent controlled flat. Water hemp plants. Turn on NPR.
16) Dinner. Vegan whole wheat spaghetti and fresh fruit.
17) Take another whopper of a dump. Read NYT. Use more than one square because it's your toilet paper. Feel guilty for using more than one square. Light sandalwood incense to mask stench.
18.) Make posts blaming Bush on all progessive blogs.
19) Go to bed and whack off while anticipating Code Pink's "Breasts not Bombs" protest you are planning to attend next week.
20) Fall asleep. Dream about hating Bush.


User avatar
19) Go to bed and whack off while anticipating Code Pink's "Breasts not Bombs" protest you are planning to attend next week.

I dunno...Number 19 works for me. If this doesn't get you all worked up, nothing will. Damn are they HOT!

<img width="555" src=" ... G_4986.JPG">

Tip of the ushanka to Zombietime!

User avatar
Hey, that is Capt'n Crunch! Great video. He's right about that stuff. America can't chew gum and walk at the same time. Either we fight or we repair a bridge. If it weren't for that darn W Bush and his war they would've fixed that bridge. There are reports from the governor about that too. Official Minneapolis Bridge Report, 2003:

Official Minneapolis Bridge Report, 2003 wrote:Though we must fix this bridge we are unable to allocate the required funds as all of America's money is tied up fighting G W Bush's world wide wars of imperialism. When I begged the President for a little money to fix the bridge he just laughed at me, the governor of Minnepolis. He said: "America can't walk and chew gum at the same time", (or words to that effect). Then he chuckled when I told him the bridge would collapse some day and people would die.

User avatar

Far out man! Breasts not Bombs and Bridges not Bombs!
How about like this, man….we can like Ban the Bomb and Build Bridges out of Breasts?
Can we use hers for piers?

<img width=500 src= ... video3.jpg>

How about Bongs for Bridges?

User avatar
Her breast look like bombs! INTOLERANCE! Arrest the hag for supporting the war and silence her like Kos did that soldier at his convention!

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Isn't that Krissie Kiefer by any chance threatening to bomb Pelosi with those IEDs organically grown on her chest? Or is that her sister? I hope Cindy never joins that movement, or it will be the end of the power structure as we know it. We can't lose Nancy after all the effort of making her the Party's hand puppet!

On the other hand... If you can't beat them, join them, right? Nancykins, would you like to join those nice ladies in their righteous exposure of mammaries for the Greater Good™?


User avatar
Comrades, has anyone considered the following chain of events as an explanation for the bridge collapse:
1. Bush steals the election.
2. Bush wrecks the Kyoto Accords.
3. Bush pushes the entire world into the final, fatal stage of Global Warming.
4. Global Warming causes the cement in the bridge—accustomed for so many years to freezing Minnesota temperatures—to become limp.
5. The bridge collapses.

Moral of the story: Bush lied, people died.

User avatar
Excellent observation, comrade AWOL!

The Party looks kindly on your propaganda efforts. You are hereby awarded with an extra rationing of beets and the Order of Hillary award. Click on the link!

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Isn't that Krissie Kiefer by any chance threatening to bomb Pelosi with those IEDs organically grown on her chest?

No, but damn close....It's Sherry Glaser, activist, playwrite, and performer! (I don't know if she dances or does pantomime, but I'm willing to bet yes though) and here's her link:

When she's not protesting, she's tittilating audiences with the longest off Broadway one woman and two boob show.

Comarde AWOL....good guess, but we'll need years of investigations, klieg lights, and a crooked judge to declare Karl Rove guilty. Bush was smart enough to knock down the WTC, but I don't think he's smart enough to collapse a bridge.


User avatar
Laika the Space Dog wrote: <Off>

These pukes are so predictable it's frightening.

A day in the life of a Bush Hating Protester:

1) Wake up
2) Hate Bush
3) Turn on NPR
4) Hate Bush some more
4) Breakfast. Granola with soy milk. Coffee made with hand picked beans from some peasant in Guatamala
5) Take a shit and check out Daily Kos with laptop
6) Shower if it's Tuesday
7) Splash on some organic patchuoli
8.) Take bus or bicycle to co-opt. Curse SUVs and Bush during commute
9) Arrive at co-opt. Complain about Bush with other comrades at co-opt for two hours. All agree there can be no disagreeing.
10) Take another humongous shit because granola and PC coffee is working. Read Mother Jones and The Progressive taken from co-opt's magazine rack while on shitter. Use only one square of recycled because co-opt rations toilet paper.
11) Stock shelves for fifteen minutes with progressive vegan holistic organic tribal gay lesbian third world goods
12) Lunch. Bean sprouts and hummus on pita. Bitch about Bush.
13) Sweep floor of co-opt the rest of the afternoon and complain about Bush to customers. All agree there can be no disagreeing.
14) Quitting time. See #8 only destination is home.
15) Arrive at rent controlled flat. Water hemp plants. Turn on NPR.
16) Dinner. Vegan whole wheat spaghetti and fresh fruit.
17) Take another whopper of a dump. Read NYT. Use more than one square because it's your toilet paper. Feel guilty for using more than one square. Light sandalwood incense to mask stench.
18.) Make posts blaming Bush on all progessive blogs.
19) Go to bed and whack off while anticipating Code Pink's "Breasts not Bombs" protest you are planning to attend next week.
20) Fall asleep. Dream about hating Bush.





Oh Shit! Laika!!! I have laughed so hard my sides HURT, DAMN IT!!!!!!

What gets me is the pompous audacity of these whiny-assed, testes-less, little punks to bitch about a bridge collapse as being Pres. Bush's fault!!!! But here are a few facts and observations that the Democratic Party's P.R. Dept. (CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, etc.) won't report.

1. This particular bridge was in need of repair or replacement for a long time, and likely longer than since Pres. Bush has been in office?

2. President Bush is not is not charge of Minnie-soda's D.O.T.

3. Money for bridge repair and replacement, via the highway funding bills comes, from CONGRESS. Not the Executive branch.

4. If you want to bitch about the Repubs control of Congress being at fault then you also have to go after Sen Robert "KKK" Byrd (S-WVA). This guy alone has sucked soooooooo much $$$$$$ out of the highway funding bills to diverted to West "By Gawd" Virginia it is damned near embezzlement!!!


User avatar
Hillary wrote:
19) Go to bed and whack off while anticipating Code Pink's "Breasts not Bombs" protest you are planning to attend next week.

I dunno...Number 19 works for me. If this doesn't get you all worked up, nothing will. Damn are they HOT!

Tip of the ushanka to Zombietime!

I've always wondered why we sexually neurotic Americans have to have indecency laws. It just dawned on me that such laws have nothing to do with sexuality and everything to do with keeping us from up-chucking our lunch!


User avatar
Jerry Garcia wrote:<pfffttt><cough><cough>

Far out man! Breasts not Bombs and Bridges not Bombs!
How about like this, man….we can like Ban the Bomb and Build Bridges out of Breasts?
Can we use hers for piers?

<image snipped>

How about Bongs for Bridges?

OMG!!!! She could breastfeed the entire workforce that will rebuild that bridge

<*shudder* Ewwww...>


User avatar
Soon comrades we shall have an opinion if Ms. Boobbomb's areolas are not the biggest ones in the world from the esteemed expert Dr. Commisar Theocritus.
The MTE has reviewed the photos and is demanding a transplant.
She has big job to do in 2009 and is feeling inadequate <shhh>

In other news, Bush is to blame for a mine collapse in Utah.

TV Tonight! "Stalin, Man of Steel" on History International NOW!
Turn your transmitters on!


User avatar
<character off> Laika, your marvelous diatribe was shipped to a few friends of mine, including my brother. I nearly did a Hillary in my chair. No rage, no dementia, and I could see your lip curl even here in Texas,<character on> which will be forever shamed by being the home of George W. Bush, who is responsible for the fact that you cannot divide by zero, because if we could divide by zero < character on>, socialism would work and that's the only way it would<character on>.

Laika, after recovering from my hysterical blindness, I have come to the conclusion that BoobBomb's areolas may be the biggest on earth, but that there are only two of them, and so how would we arrange them on Our Many Titted Empress? Both at top, to counteract her fat ass, or both at bottom, to cover the collops around her snatch? Now that would look like Gonzo, wouldn't it? Or next-to-top, like a motorcycle? It's so hard, so hard. I asked Bruno but he's cowering in the corner, again, silly queen, but I have to admit I had to take stitches in his sides after Our Many Titted Empress rode him around the compound and used spurs.

Did you know that Manolo Blahnik made some bespoke cowboy flip-flops with spurs for her out of gold bricks she liberated from Fort Knox? The difficulty was getting the fit right so it didn't separate the two parts of her hooves. She gets really testy when something gets in the frog, and you cannot believe the sound of her rolling on the floor, flame coming out of her mouth, her tits knocking my priceless Lalique off the shelves, demanding that Bruno pull the thorn out? The Rice seismometer registered a disturbance along the Rio Grande and people at the top of One Shell Center felt queasy. Trammel Crow Center in Dallas tilted. To the left.

Really. It looked like a giant squid fucking a greased manatee.

It dried up the Rio Grande but we don't have to worry about wets--the Cardinal of Mexico City has set up teams to exorcise 24/7 my poor rancho and now the wets are all going through Nogales, AZ, which is really pissed at me now.

The rancho will never be the same again.

My compass points south. My GPS doesn't work. My calculator doesn't work. Things just don't add up.

Bruno! Bruno!

User avatar
but that there are only two of them, and so how would we arrange them on Our Many Titted Empress?

You're right, that's why we needed your opinion!
What about Areola Stem Cell Cloning? I don't believe the evil Bush has banned that progressive science yet!
Please hurry Theocritus! 2008 is almost upon us! Denver is not that very far away!


User avatar
Laika, I have it. I know what we can do. We can take Nordic blonde 16-year-old virgins from rich RepubliKKKan families and give them a lobotomy--oh, too late--and use their wombs to grow areolas for our Many Titted Empress. We'll have to do C-sections on them, of course, and they won't be good brood mares for the Party after that, but eight (16?) of them are a small price to pay.

But I forgot. What about rejection? It's possible that the areolas would reject our Many Titted Empress. To avoid this, we need of course to nationalize the Swiss big pharma that discovered cyclosporine, but before they grow into place, we'll have to sew them down with carbon-fiber thread. I think that a machine used for making the sails for three-master ships ought to do, but we'll need another one of them in case one breaks down.

But what happens if we have an air bubble in one? Denver is a mile high! If she flies her Boeing Broom4Broom there, it won't be able to get above 3,500 feet for the weight of the air. So I suppose we'll have to install air locks.

There. That ought to do it. For now.

User avatar
Repent! I say REPENT!

Down on your knees fellow Goremons and pray!

Dearest and most Holy Algore,

Please forgive us our carbon sins that caused the Minnesota I-35 Interstate Bridge to collapse as pointed out by your Holy messenger Joseph Romm, Bishop of the Center for American Progress.
Please accept these carbon credits as a humble offering to show our sincere and profound guilt.

Praise Algore from whom all knowledge flows
Praise global warming for we know
In Minnesota it doesn't snow

In the name of Marx, Lenin, and Stalin's Ghost.

Algore Akhbar!

Rev L. Space Dogged

User avatar
So which story are we sticking to in regards to this bridge? Are we sticking with tax cuts, Iraq war, George Bush himself with the help of Cheney or are we going to say it was the 90 degree heat? Which one is it or can we just use them all and hope to fool somebody?

User avatar
Meow asked this stupid question
So which story are we sticking to in regards to this bridge? Are we sticking with tax cuts, Iraq war, George Bush himself with the help of Cheney or are we going to say it was the 90 degree heat? Which one is it or can we just use them all and hope to fool somebody?

Butch asked
more boobs, please.
Well since you asked:
Image I think these are the nicest of the batch.
For the full batch of boobs, link here to Zombietime: ... s_protest/

User avatar
Our Kossack comrades never miss a beat!

CTMET at Daily Kos wrote:I wonder if anyone has tied the mine accident (13+ / 0-)

to the Bush administrations eviscerating of regulation in the mining industry?

Don't tell them to end the war! Tell them to END THE OCCUPATION .

by CTMET on Tue Aug 07, 2007 at 03:57:24 PM PDT

[ Parent ]

Once more I find myself envious of the troll rating system over there.

User avatar
The useful media organs (e.g., CNN) are trying to stick the mining accident into a template long ago developed by Hollywood: a bad greedy capitalist owner sacrifices lowly proletarians to profits. It's called "unbiased, open-minded journalism."

But unlike many other capitalist pigs, this one is not letting the media turn him into a punching bag. He's turning the media into punching bags instead! He's not some liberal, guilt-ridden and therefore easily tractable CEO - he's the owner! The kulak! The worst kind that needs to be liquidated as class if we are serious about retaining power over the masses!

User avatar
<off>The way that Stalin sent the Kulaks to the gulags. Saw a 2-hour documentary on it last night and I knew Stalin was a monster and I knew I would never understand what a monster and I knew I would never understand what Stalin put those people through, but it was even worse. But what I really don't understand is the human mind, when people cried at his funeral. Where those only the people who had lived, well, in Moscow? Was it a potempkin funeral? Did people cry all over? In Ukraine? Was there anyone left to cry in Ukraine? <on>

Of course this kulak needs some good demonstrations to teach him the humility that he deserves. Where is Jesse Jackson? Jackson? Get over here and get some demonstrations going. There's something in it for you. Don't tell me that you don't need the money; you've shaken enough out of people. You know there will be at least a dozen more women you need to shut up. Now DO something.

User avatar
<character off>
Theo -

To answer your question, they did cry after Stalin's death, including my mother who was 17 at the time. The reasons are many and they are not simple. Half of the country was suffering from the Stockholm syndrome, and the other half was being eradicated with prejudice. The younger generation knew only what the official sources told them, and the parents were scared shitless to talk to their children about issues - because kids are kids and they talk. It could make life very difficult not just for the parents but for the kids too. So it was all done FOR THE CHILDREN.

The official story was that anything bad that happened in the country was the fault, not of the leadership, but of anti-socialist saboteurs (similar to how the Dems blame everything on Bush and Republicans. Public Enemy #1 was Trotsky, and to get a feeling of what the papers wrote about him just go to Daily Kos and see what they write about Bush. It's "five minutes of hatred" every five minutes. Orwell described this in 1984 based on what was really happening in the Soviet Union. That's why I wasn't that impressed with the book when I first read it - the setting was all too familiar, he just gave the characters English names and moved them to a different country.

And, of course, class envy and hatred of the kulaks, of property owners, of any business people, and even of the very notion of doing business and making money was cultivated and encouraged among the masses. It helped to exile all those kulaks without a glitch. That's why, having moved to the States, I was so surprised to see how American media (Time, Newsweek, etc.) were indulging their readers in class envy, counting other people's money and judging whether certain people were worthy of their big paychecks.

That sort of class envy is one of the most important ingredients of the success of any socialist dictatorship. Hitler used the same tactics, pitching workers against the profiteering bourgeoisie to ensure control over the masses.

All in all, in both Germany and the USSR the common notion was that if anyone suffered under those regimes they had asked for it and had only themselves to blame for it. It was safer and more convenient to think that way. Their sacrifice was needed for the Greater Good. The few were sacrificed to improve the lives of the many.

We all know how it ended. Unfortunately it happens to be the official doctrine of the "progressive" movement that includes all Presidential candidates on part of the Democrats.

What a sad realization for them that their mothers were right about burning their bras.

User avatar
<character off>

Red, you've amplified what I've suspected, from extrapolation or reading. But I had never thought of Stockholm Syndrome--how horrifying. And I had heard about children informing on their parents but hadn't thought that could be extended to telling the truth. Which is shocking.

In the last two months of Mom's life, Dad had a medical setback--temporary; he's hale now. But he couldn't visit Mom, who was in the hospital 80 miles away, because the doctor told him not to travel just yet. He told Mark and me to lie, which was nearly as bad as the illnesses. Never before any lies about anything in our family. I am haunted by what you describe.

But something has bubbled through my consciousness. Even the moonbats can't think that they'll be the ones in the nomenklatura that they so push for; surely no one is that deluded. In Hitchens' book <i>God Is Not Great</i> he says that the totalitarian mindset is a mindset. That everyone must be subjected to totalitarianism, and touches, very briefly, into intellectuals who tire of intellectual freedom, which would explain the horrors that intellectuals so often support. It's a term that I've always resisted, without knowing why.

These people cannot be convinced with promises of freedom for freedom is to them like a cross to a vampire. I therefore think that they hate the responsibility for their own existence. Or am I quoting Rand?

Sadder but wiser,
<character on>
Has the owner of the mine been threatened by the government yet? He is obviously a dangerous man, becoming rich through his own efforts. The People cannot allow this sort of dangerous example to continue. We may have to sabotage another of his mines with miners in it. We shall put a red star for each of them on the outside of the mine.

User avatar
You can tell you've won an argument with a liberal when…

•They glare at you with smoldering hostility (I once had a lesbian give me the stare that Hillary reserves for hecklers while her partner aimed an imaginary handgun at me and pretended to fire)
•They leave (a liberal relative of mine literally walked out of the room when I mentioned the name of Rush Limbaugh)
•They start shrieking (like the pro-abortionists who winsomely framed an invitation to civil debate with, “Racist! Sexist! Anti-Gay! Born again bigot, go away!”)
•They take off their clothes and start acting irrationally (like the pix above **retch!** **gack!**)

Indeed, Zam, they are thoroughly predictable.

User avatar
Comrade Blogunov wrote:•They glare at you with smoldering hostility (I once had a lesbian give me the stare that Hillary reserves for hecklers while her partner aimed an imaginary handgun at me and pretended to fire)

You should've told her that you have a hand gun too and then proceed with grabbing your crotch. Nothing pisses a lesbian off more than reminding them that you're a man and they're not.

User avatar
Be careful of the steel-toed drillers' boots. Across the street is one dyke Terry, who is not a lesbian, not a dyke, not a bull dyke, but a diesel dyke. She hates all men, even me, and I'm supposed to get a pass. You ought to see her and her girlfriend in their swimsuits washing their jet skis. I promise you you'd turn queer.

How odd. Even in this town of 9500 there just happens to be a block where most of the people are gay. But I'm moving out to a better neighborhood, and getting a Sports Illustrated subscription.

Oh. Wouldn't work, would it?

User avatar

Let's not discriminate. We must give equal time!
Breasts not Bombs?
How about Balls not Bombs?
Penises for Peace maybe?
Scrotal inflation? All I can say is WTF?WTF?WTF?WTF?WTF?WTF?WTF?WTF?

I have it Comrades.

We will ensure and make sure that "confidential" memos are sent to Dan Rather to report on. Dan Rather would NEVER lie or misrepresent the facts of a story. No wait, Rather's out of the loop. Katie Couric. She's fair and balanced. Yes, we'll have memos leaked "from the most secretive administration in history" to the press proving that Clinton did everything he could to fix the Bridge, but Bush stopped him and blocked all his efforts. In fact, the memo will show that Clinton also was able to prevent global warming, keep the economy strong, prevent people from aging, getting sick or dying, prevent any and all environmental degredation or decline, that he invented a car that ran on air and cost only a dollar, that he had a plan to fix all schools so that all kids would grow up super-literate and graduate with honors from only ivy-league schools, that social security and Medicare/Medicaid and all welfare programs could be paid by never raising taxes and we would all live in a spirit of peace, harmony, love and good-will towards our fellow man, if only those evil Rethugnacons hadn't insisted on investigating a false story causing him to lie to protect the innocent virtue of a naiive girl. WHEW. Think we can fit all of that into a memo?

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<img width="550" src=" ... G_2116.JPG">
The dry humping through clothes was not working out, the freaks do not feel as one with mother earth. If you look closely you can see the sexual frustration on their faces.

<img width="550" src=" ... G_2163.JPG">
The sexual tension between the protesters and mother earth has increased to explosive proportions. The protesters must remove their inhibitive clothing and rub their genetalia upon mother earths nature.

<img width="550" src=" ... G_2176.JPG">
As you can see many waist little time dry humping the ground and rubbing their genitalia against the leaves and dirt that mother earth has so graciously provided to them. The lady with the massive teetaa's is reportedly pushing out her vegan breakfast as an offering to mother earth(if you look closely you can see the struggle upon her face as she forces her vegan/earth friendly deposit out from the confines of her anus).

Many of the protesters are vigorously humping the earth in protest. For a few it is their first experience fornicating with mother earth and they look to others for help in the process of pleasing mother earth. The guy to the right reportedly has not fornicated with mother earth in quit some time and has already deposited his seed for the feeding of his beloved tree's.

This is the end of the fornication. The vigorous humping of mother earth has left the protesters exhausted and many pass out or are in the snuggle process.

Others choose to climb into the motherly arms of the tree's and perform tantric positions. The tree as you can tell is pleased.

The mop headed girl is also protesting all razor companies. She reportedly has said that the cutting down of the rain forests has made her realize that if she keeps her gigantic bush then it will be the last bush left on earth that has not been explored by man. She added that her bush accepts everyone and that it loves everything and everyone, all are welcome, it is the peoples bush.

User avatar
LOL, Laika AND Sea-Bass (which should be endagered and served at every Gore wedding). Laika, WTF was that? Looked like a growth of some kind!?

User avatar
Laika, WTF was that? Looked like a growth of some kind!?'s called scrotal inflation, where a ummm....hypo with saline solution is injected <wince, wince, gag, shudder> into a nutsack to inflate it to the size of a friggin' grapefruit.
Don't ask me why somebody would do this, I don't have a friggin' clue, but if this progressive practice brings about world peace and topples the evil Bushitler regime, I'm all for it, just as long as it's not me.
Maybe Commissar Theocritus can help explain. The guy on his knees (probably in that position every night) looks every bit the fabled BEQ described in story and song....Just notice shim's bug eyed expression, it's like "What, haven't you ever seen a person's balls about to explode before? It's perfectly normal, everybody does it, and if it stops the war, you should try it too."

User avatar
What about Bush against Bush? My worry, comrades, is that this laudable political comment--for everything is political, isn't it?--will distract people from breeding the necessary proles for the work force. Proles have an advantage over robots for they repair themselves, or they die. And they decay better with less need for disposal in Gaia-friendly fashions. It's a bitch getting rid of the mercury in a robot, but a thousand bodies? Hitler did that before breakfast.

Katie Couric is one of us, taking at least half the CBS News budget of $31M. She brought with her five people from her Today show, which made $250M profit a year. She cannot be without her own interview scheduler, who knows just what mood she will be in.

She sucks up all the money and brings in none. What a gal.

Meow, the BEQ had in general a different position. It's true that his eyes did look up, but so did the soles of his feet. Had I not insisted on a good cease and desist, my ceiling would have sued for invasion of privacy.

User avatar
Laika the Space Dog wrote: Image

Come on, they are the ferocious Spartans that Sen. Mike Gravel was talking about!

He said in this interview that "Spartans encouraged their people to be homosexuals because they were better fighters." This was, of course, in reference to today's "don't ask don't tell" policy in the army. Think about it! If the man in the picture is fearless enough to inflate his scrotum, then fighting the Persian army should be the least of his problems! Die Xerxes, you animal!

User avatar
Some homosexuals are very good fighters, but then some would fight their brothers for a ticket to a Cher concert. I've seen people with a Prince Albert, people with over a dozen small rings in the scrotum, a ladder in the pecker, and could not understand the fascination. There was at least one Greek army which consisted of Greek lovers who were thought to be fiercely protective of each other, although it's not certain that they actually went all the way, so to speak. There is Greek pottery of one man tickling another's balls, but that wasn't seen as to be nearly as much of a homosexual act as we would see it.

Evidently the pirates (just read an article about the history of the <i>Pirates of the Carribean</i> were mostly comprised of male marriages, which were usually not homosexual. Male bonding in everything but the slap and tickle, although Johnny Depp's character, whose name I forget, was gay and was elected--it was an elected meritocracy with an inflexible set of rules--captain not long after his capture. He was literate and could navigate.

A lot of the pirates were black, and they signed on, being more equal there. A lot of the pirates were the slave-runners themselves, who evidently had a mortality rate just as high as the slaves did. The pirates, come to find out, were in the main responsible for stemming slave trading economically; William Wilberforce provided English laws.

As far as the sex goes, I suppose it's any old port in a storm. If they did that.

But there is one thing that I can tell you: a 6' 1" tall BEQ can pack a punch. The eyes alone can shoot missiles out of the air.

User avatar
Come on, they are the ferocious Spartans that Sen. Mike Gravel was talking about!
Damn square, Red Square, they're ferocious!
I squirm and whimper at the mere thought of sticking a needle into my nutsack for the Revolution...there are some things a loyal space dog won't do. This is one. Definitely one. The ONE.

Sen. Gravel left his mike on after the sound bite and I picked up the signal from up here in orbit.

Gravel: OK, are we off the air?
Producer: Yes.
Gravel: Hey gang. What was the Spartan's motto?
Wolf Blitzer: I dunno.
Gravel: We never leave our buddy's behind.

Gravel: Jeeze Louise! what a tough crowd.
OK, Try this one:
How do they separate the men from the boys in the Spartan Army?
Helen Thomas: Oh, oh, I know, I know!
Gravel: I bet you would, you were probably there.
Helen Thomas: <blushes> With a crowbar!

User avatar
Another instant classic. Go, Laika!

Should we start a separate post about the Spartans with the video and then illustrate it with the picture? I'd do it if I weren't in a rush to get the work done and get ready for the trip...

User avatar
Hillary: "Obama is as dangerous as Rahm Emmanuel with a chipped tooth."

Why did they bury Leonidas in the ground with his ass up? So his friends could stop by for a cold one.

By the way, Gravel was drunk when said that. Not insensate, obviously, but his inhibitions down. A practiced drinker and this is noticeable only in the slight hesitations. <i>In vino veritas</i>? Nah. That's special pleading.

User avatar
Well at least inflate-a-ball had the progressive artistic vision to decorate his growth with a peace sign. We have to give him credit for that.. or the guy painting his ass the credit for that??? Maybe the growth is a flesh colored fanny-pack???

Anyhoo, was Gravel drunk? He seems doped up to me when I see him, like he is taking something making him very weepy and emotional... maybe estrogen, perhaps? Maybe Gravel is getting injections of estrogen to be weepier and grow a nice rack to pick up some more votes... with Hill's cleavage <shudders> he'll need it! <shudders some and vomits>

User avatar
Meow mused
Maybe the growth is a flesh colored fanny-pack???
No, but it probably packed a few fannies.

Hmmm....Let's see.
We've got "Breasts not Bombs", "Balls not Bombs", and "Penises for Peace".
We need another progressive body part that speaks truth to Chimpy Bushitler.
How about "Sphincters for Surrender"?......"Anuses for Armistice"?
We're never going to get that bridge rebuilt unless we expose our body parts for the truth and stop the war. It's that logical. Winning the war is not an option. every Democrat knows that, with the exclusion of Zell Miller and Joe Lieberman, the Kamenev and Zinoviev of today.
Hey, it's almost Purge Season. Those two would make a great show trial.
I'll have to run it by Hillary.


User avatar
A purge! A purge! Can I play? I'm new to the Cube but I have some FABulous ideas! Maroon is the new black and it doesn't show blood nearly as much. And what they've done with fabrics recently--the old wash-and-wear is so much improved, and rubber doesn't even look like rubber any more.

Yes, Lieberman has to go. Bear in mind that we Progressives have always loathed Jews. Can't think why: think of what we owe to Marx et al, but there it is. Anything against Israel is just fine, and look at all the people who keep voting with us. Can't think why again, but I'm glad for it. Don't look a gift kulak in the mouth.

Lieberman and Miller have that thing that we fear the most: integrity. There. I've said it. Oh, I know that we have integrity, but it's to us, dear comrades, to us. Well, to me, when you're not watching. Too closely. But I have this horrible feeling that Lieberman and Miller <i>might actually mean what they say</i>. Pardon, I have to sit down for a while.

...Bruno! Bruno! Come wipe my brow and massage my feet, and don't be slow with that Mumbai Non Conflict Sapphire Gin and Tonic. Bring the Teddy K. size...

There. Much better now. Some things just have to be said.

If we allow people who mean what they say to remain standing then people might think that there is such as thing as objective truth, and we know there is not. Truth is what <i>The New York Times</i> says it is. Truth is what dear Nansky says it is.

Truth is what we say it is and since I don't think that Lieberman and Miller understand that, they must go to the wall. Volunteers?

User avatar
Dear Brothers,
The fouling of one's bed occurs with the onset of a human weakness. The term this commie, life sucking, Marx loving conservative enjoys using is Liberalism.

The Protesters are in the process of fouling their bed. They are fools and tools to the Islamofascists.

Native American's fouled their bed and begot christian worshippers who unfouled the American soil from savagery, slave ownership and crimes to humanity beyond belief.

The Chinese, the Germans, the Vietnamese, the Koreans have all enjoyed the by product of human weakness.

Pusillanimous Liberalism is a scourge and byproduct of a successful people. Like the slime that grows on the side of the toilet bowel. Flushing human waste down a pipe is the work of the masses of tax paying serfs. The slime is Liberalism. One has nothing to do with the other. Greatness skips a generation? can see why a brother should keep his toilet clean or Liberalism will take away his ability to flush.

Please excuse my feeble attempt at Orwellian/Marxist Double Speak. The Truth...a moving target a learned concept. Playing with "Truth Denying" numchucks is not my forte.


[red]Stop Lights Timed For 35 mph
Also Are Timed For 70 mph

User avatar
<character off>
Navigator, I see evil as coming from a character flaw, the utter hatred of freedom, the responsibility of being. The responsibility of making choices. This is the only thing that I know that explains this ineradicable desire to control. At first I did not understand the people who always voted for utter control, because I do not want to be controlled. I thought that they were thinking that they'd rise to the top of the pole and be giving orders themselves, but I've come to believe that there are people who really want a master. I have, in the dark of night, wondered if there might not be an odd sexual component to it. But you can understand these people if you note that the first thing that comes out of their mouths is a desire to control everything all the time, and that nothing inflames them more than people doing something without their approval, except for sex, which is just about the only thing that they grant license in.
<character on>

The glory of AmeriKKKan democracy is that all of these misguided fools line up to fight for this country and even to defend the First Amendment, although surely they see that we make good use of it to destroy what makes it possible.

All these people die so we can bitch and stab them in the back.

I like that.

User avatar
Commissar Theocritus,
<Character on/off> LMAO!

<character under construction>
I think you nailed it.
When the war in Iraq started, I believed the Iraqi people would prove to the world they are not worthy to take their country back. The evil in Iraq exists because of the evil in the minds and hearts of the people. Liberalism????

I see evil as coming from a character flaw, the utter hatred of freedom, the responsibility of being. The responsibility of making choices. .......but I've come to believe that there are people who really want a master. ~Commissar Theocritus

Both in Afghanistan and Iraq.... people are worshipping death and destruction by the inability to act decisively. It's as if right and wrong is a hackneyed concept...but twisted human dogma is the tune they dance to.

I find parallels in Afghanistan and Iraq to what would happen in LA or San Francisco when the proverbial shit hits the fan. California seems to developing a huge reservoir of anti-common sense...anti-values.......Like the vile substance growing the the sewers of New York in the movie GhostBusters™. When all is said and done......California will become a battle field by the absence of values....just like the Middle East.
<Character on coffee break>

User avatar
You write as if that is a bad thing. Ok...enough surfing of this site. Monday is drawing near and I got some shakedowns coming up. Toodles.

User avatar
Laika the Space Dog wrote:
Come on, they are the ferocious Spartans that Sen. Mike Gravel was talking about!
Damn square, Red Square, they're ferocious!
I squirm and whimper at the mere thought of sticking a needle into my nutsack for the Revolution...there are some things a loyal space dog won't do. This is one. Definitely one. The ONE.

Sen. Gravel left his mike on after the sound bite and I picked up the signal from up here in orbit.

Gravel: OK, are we off the air?
Producer: Yes.
Gravel: Hey gang. What was the Spartan's motto?
Wolf Blitzer: I dunno.
Gravel: We never leave our buddy's behind.

Gravel: Jeeze Louise! what a tough crowd.
OK, Try this one:
How do they separate the men from the boys in the Spartan Army?
Helen Thomas: Oh, oh, I know, I know!
Gravel: I bet you would, you were probably there.
Helen Thomas: <blushes> With a crowbar!

Falling Bridges, Boobs, Bombs, and Bush..


Upon first reading this particular Blog topic, I was immediatedly struck by the lack of Bottom in the title…. Bottom, Bum, Butt, Buttocks, whatever… as long as it's alliterative and refers to the body part one sits on… Why was it not included?… members kept laughing theirs off – or were they referring to
Finally, quoting from Dalmations 17:674, Laika (The Most Reverend L. Space Dogged of the Church of the Blessed Stone, The Latter-Day Goremons, Algore Akhbar! GWBUH!), in his canine and canonical wisdom made mention (but then he is as dog and a fart is as good as a wink to a blind pooch) of the army of the Greek city-state, the Spartans....

However, I believe that historically, of all the Greek ‘nations' and armies, the Spartans were one of the few who looked down on the practice of ‘partnering' and fighting, and this was reflected in their military style and practise. The classic Phalanx formation, using interlocking shields through which spears were arrayed, required the individual Spartan foot soldier to look always to his left for protection by the soldier to that side of him. Were he to rely on a ‘partner', then one of each pair would have to rely on the soldier to their right and the phalanx would fail… The success of this formation is based on the notion that any soldier in the front line who fell was immediately ‘replaced' as the line of defense tightened, the soldier to the left always moving to protect the soldier on his right side, while being assured in turn that he was being protected by the shied of the soldier on his own left side. Of all the Greek armies, historically, the Spartans were most critical of the concept of partnering, and almost their entire tactical arsenal was based on the unanimity AND anonymity of each soldier – the fact that they were interchangeable in skill, strength and bravery, having each undergone Agoge as a requirement for citizenship. Some Roman historians claim that Spartan training included pederasty, but unlike the military training in other city-states, this has never been shown conclusively to be sexual in nature in any fashion and is thought to have been more in the way of partnering a seasoned warrior with a younger soldier from whom he could learn.

I'm sure we are referring to the core of the Theban army, which was built entirely of ‘coupled' soldiering pairs, and was known as The Sacred Band of Thebes. Lycurgus, founder of the Spartan army, was incredibly critical of the use of sexual OR familial partnered relationships as a basis for morale strengthening or unit structure, with the exception that partners were used in some tactical formations when soldiers were fighting in the midst of the enemy. It is interesting to note that one of Sparta's first defeats came at the hands of the Thebans, who then adopted many of the Spartan's tactics, such as the phalanx. So, of all the Greek city state armies, the Spartans were, in fact, the least likely to base their unit formation on homosexual pairing. Rather, the Thebans were the only Greek army to use it exclusively, and then only for the core unit of their army, The Sacred Band. Eventually, homosexual pairing as a basis for unit formation became practiced – though never formally – in almost all Greek city state armies but Sparta's, and it is this that is most often noted in Roman military histories and their discussion of the basis of Greek unit formation. For some Roman historians, it is seen as beneficial, while others abhor the practise, though many later Roman armies practised homosexual pairing for any number of reasons.

That over with, “BUM” is still missing from the Blog's alliterative title and I am curious, as a dolphin, to know why something that can droop or sag, or for that matter, fall, is not included, particularly given that it would afford many more opportunities for Bumper Sticker Witticism… Perhaps it is a cultural thing that is beyond the ken of this cetacean, but it seems a terrible waste of opportunity… Aye! The Bottom line is that it's like pirates overtaking a ship, capturing it, killing all aboard, hoisting the jolly roger (I'm just handin' ‘em to ya) and leaving all the Booty Behind… Arrrhhhh!!!!

Image Avast!… Sister couldn't resist…

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Perhaps boobs and swollen scrota utterly overpowered bums. That hippie chick with the Zeppelin-sized dugs got my attention. And the image of the nut-job with peace signs drawn all over his body with the cantaloupe-sized nut-sack is burned, ineradicably, in my mind.

Does it go down of its own accord? Does he have to lance it? We can but hope for sepsis.

And how low we have come in homosexual pairings to think that Roseanne may be our most modern exemplar. If I can read between the lines, although her I don't much want to.

[quote="Navigator"]Which came first:
The Capitalist Pig
The Hordes of unmotivated Liberals commie socialists who would feed off his tit?

Dead White Guys - Or - What Your history Books Never Told You

I have been sent by the state to investigate the posting of forbidden propaganda. the page you have posted was order destroyed by the politburo and replaced with a new page 738 which states that they tried the every man for himself first and failed so badly that half of the glorious people went on to the great socialist workers paradise. The capitalist pig named Branford faced charges and was reeducated. He died shortly after his release under suspicious circumstances. Do not ask questions! Once the workers were empowered, the place thrived.
The evil capitalistic pig rose his head again in 1917 when we were too busy to fight back. We must return America to her socialistic roots. Defeat Bush08, re-elect Clinton to the soon to be Red House. Power to the people.
This thinly disguised as a joke propaganda will be dealt with severely.
It will be reported how poorly this place is supervised. Punishment to follow.

That is all

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comradeinvestagator renko wrote: This thinly disguised as a joke propaganda will be dealt with severely.
It will be reported how poorly this place is supervised. Punishment to follow.

That is all

This isn't's nectar for my soul!

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Commissar Theocritus wrote:Perhaps boobs and swollen scrota utterly overpowered bums. That hippie chick with the Zeppelin-sized dugs got my attention. And the image of the nut-job with peace signs drawn all over his body with the cantaloupe-sized nut-sack is burned, ineradicably, in my mind.

Does it go down of its own accord? Does he have to lance it? We can but hope for sepsis..

It's kind of sad, really, because it trivializes the work of photographers like Spencer Tunick, who has created (what I think) are some quite beautiful and interesting photographs using hundreds and thousands (18,000 people came out in Mexico City to volunteer) of nude people lying or sitting or standing in various positions as landscape. The photographs are referred to as installations and the sheer volume of individuals forces the mind to see them (or is meant to... some people can't get past all the 'boobies' and 'wee-wees' and 'cho-cho's', but I tend to put that down to how they think of their own body parts, which obviously says more about their issues than anything else) in the abstract. When you look at a photo and there are 7,000 nude people lying in close formation across a landscape, taking on that form, the individual becomes so abstracted that they tend to become more like brushtrokes than people.

When he first began doing these photos, several hundred people would gather in New York and he would get up on a ladder and they would all quickly strip and lie down... he'd have to arrange them as quickly as possible and get them to settle down and stay still and all holding the same position, because he could never get permits to have that many people gathered together, or nude, or blocking a street, and invariably, he'd just be trying to get as many shots as possible before the police came and arrested him. As his work became better known and appreciated, cities started to vie for him to come and do work there, and would compete to see how many people they could get out to the shoots... There was a really good one in Sydney very early in the morning by the harbour, with lots of fog and the sun just rising... it was quite beautiful.

I don't at all agree with his politics, and as his work and he have become more famous and successful, it has lost much of it's spontaineity... now it's gimmicky and overly commercial - probably because he doesn't have to race against time to get his subjects into position and because he doesn't have to worry that he'll have enough people to make it work... But his early work was pretty amazing in some instances... quite beautiful and often quite haunting. But that's just my opinion.

But these pictures, which are trying to co-opt his idea, are a cheap imitation of what has already become a caricature of itself in terms of his own work... if that makes sense... It's like they couldn't even rip off the idea when it was still a good one and waited until it had lost its artistic currency. His early work was not to make a political statement except insofar as it vaguely carried with it ideas about the body in general and our ideas about it, and the abstraction of those ideas... a lot of artistic blahblahblah, but with a beautiful outcome... The sheer fact that the pictures of these people was for a political purpose, to make a political statement (whatever that was - Muffs, not Muftis?... Missiles, not Missiles?... Bodies, not Burquas?) negates any artistic currency they might have merited, and the fact that they fail to abstract the human form simply turns them into pictures of a bunch of naked Moonbats running around misinterpreting an interesting idea, badly... which seems to be the genereal M.O. of Moonbats everywhere... but that's what comes of misappropriating an initially sound concept and subordinating it to partial understanding and shallow thinking... the funny thing is, it's the same affliction that results in things like Eurotrash and Nouveau riche interior decoration debacles... which is the life's blood of so many things that Moonbats find evil... like The Home Shopping Network...

Would they be so eager to get nekked and paint each other if they realized they were serving the same populist master?... It would be funny if it weren't so sad... and delusional...

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Geez... sorry... last couple posts in this thread have been a bit overly serious... first a history lecture and then art theory and criticism... someone might mistake me for an intellectual.... ... .. HAHAHHAHAHAHHAHHAHHAAHHHHHH... HAHAAHAHAH... ahhhhhhhh..... <heavy sigh>...

It's just that... well... I'm absolutely no good at telling jokes...

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Thats OK, its what we have The Mime and Captain Crunch for.