
Fascists everywhere

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Comrades, the Argentinian capitalist Kulak, Javier Milei, is reducing the power of the state. This makes him a fascist, according to certain very wise online comrades. I include this quote by fascism's founder, Pete Fascism Jr. (aka Mussolini), to make history more compatible with our current use of the word.



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I concur with the comrade in this video. Peace and prosperity to you all! May we all have the freedom of the people of North Korea!

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Minitrue wrote:
12/24/2023, 7:34 am
Comrades, the Argentinian capitalist Kulak, Javier Milei, is reducing the power of the state. This makes him a fascist, according to certain very wise online comrades. I include this quote by fascism's founder, Pete Fascism Jr. (aka Mussolini), to make history more compatible with our current use of the word.


That's not my recollection of his statement but The People's Cube never makes mistakes so I'll concede I have no memory. Only the Current Truth™ matters.