
A Female Who Has Male Genitalia???

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I'm done.  I don't know what to say.  Our military and nation are in the hands of unserious people who will cause us to fail, and fail again in war. Gone are the days when I disagreed with Army leadership about relatively benign issues like having all soldiers wear berets because then they will all be "elite".  Stupid decisions never caused me to not be proud of our military.  Stupid decisions have always been part of the military.  Just ask the Good Idea Fairy:

What's happening now, however,  is that our civilian, senior, and (increasingly) junior leadership are uneducated in (or don't care about) history, civics, and the document they swore to uphold and protect. This is existential.  I don't use the word "existential" lightly, but in this case it is not hyperbole. I observe this lack of education, and sometimes lack of patriotism, more often than one may think possible from both senior officers and senior NCOs. 

I believe the majority (though I won't say vast majority) of our military is driving on, doing the best they can despite the distractions.  My heart goes out to them, that they may be better served and led; and soon, before our foes choose to jump.

I've always been intrigued by the Chinese language.  

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I got sick of the brown-nosed cheesers who practically had "Yes sir, yes sir, two bags full" tattooed to their foreheads. That type was the greatest danger we faced and sadly, many of them kiss ass right to the top of a chain of command that's populated with politicians.

One good hard war or one good hard President can weed many of those parasites out, and the sissy Marys will flee like panicked schoolgirls once their special status gets revoked because serious professional soldiers won't tolerate the physical presence of deranged perverts in their midst.

I'm glad I got full retirement despite my proclivity to say, "No, Sir," to any officer or NCO who got the hots for the Good Idea Fairy. Seemed to me that a lot of them forgot that the greatest thing about the American soldier is his ability to take the initiative and see clearly under the worst of circumstances.

I got out because I put in my time and had other things to do, but I tell any soldier, sailor or airman who's currently stuck in an enlistment or obligated with a commission to hold fast: things are going to change because they will fucking have to.

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‘pelipsky learned everything about Alinsky from a Good Idea Fairy spreading pacifism.

However, this video from an avowed good idea fairy, restores ‘pelipsky’s mythical belief system.

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jackalopelipsky wrote:
2/25/2023, 10:01 am
‘pelipsky learned everything about Alinsky from a Good Idea Fairy spreading pacifism.

However, this video from an avowed good idea fairy, restores ‘pelipsky’s mythical belief system.

Some Good Idea Fairies are more equal than others.  I was curious about yours, and I think I tracked down a few contenders using OpenAI's Dall-E 2. 

DALL·E 2023-02-25 16.59.55.jpeg

DALL·E 2023-02-25 17.38.59 - A realistic image, in color, face detail, of Saul Alinsky as a winged fairy in a pink negligee with a lightbulb tipped magic wand and flying horizonta.jpeg

DALL·E 2023-02-25 17.55.05.jpeg