
Financial Crisis Drives Michelle Obama Client to Suicide

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this greedy cowboy
capitalism riding high just goes to prove
Janis had it right to sing
When You Ain't Got Nothing, You got Nothing To Lose
don't own no nothing
no mortgage no car no land
unless you want to jump a thousand times and
go splat on a hood of a car on your once proud head

justice is not
a dead dinosaur

Justice Now!

feed the revolution


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Comrades, pay no heed to these lies and smears which are nothing more than petty distractions from The Real Issues. The truth is that Barney was murdered by Bush and Palin--Bush through his failed, immoral, illegal economic policies of the past eight years, and Palin at a recent anti-Obamessiah rally, where she whipped up the crowds in a frenzy of murderous hatred and bloodlust until I swear I overheard someone in the crowd yell, "Kill him!" and now I know that person meant Barney, and that Palin urged that person to say it by using Republican code words that were blatantly racist, even though they sounded as if she was talking about something else entirely.

Everyone else there said they didn't hear it, but what do you expect? They're all protecting their precious goddess Palin.

Anyway, I am heartbroken at Barney's demise, for he was one of the most perfect Progressives I have ever known, always devoted to The Children and more recently The Polar Bears. How good a Progressive was he? Well, whenever he came up with an idea to do something, the Children would invariably ask, "But Barney, how can we do it?" And his response was always to chuckle and say, "Why, just use your imagination!" and then they would join hands and sing and dance to make it so.

Needless to say, groups like Code Pink and IFP owe their success to Barney's inspiring, trailblazing ways of encouraging people to use their imaginations, along with singing and dancing and dressing up in make-believe costumes (remember the "die-ins" and the orange jumpsuited Gitmo prisoners' parade in St. Paul?), to help make the world a better, more caring place.

And, if nothing else, Barney always raised awareness and showed everyone how much he cared.

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Both in and out of character, I can't really say I'm sorry to hear that Barney offed himself.

Does this mean that Barney's summer home on Cape Cod, next to Ted Kennedy, is for sale??

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I think Barney was killed, Comrades. I think Barney the Dinosaur was mistaken for Barney Frank. The resemblance is uncanny and both are socialist who love vunerable children.

I think... I think Palin is to blame for this. We all know she has been organizing lynch mobs at her rallies. We also know that her angry mobs of supporters are homophobic racist thirsting for the blood of noble Progressives.

This was no accident, Comrades. This was cold-blooded murder and it has Sarahcuda written all over it. I bet Cheney talked her into it. No, I know Cheney talked her into it.

Someone get me Henry Waxman on line two.... we are going to need a hearing... witnesses... lattes.... and hush money... lots and lots of hush money.... I could use some hush money myself.

Of course, Barney was killed because he loved The Children™ and was mistaken for Barney Frank. The Neo-Cons will stop at nothing to destroy any Progressive celebrity and cause chaos in our ranks.

This has Cheney and Palin written all over it!! What's wrong with killing a Progressive dinosaur compared with killing a moose or a polar bear, in the eyes of this bloodthirsty pair??Check out the rooftop for the evidence Comrades!!

Vladimir Toot'en
Barney Frank must be absoutly destrought right now, damn you Bush and your weather machine causing hurricanes to flood New Orleans now you Kill off Barney The Dinosaur.

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Barney was pushed.

If you play shameless Konservative tool Paul Shanklin's latest piece of filth, "SarahCuda" backwards, you can plainly hear Sarah Painin whisper "Barney Must Die!" This was told to me by a spy deep within the Konservative think tanks, so deep he allowed his Atlantic subscription to expire. This is code, comrades, for the dark one's minions to release - gasp - the SWIFT BOAT COMMUNITY ORGANIZERS FOR TRUTH!

All is not lost, Comrades!

Now Barney the Dinosaur is one of the Necro-Voters for Obama. Barney will have the last word in getting His Excellency elected to be POTUS.

We salute you, Barney!!

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well if our Akorn bretheren can register Comrade Mickey Mouse, Im sure thay can handle Barney and Tinkerbell.