
Fister, Grayson fights for states rights for Death Panels

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Fister, Grayson fights for states rights for Death Panels or Congressman Plans to File complaint against Doctor


In our continuing battle to keep healthcare where it belongs, in the wise hands of gov't, fellow progressive fister, Rep. Alan Grayson has taken on a new cause.

(I know he is a "limp fister" but do not hold this against him)

Apparently, the good doctor, Herr Jack Cassell has decided on his own plan to institute for "thinning out the herd". The good doctor posted on his door:

"If you voted for Obama, seek urologic care elsewhere. Changes to your healthcare begin right now, not in four years."

While as progressive we can appreciate his efforts in making medicine "more fair" by denying treatment, his actions were totally non-state approved. For example, a state approved message from the gov't Death panels would have said something to the effect of:

"If you voted for Obama, seek urologic care anywhere. Changes to your healthcare begin right now, not in four years. Please take a number and come back in six months if you are still alive"

You see, this "Canadian approach"is much better. Many kudos to Rep. Alan Grayson for trying to stop any infringement on the gov't monopoly of quality death decisions. Smartly so, Rep Alan Grayson has worded it for the state-approved MSM's target audiences by saying, the good doctor, "...has violated the Hippocratic Oath when he turned away patients on the basis of political beliefs."

Yes indeed, those type of decisions are best left in the hands of bureaucrats and gov't appointees on gov't Death Panels.

Again comrades, I want to thank fellow progressive fister, Rep Alan Grayson, for keeping up the good fight. Just think, what kind of progressive utopia would we have if we let people start to think and act on their own decisions?

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Time to vote Congressman Larroquette back to Night Court.


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Neotrotsky wrote:
You see, this "Canadian approach"is much better. Many kudos to Rep. Alan Grayson for trying to stop any infringement on the gov't monopoly of quality death decisions. Smartly so, Rep Alan Grayson has worded it for the state-approved MSM's target audiences by saying, the good doctor, "...has violated the Hippocratic Oath when he turned away patients on the basis of political beliefs."

It's so appalling amazing to see progs invoking the Hippocratic Oath when they have done so much to destroy it.

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We should be proud of Mr. Limpy (what an odd name, no?) He easily tries to intimidate a private citizen and squash freedom of speech, as all good comrades should. I do find it peculiar, though, that his eyes look like he is filled with Legions. Spooky.

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It is a little known fact that he used to be a Geico caveman before his hair fell out.I love his nose hairs and uni-brow. And the gap in this teeth reminds me of comrade Letterman.


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Oh yes, truly glorious! He emulates the "typical" comrade so very well. I'm sure ObamaCare will do wonders for his yellowing teeth, too. And pliers are so inexpensive.

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Yes, we must bring the strong arm and power of the United States government on any Dr., nurse, or massage therapist who expresses his or her political views to patients.

Mr. Ed the talking horse says:

"If my doctor ever asks me what my political beliefs are during a prostate exam, I'm not telling him."

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Mr. Grayson could be his own Bobble-head.