
Fond Memories

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Was watching special on PBS about Fort McHenry. Ah....... the memories:

Got off ship in Baltimore Harbor. Lots of things to see so I take tour. Federal Hill, Fort McHenry and the Shot Tower. Was feeling a little weak, a bit weary from dragging my case of books (Marx, Lenin and complete works of Stalin). So I headed downtown to the Lord Baltimore hotel. Passing a very old Church with an attached, walled graveyard. I like graveyards. Nice to look up old friends. Swing open the iron gate and go inside. Old, old graves and there it was: The crypt of Edgar Allen Poe! One of my favorite poets. I'm tired so I go back outside. Nice row houses across the street with marble steps. One has sign, it reads Poe House, For Rent, Inquire at 666 Fayette St. Better than room at hotel and it's just down the block.

By then it was dark, a little dreary (reminds me of home) as I knocked on the door. Door creaks open. Is man in tux. He ushers me in to parlor and says Madame will be with you shortly. I'm looking around: Painting of little boy and pet bird over fireplace, Framed thank you notes on wall. One says "Thanks for all your help. Your friend, Ike". Another says "We really showed that shoe banger. Love, John". Book on coffee table. Lets see. Picture Book of Serving Man by Han.

Am pondering these things and the picture book, what gore! when mature lady walks in and says Grigori, please have a seat. I ask; How you know my name. She replies; Your reputation preceeds you. Maid servant brings in tea. Is nice Earl Grey. We are talking: Grigori, why are you here? I'm here to do the guest lecturing at University. Where are you staying? Was going to Lord Baltimore then saw sign. Lady says to man servant; Jame, fetch the keys to the Poe house. She hands me the keys and with grin says; with my compliments. She says; They're going to love you around here. Lots of intellectuals and there's a prominent psychiatrist only a few doors away who I'm sure would love to meet you. I thank the kind lady and I'm out the door.

She was right. Every night with the cocktail parties. Was great. One night I was at "after the symphony party". Man introduces his self as Hannibal and says but you can call me Han. He says; I'm one of your neighbors. Nice man, very polite. We are talking about the Middle Ages. Laughing about the hangings with bowels dangling. Sipping nice wine and checking out the skirts when I notice he is looking at some very funny. I've seen this look before. It was like Aunt Sophie looking at pork chop in butcher's shop. I say Han; I've got to go. I need some sleep. All the noise at the Poe house is killing me.

Han said; What was it?
Every night the rapping, tapping at the front door. Is really pissing me off.
Han; Who was it?
Damn ugly bird and he leaves droppings. What a mess on my foyer floor.
Han; Was it a Raven?
Could be. Was big and black.
Han; Not to worry. It's the pet Raven of your landlady's grandson. She's caring for it while he's away at Los Alamos. Don't know how to stop it though, try speaking to it in Latin.

I said; and the phone calls. The ringing, ringing all hours of the night.
Han; Who was it?
Some guy, I think his name was Mayers. Said Grigori, you must come give lecture. I say where you at? He says Chicago. Too cold. Click.
Calls me every night, trying to entice me.
Ring, ringing. G we are having the party. Lots of loose socialist womens. I've got all I need here. Click
Ring, ringing. We're smoking Mary Jane. You Americans. How you smoke girl? Click.
Ring, ringing. We're taking the LSD. What's this LSD? You know, Acid. Why taking acid? Click.

And another guy. I think he said name was Salinski
Ring, ringing. Please, please to give lecture to organizers. Where to give lecture? Chicago. Too windy and cold. Click.
Calls me every night with crazy stuff like:
Ring, ringing. Grigori, we are having the Black Mass. Lots of naked womens. I like womens, but do you know I'm a monk? Click.

Han; How rude. Next time I'm in the "windy city" I'll look them up and have them for dinner. Now how about a ride home. My driver and Rolls is parked outside.