
Foolish Senator Somebody Rand's Silly Filibuster Ends

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Dateline Washington DC -

A filibuster in the United States Senate, led by some young hooligan named Rand Something, came to an inglorious end, as reasonable and appropriate senatorial behavior was restored by the Democrat Party leadership.


Senate Rethuglikkkan John McCain - a wonderful war hero who continues to serve his country - was observed speaking quietly to another Senate Rethuglikkkan, Lindsey Graham.

While Senators McCain and Graham don't always tow the Democrat party line, they virtually always DO tow the Old Guard Rethuglikkkan party line, which is essentially the same thing.

Everyone we spoke to was delighted to have order restored back to the august United States Senate chamber, and they all said they had no idea what had gotten into the youngster who led the filibuster - but they were pretty sure his days in the Senate were numbered. Senator Harry Reid stated, for the record, that, "We don't need this kind of nonsense in the Senate, unless it's led by a Democrat, or possibly someone like my good friend Senator McCain, the gentleman from North Vietnam."

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My heart is deeply warmed as if I had guzzled 6 liters of beet vodka! How joyous I am at the actions of Senator War Hero Generalisimo McCain and Ms. Lindsay Graham. They have shown the true meaning of bipartisanship to the vast unwashed masses!!! The rand non-person is a clear and present danger to the national security of the homogenous ideology of the USSA. Fire up the drone!!

I'm sure that all party members are dismayed that this elected hooligan, who showed supreme egoism, has not yet been dragged out of his office for public denunciation as is the correct punishment for all enemies of the people who betray us with amateur theatrics meant to distract and hoodwink the people.

Let us hope that as he basks in the leniency and tolerance of The Party, he spends his time wisely in self reflection and self criticism.

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During today's debriefing with Rand, CNN's Dana Bash appeared unconcerned with the content of, or reason for the upstart senator's ramblings. Instead she devoted most of her interview to his "remarkable" bladder control, thus proving once again that CNN knows best what we need to know least.

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INGSOC, I just added this word to my vocabulary.

Now I know where did Obama get the name Julia. From Orwell's novel.

Is he Rand Paul, or Paul Rand? Anyhow related to Ayn Rand?


This article is a fair analysis of the schism that has plagued the reactionary counter revolutionaries.

"As Country Club Republicans Link Up With The Democratic Ruling Class, Millions Of Voters Are Orphaned" ... -orphaned/

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All is well ... he was being watched....

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JDsHandsomeSon wrote:I'm sure that all party members are dismayed that this elected hooligan...
Indeed, Comrade - as our good friend from North Vietnam, Comrade Senator John McCain, said - they're all "wacko birds" (Rand Somebody, Somethingorother Cruz, Whatsit Amash, etc.).

It's good to know that at least a couple of the Rethuglikkkans have a clue. It plays well in the media, don't you think?