
Frets and Furious

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Already Dear Leader's super-secret jobs creation plan is working. He has vowed to keep creating American jobs his number one priority, with laser focus on the problem. Here's a man who keeps his promises. He is creating more American jobs overseas than any other president in our history.

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NBC picks Packers over Obama in Milwaukee
byConn Carroll Senior Editorial Writer
September 7, 2011
Washington Examiner

Pelosi Peeved Republicans Opt Out of Rebuttal to Obama Speech
Published September 07, 2011

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Said Gibson, "Our vibes cannot be
most melody-friendly, you see
unless we import
the wood of the sort
that best echos doh-reh-and-mi.

Because we've declined to be shirkers
of skills of American workers,
we haven't resorted
to lawful importing
of parts made by Indian workers.

However, our corporate leaders'
endorsing political leaders
opposing obama
perhaps caused the drama
of charges in trade-law we're cheaters.

Especially since virtually all
of Gibson's competitors hauled
donations galore
providing support
to help get Obama installed.

Perhaps there's an extra causation
of motives for crim'nal citations:
Our workers said 'no'
to those who proposed
requiring their unionization.

Since how we import and then change
the wood for guitars is the same
as others not charged,
it's just a canard
to claim facts above ain't to blame."

"Coincidence," Holder proclaimed,
"that all those competitors named
are unionized shops
contributing lots
of money to help our campaigns."