
Gaslighting Market Crashes

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A new report issued from Wall Street has stated that the gaslighting industry has collapsed due to an oversupply of hot air. A relatively new magazine, Gaslighting Today, widely read by investors but little known outside of investor circles, reports that the mammoth injection of gaslighting into the market since January 2021 has caused the market to go into free fall and has made almost all gaslighting completely worthless.

“Nobody believes this stuff anymore,” said one investor, who asked to remain anonymous due to his political connections, “Our main sources of gaslighting for New York City: City Hall, Washington DC and Albany, are so oversupplied with gaslighting that it just has flooded the market and people are tuning out. As an investor, this is devastating. Gaslighting was a valuable commodity when it was rare. People could be convinced of its value, then. Now, there is so much of it that nobody can be convinced of anything."

Industry leaders have no confidence that they will see a turn around any time within the next 2 1/2 years and suggest that the market collapse coincides with the explosion in the availability of Word Salads™ and many industry leaders believe there is a correlation.


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The sooner these fossils fueled by gaslighting are out of power, The Collective can breathe cleaner media air.