
George W. Bush Withdraws U.S. From World Cup

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In a gesture that can only be best described as a breaking of previous Bush Doctrine, George W. Bush today announced that we will no longer attempt to conquer the world and the US will be withdrawing from the World Cup soccer games. ... occer_Died

The U.S. Soccer team finally pulled out of its unilateral battle against the rest of the world today, conceding the title to whichever terrorist, socialist or EU-controlled nation is able to take it.

America entered the fray three years ago after receiving credible threats via the worldwide intelligence community that soccer players around the globe were "...prepared," in the words of noted poofter Pele, "to kick the imperialist Americans in the shins!"

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I never understood soccer; you just run around and get hit by balls in the head. You can just go to the Castro District in San Francisco to see that.