
Goldman-Sachs trying to buy Danes' DONG

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I have been browsing the economic situation and our state media has failed to keep us informed... while they have distracted us with the antics of Bieber and the expected Global-Warming of the snows in the south, I came across this article where the Danes are angry and want to stop KKKapitalist Goldman-Sachs from taking over their DONG!!!

It seems, Goldman-Sachs only wants 19% of DONG - they only want the tip...

DONG energy_1.jpg
But, as the article says,
Of course, if Goldman is involved, it guarantees future benefits for the Vampire Squid.
I guess so they can suck the life out of it. But the Dane's do not want to take it lying down:
Specifically, over the past several days, a whopping 186,000 Danes have signed a petition to stop the sale of a 19% stake with extraordinary minority stakeholder rights in DONG to Goldman Sachs. Then again, every DONG has its price...
Unless something is done about this - I believe the Danes will lose control of their DONG.

Respectfully submitted to the Collective,
Anon E. Mouse

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So for a price, DONG gets sucked dry? Is that what I read? And is the 19% tip included in the price?

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Alas, I have no dong to sell...not anymore...

I feel before going any farther, Comrade Putout should be consulted for her, ah, "take" on this extremely important issue. If she is willing, of course.

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Comrade Putout is pretty aggressive in her consensual

umm... internet...


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Friend to Goldman-Sachs, our Dear Leader evidently has much experience with DONG in bathhouses of Chicago. His "input" may be of some use.