
Happy Late Valentine's, Other Ivan

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We all got together and brought you a broken tractor to fix:


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Comrade Other Ivan, Spasebo, you "think" of everything!

(then again, what else can one do from a jar?)

We will have glorious tractor towed to a place of honor in front of Tractor Barn #2 right next to the Krasnodar Memorial fermentation tank tractor, where it might someday be used in the production of the finest quality high-octane distilled beet squeezin's peelings in this part of the collective.

The next time you are transported to the clinics for a fluid change, stop by Tractor Barn #2, have your attendant knock on the toolroom door and ask for me. There may or may not be a small quantity of Special Krasnodar Reserve still unopened; for (ahem) celebratory medicinal purposes only, of course. Thanks again!