
Have An Option With Your Word Salad

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GREAT NEWS COMRADES—- OPTIONS are on the dinner table to accompany WORD SALADS!

OPTIONS are almost like having mashed, boiled, baked, or fried potatoes without a grass fed, Angus, medium rare, T-Bone. This makes OPTIONS heart heathy and a nutritious where’s what’s the beef, non meat food source for all lesser comrades.

That OPTIONS have zero caloric value is a huge plus, especially in these times of bloated opinion heads of steak State.

For a limited time, (2 days) strategic coupons are available making it possible to feed a family of 4 a balanced meal of WORD SALAD, OPTIONS, and a pre-cut FLATULENT CHEESECAKE AIR PUDDING DESERT for next to everything a family has. Plus +++ leftovers for noshing while standing in some bureaucratic line, tomorrow!

This OPTION MEAL DEAL, is virtually a brokered bargain!

Family time at the dinner table never appeared to look so promising.

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I'm always in favour of a buffet of options with a word salad.