
Have you warned others about harmful extremist content?

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America, which is a cesspool of racism and extremism, has as its foundation the Constitution.

The Constitution is the most extremist and racist document ever drafted and too many have been exposed to its vile rhetoric. Some American citizens may have actually read it!

Now you can do your part by warning other comrades that the Constitution is absolutely hands off and should be treated like the toxic waste that it is.

Order your t-shirt (men's, women's, whatever), tank top, or hoodie, and help sound the alarm. If just one child is rescued from exposure to her rights as an American, it will be worth it.

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Vell, vell, vell.
Ja, vee not haf "Constitution", vee haf Grundgesetz (GG), Basic Law.

Then again, it's half-Amerykan.
Ze Imperialist came, made Nazis bite ze dust, and then half-dictated GG.
Which made it a half-(Imperialist)-Constitution. So it's half-evil, of course.

Thank Marx, vee haf Frau Merkel. Since an eon, by now.
Vell, vell, vell.
Frau M, an apparatchikized party system1, and a bureaucrat deep state.
(both these shifts begun already in the late 80s ; Frau M amplified 'em madly)

Frau M, and bureaucrapparatchiki, and proglo-"elite", they see to detox GG.
To make it open, diverse, equal, friendly, bipoc'y, and klimatic plus plandemic.

So anybody can "asyl" here (but only if xyp/her/his oppressed, and color).
So you 16 (or 14? yoohoo!), you vote.
So you kid, you in gubmint care. Parent-1 out. Parent-2 out.
So EU is boss, "Deutschland" out, now EU Gubmint Admin Zone 17.
So "Deutsche Nationalhymne" out, EU Acoustic Act in.
So dekatastrophing ze Klimate is priority 1.
So meinkampfing ze Plandemia is priority 1.
So gubmint can say Basta! at any moment, to any norm necessary, by any means.

Ja, GG....
Ze harmful, ze extremist, ze racist, ze privilegist, ze supremacist vill be out.
Ze good, ze moralist, ze progress, ze green, and ze Humanity of ze Planet vill be in.

1 Ok, there is a (mini-)opposition, yet kept toothless by the (85%) apparatchikized de facto block. Think RINOs + Democraps making 85%.

(can't take the above word-for-word ; yet all above "So ..." paths are already walked along (impetuses and distances already covered vary, of course))

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"Your comment goes against our Community Standards"
No, not just the community standards, but the Community Standards which are much more important than ordinary community standards. On Independence Day, no less.
Post the link to this shirt on your Facebook page and watch what happens.
First I was told that there are multiple minders who watch content in multiple languages (resistance is futile!).
Then I was asked if I agreed with their decision to flag my t-shirt. I didn't.
And THEN they said, that well, we're understaffed because of COVID, so we may not get around to reviewing your case.

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Sometimes it is a dulce et decorum thing to go against "Community Standards." It all depends on the community. MS-13 is also a community.

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Dulce et decorum pro scriptum est in libro ex facies mori?

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Don't worry, Blogunov. Must be misunderstanding.
You know, their QUACK (Kontent Watch Automaton Kommissar), xze 120% humorless:


(... but once banging on your door starts, we don't know each other, da?)

oldie but goodie (just à propos) :


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Day 1 post reprimand: Still no word from Facebook regarding my case. May have to appeal to the Celestial Intervention Agency.

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Well, on the comrades at facebook your T-shirt has the same psychological effect as we would experience when seeing a group of toddlers being tortured.

It's all relative, this ethics thing. Make your pick. (From among the allowed values, that is).

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Komissar al-Blogunov wrote:... appeal to the Celestial Intervention Agency ...
Celestial Intervention Agency? Phew, sullen Brennan-style bureaucrats.

Go Beria, Komrade Blogunov, go Beria!
He will teach 'em - QUACK's pack (and CIB, Corrupt Idiot Brennan) - a lesson or two.

        Mystery item No. 2

        Mystery item No. 3

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Colonel Obyezyana wrote:
Report Free Thinking.jpg
Thinking is never free. It costs, Comrade, it costs.