
How can this rube disrespect FLATUS Moo?

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School board president rips Michelle O over lunch program: She was ‘elected by no one'

It's a travesty! Elected school board teabagger bedwetting rethuglikkan has done it now!

He has gone so far as to snub FLATUS policies of feeding the Children™ DECLINING Federal redistributed other people's money and bragging that he will generate ill-gotten gain by doing so!

What is next? Classes on abstinence? Creationist theory? Birthday cupcakes? Ever since that Scott Walker <spit> stole the Governor's election, those cheese-heads have gone off the deep end.

Sharpen the long knives, comrades, night is falling...

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If only the property of the State children could learn to be on the nicotine/cocaine/arugula/dog diet of Dear Leader, they too could eat constantly and never gain weight.


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Cup cakes are for capitalist pigs poisonous to the children. Moochelle graciously eats them for our own health. Now take your slate and chalk gifts and write down how much our dear lady cares for us.
[img]images/clipart/Prog_Off.gif[/img]Prog off
She has the nerve to ruin a child's birthday and cupcake day. It is not like we are telling her how to take care of her children.
[img]images/clipart/Prog_On.gif[/img]Prog on

Let this be lesson, the government knows best.

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Comrade Tovarichi, I think we know (because we have been told) why these bushitler persons would disrespect Her Moo-ness. They are RAAAAAAACIIISSST!

It is much better to see free meals go into the trash as long as we can feel good about doing what Moo tells us is right For The Children. She is, after all, FLATUS; The Keeper of the One; and, she has the counsel of a stable of top chefs for every meal who can help guide her through the whole "eat as I say and not as I eat" question. Obviously someone of her proportions requires proportional portions of high cost quality facestuffs foodstuffs.

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Only one thing can save the serfs peasants children, Comrades:
Moochelle 2016!!!!
Vote for an Angry Black Woman or you are Racist™ and Sexist™
Image Sorry all, I just threw up in my mouth a little........

Anyer Marx wrote:It is much better to see free meals go into the trash ...

Comrade Marx, I am on this subject being 100% with you.

... just by the way, the trash bin where the free meals are being dumped is located where, and they are dumped at what time, as the current rationing meal allocation by our collective is 1/2 beet per kulak each day.


Legend urban of incorrect thinking kulak is this:

You are entering bathroom and standing in front of mirror. Turning candles off and, while being in front of mirror, spinning rapidly, you chanting "government of the people", "government by the people," "government for the people", over and over, while catching glimpses of self on mirror. It is said that eventually you are seeing image of Next Tuesday on mirror and dinner of chicken.

Upon exiting bathroom you are being arrested by FBI for disbelieving in existence of Dear Leader as people, whom party has chosen to lead us into grand world of Next Tuesday, and sent to gulag because of plan to hoarding chicken, which is enough to feed 20 strong workers.

Such is life in Obamanation, just and fair of all.

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How dare this charlatan hack wing nut rethugliKKKan dare to even utter Her Majesties name!
Has the collective rolled out the black maria?

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100% Infidel wrote:How dare this charlatan hack wing nut rethugliKKKan dare to even utter Her Majesties name!
Has the collective rolled out the black maria?
The black maria Peace Wagon will be out shortly with the secret police Smile Keepers. All will show the way for this misguided to the nearest summer camp.

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Careful: trannys like Mike Obama are sensitive

Joan Rivers: Obama is gay, Michelle is a tranny