
I denounce Monckton again!!

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We must all stand up to the Lord Moncktons of the world. His facts mean nothing. Facts?
Who needs facts. That the earth hasn't warmed in the last 10 years, so what? That the average temperature has actually gone down in the last 10 years .05 degrees, so what?
That last year was the lowest level of hurricane activity ever, so what? That measurements of the ice thickness at both the Antartic and Artic caps show no change in the last 30 years, so what? Like I said, who needs facts? The woman in the interview doubted every one of these facts and so do I. How are we ever going to achieve global cooling and shut down the evil oil companies if we listen to facts like this? I rest my case.

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My sentiments eggsactly! This vile creature trying to confuse this woman with facts must be silenced! I myself have witnessed the effects of global warming having seen snow fall where I live for the second year in a row! Unheard of!

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Our Chairman Mao had the foresight and wisdom to purge and cleans the people's planet of such smarty-pants intellectuals. Hopefully Chairman Barack will follow suit.