
I Denounce the Boy Skouts!

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Komrades, I denounce the Boy Skouts! After a most recently perceived snubbing by Dear Leader, the BS's booed a video taped greeting of our esteemed O, and at the 100th anniversary Jamboree!.

Oh the arrogance! Do the new Hitler Youth know how disrespectful this is? And to think that the "O" actually took time from his busy schedule to make the tape! Do these arrogant little jerks not realize that Dear Leader was on the "View" because it was in the interest of the Greater Good? I denounce these racist, knife wielding bigots! We need to call them what they are, komrades, a terror group!
~ ... -boo-Obama

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It is of no wonder that fearless Leader did not want to go speak to this snotty little future racist capitalist. NO respect. They should have saved their boos for Bushiter.
Won't they be surprised when they don't get a bailout!!

oh yes, I almost forgot ... I denounce them.


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The reason Obama didn't dirty himself by going to the Boy Scouts in person is the hateful homophobic policies that discriminate against our NAMBLA friends. The Girl Scouts are much more open to lesbian troop leaders who are willing to host sleepovers.

I think every right minded boy should use his share of ObamaCare to get a nip or at least tuck and join the Girl Scouts.

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It's also clear that it was wise for our leader to avoid speaking to a group whose motto is "Be Prepared." The next thing you know, the boy scouts would have attempted to trap him with silly questions about whether being a community organizer was sufficient preparation for being President, and, of course, we know that such experience was perfect qualification for a President determined to transform America into a community run by activists motivated by our Collectivist Ideals.
--Thought-Crime Warden

Obviously, these Scouts, and no doubt their parents, too, do not realize that only positive opinions about Dear Leader (may his name be praised, peace be upon him, hey nonny nonny) may be held or expressed. Perhaps these so-called "Boy Scout Campgrounds" would better serve the collective by being turned into Detention Centers for Purveyors of Thought Crimes.

Oh, yeah, I denounce them, too!

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Bah, this wouldn't be happening if N.A.M.B.L.A. had taken charge of Boy Scouts, as it was done in the Rodina.


You see, young boys have an innate Capitalist inside that must be rehabilitated before they are 13.

Way to go Scouts!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I share in the denunciation of these... "boy scouts". As if we need more reasons than those already offered to denounce these... "god-fearing"... "patriotic"... "love of country" (pttUI!) tiny hucksters in waiting.

Our all-knowing Dear Leader knew all along why it was better to sit around a table with a bunch of dykes intelligent women on TV because he had a very GOOD reason to snub the... "boy scouts". The only redeeming quality those... "boy scouts" can claim is the nice brown shirts they get to wear.

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Comrades, what is next for these subversives?
Standing in front of our nation's capital spitting and and yelling racial slurs at out Party Leaders as they walk to work to redistribute the misery across the nation?


The ungrateful brats of the fascist Boy Scouts need to take some re-education lessons from these fine young men..........

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I'm going to offer the unpopular opinion that Dear Leader was just doing a two-minute hate drill to make sure they are prepared for the November Election when two-minute hates on any Rethugrikin that dares think they have a chance of usurping the congressional seat of a fine, upstanding, People approved candidate, are telivised on MSM channels daily.


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What worries me is the hate simply does not stop with the Boy Scouts. Think of all the other fascist reactionary indoctrination groups out there, teaching and preaching hate and more: Girl Scouts, Cub Scouts, Brownies, Indian Guides, Indian Princesses, 4H, and possibly more!

I will sleep more soundly at night when a Party member is assigned to each group to help guide discussion and thought to more appropriate and progressive directions. Besides, a little bit of My Own Ditch digging never hurt any collective.

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May I submit my willingness to infiltrate the filthy Rotary Club even though they "meet and eat" in facilities that I personally find decadent. No sacrifice is too great for our
Common Cause ™.