
I'm sorry I'm stupid

Moonbat Man
As a former liberal I am able to shape-shift back into my former self, and watching from above so-to-speak, I agree that this web sight is not funny. The liberal as you know is a somber someone who believes their generation has evolved into the new man, (please excuse my use of old world gender) and has left behind the old prejudices and values of the primitive man. (Sorry I'm so sensitive I'm ready to burst into tears). The liberal thinks himself the analyst of the exception (minority), the Cassandra of doom and the arbiter of values. They are the measure of all things. The liberal is the new man and thus the remedy for justice. The cartoon Underdog comes to mind.

O Captain! My Captain! My Narcissus my utopias, save me from humanities inequities.

In fact the liberal is nothing more than a rehash of history, liberals are the old Sophist of Greece, they are the artist become Macavellian wana-be intellectual aristocrats become Peter Pan from the exhausting Sixties. The liberal is a stillborn child, a perpetual child, and an irrational child. Ha ha ha. I hurt my feelings. The liberal has a seething hatred of those who denied them the adoration they deserve; it is their fate, their providence, and their birthright to govern. Don't you see! The liberal is instead of religion, beyond morality, above shame. The liberal will throw you off to save the boat.

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Liberals are an attempt at communism, but can still be used as usefull idiots to speed up the revolution.