
Identity galimatias unfurls

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As the group-ID "BPoC" spreads, communities of PoCs rebel! They demand now diversity.

There should be BPoCs, BPoCs, and BPoCs - for those Black, Brown, and Bigendered.
Oh, wait.. Must make it BlaPoC, BroPoC, and BigPoC.

Plus LesPoC, GayPoC, BisPoC, QuePoC, AsePoC, PanPoC, FluPoC, TwoPoC, OthPoC, RaiPoC, NamPoC, EskPoC InnPoc, LatPoC, 1 ... [your-two-cents-here] ...

1 Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Asexual, Pansexual, Fluid, TwoSpirit, Other, Rainbow, Native American, Eskimo Innuit, Latino, ...

Further study (required!):

On just one, the true LatPoC spectrum, reeducate yourself summarily here and in detail there (aptly elucidated).

        Mystery item No. 1

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I do not see on this list TabPoC (Tabby PoC). Or CalPoC, for that matter (Calico PoC). Tsk. Ailurophobes all.

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Despite all my proglowoke specieskorrekt reverence, I must object, Komradette.
While your entry is formally (xxxPoC!) voll korrekt, there is a there there!




        Mystery item No. 2

And Calico?
Gotcha! Whiteness!!! (plus, himmelherrgott, Orange!!!!!)
(and I shudder to mention any further details)

        Mystery item No. 3

OTOH, let's not forget VegPoC, the Vegan PoCs (that group-ID inclusively covers Ailurovegans, of course ; the ID AilVegPoC will be demanded in the next revolutionary step (to erupt when our beloved global philanthropists decide that it's time to begin, and start raining their famous green stimuli)).

(reused Mystery 1)

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Komrade Ivan, you hit the midpoint of the center in the core!
Myriad of (tremulous) victimae collectives, funneled into an unum, the (steely) Victima.

Think Victima away, what remains? Yo, what else? Only Whiteversum, Victima's counterpart. Privilleged, patriarchocentric, phallologocratorial. Imperial, impertinent, imperceptive.

Victima contra Whiteverse, that's the Big Pic of backroom wheelie-dealies.

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You're forgetting KanPoC and SixPoC and HotPoC and PoCRoC and CrocodilePoC and PoCaroundtheClock and PoCandRollAin'tNoisePollution and PoCin'AllOvertheWorld.........

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Komrade KapKanKouPoC - close, very close, damn spiralling close! . . . . .

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Ivan the Stakhanovets wrote:E Pluribus, Victima _ _ _ _ [ congrats! 350% norm in brevity! ]
Genosse Dummkopf wrote:... Victima contra Whiteverse ...
... Victima contra Whiteverse ...

Orange Man out?
Huzzah, socialism! Now we got us some mega-freebies, giga-giveaways, tera-peta-reparations or sumtin!

Orange Man swindled himself into WH 2.0?
Aw, shucks! Gotta grow the Victima and riot riot riot against Orange Gangsta until he out, or inspreachmend, whichever come first.