
If Joe Biden were to suddenly acquire intelligence...

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If Joe Biden were to suddenly acquire intelligence... He would be like a pet that suddenly understands its real status in the family.

But, that'll never happen.

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[highlight=#ffff00]"But, that'll never happen."[/highlight]
Wait, Margaret, not so fast, I mean, I think I can see it:
"Down boy"
"Goooood Boy"
"Baaaaaad Boy"

Oh well, just like you, I can only dream.
Problem is, we won't actually be calling the shots, his "handlers" will. Just like Oleander.

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Why should Joe Biden, holder of the title " Our National Treasure " leave such an honor behind for something as common as rational lucidity ?

I must agree with Comrade Margaret .... it ain't gonna' happen.

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AI theorist: Joe, we'd like you to participate in a Turing Test.

Biden: Great! Where are we going?

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When I go into a restaurant now, if ever, I always recommend the jello!

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Are we talking about foreign intelligence, central intelligence, alien intelligence, advanced intelligence or compromised intelligence. A little clarification would be helpful.

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Do not forget artificial intelligence ... to be installed with hair plugs, perhaps.

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Margaret wrote:Image
This was posted back in 2014 when JB was VP. It's only gotten weirder since then.

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Joe Biden has certainly gotten weirder since then.