
If this goes on...

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Obama of the future wrote:To hear the Republicans you would have thought the sky was going to fall on us, meteors would strike us from the heavens, earthquakes would kill us all! Well, I woke up this morning and the birds were still chirping like they always do, the sun was shining, the world still revolved around the sun. Everything was fine.

[Audience: laughter]

We have to give the Bill a chance. It's a very moderate Bill. It isn't some extreme measure. Every single Constitutional scholar agrees: the Interstate Commerce clause gives the Federal Government the power to have everyone buy and have Health Insurance because that affects interstate commerce. No one that understands the Constitution refuted that when we passed the most ground breaking legislation since The Great Society.

By the same token and with the same Constitutional authority we have set out to solve the doctor and nurse shortage. Everyone knows the medical profession has become understaffed. The simple fact is we need more people in the medical profession and so, because the profession that a person goes into affects your health insurance and all of our health care and thus Interstate Commerce and certainly affects our well-being as a country, our General Welfare for all of you that know the language of the Constitution, our Bill provides for this growing need of medical professionals by requiring those with the aptitude to become our doctors and nurses.

We need those doctors and nurses if we are to enjoy good health and the promise of the American Dream.

The demagoguery coming from the Right has to end. They've fought this Bill and the Will of the American People; and the People have had enough.

Every single thing, where you live, what your chosen profession is, what you do with your free time - everything - affects interstate commerce.

If this goes on, the underlying legislative precedent will not end.

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Yeah, that interstate commerce clause was the cleverest thing FDR did. If you can't wipe out commerce entirely, the next best thing is to regulate it to death. And the best part is that the wording is so ambiguous, we can apply it to damn near anything, even stuff made and used entirely within a given State. Because where the interstate commerce clause ends, the congressional supremacy clause takes up. Federal law trumps State and local law....hehehehe, I love it. I get progressive thrills up and down both my legs.

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Comrade Whoopie wrote:Yeah, that interstate commerce clause was the cleverest thing FDR did. If you can't wipe out commerce entirely, the next best thing is to regulate it to death. And the best part is that the wording is so ambiguous, we can apply it to damn near anything, even stuff made and used entirely within a given State. Because where the interstate commerce clause ends, the congressional supremacy clause takes up. Federal law trumps State and local law....hehehehe, I love it. I get progressive thrills up and down both my legs.

For the state monitors watching, I add, that I "don't get it." (We good guys?)

I smell independant thought here, I fear I must report you to the authorities.

In short, "I'm tellin'"...

(Because snitching is so very progressive and gets me extra gas rations!)


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Margaret wrote:
Every single thing, where you live, what your chosen profession is, what you do with your free time - everything - affects interstate commerce.

If this goes on, the underlying legislative precedent will not end.


Dear Comrade Margaret,


I fear that your comment in closing
shows doubts in your mind are reposing
that all must confess
for all I know best,
so treatment for you I'm composing.

You're right that the Commerce-Clause view
with which all good Progs are imbued
is one that intends
to fully extend
my power to regulate you.

We know that creating Utopia
requires a complete cornucopia
of rules to prescribe
all facets of lives
so all share an equal Utopia.

However, we know that a few--
like tea-party folks-- will eschew
Progressivist views
that "commerce" includes
quite lit'rally all that they do.

So, therefore, to help you keep sliding
the slippery slope we're providing,
just keep your eyes closed
as downward you go
to rest in the valley provided.

And there, you no longer will be
enticed by horizons you'd see
if you had remained
on peaks above plains,
and therefore, content you will be.

-- Doctor Obama[/TD][/TR][/TABLE]

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And this must to work the opposite way all so. If there be legislated what the masses must have, then to be legislated what masses must not have. Like Tea Bagger guns! Those Repthuglikkkans have too much guns! Guns must be fairly redistributed to only the likes of the Freedom Fighters such as recruited by my husband and those soon to be Obamao National Guard persons.

And ability to speak mind must too be legislated away! Only Progressive Speak to be allowed and good promotion of Obamao agenda. No more Hannity (spit spit) Limbaugh (spit spit) and Beck (spit spit) speak.

All things of that contentious Bill of Rights must be legislated away to become replaced with Bill of Lefts.

Congrass must be to get very busy because there is so much legislation to be done and so little time left cuz the Republicans are gonna wup some butt come November Ala willing.

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Mrs Al Czarweary wrote: All things of that contentious Bill of Rights must be legislated away to become replaced with Bill of Lefts.

Mrs. Al Czarweary,

"Bill of Lefts"? Why didn't I think of that? Doesn't matter-- I'll just say I did.

On second thought, saying I invented the Internet sorta backfired, so I'll let you keep your own idea.

If you keep coming up with ideas like this, you'll soon be promoted to Party Theoretician.

Next thing you know, we'll have quite a long list of Lefts, but it's our duty, of course, to be sure everything on the list comports with Maximum Leader's wise declaration that the Constitution ought to guarantee what the government must do for you rather than limiting what it can do to you.

Just to get the list started, I'll name a few things:

Being Left to Speak Socially Responsibly,
Being Left to Bare Arms,
Being Left Out of Religion
Being Left to the Mercy of Lawyers
Being Left to Remain Silent in Our Cells
Being Left to the Care of Mother Earth
Being Left of the Right
Being Left-Handed
Being Left to the Tender Care of the IRS
Being Left to Walk With Carbonless Footprints
Being Left Without the Burdens of Property
Being Left to Suffer Writer's Block at Critical Times
--Gorbels Cube

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Dr. Obama, your prose leaves me left leaning! Mrs. Czarweary.... what motivates a bearded woman to spit so much?

What motivates GroupThinkTM?

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Margaret wrote:
Obama of the future wrote:
If this goes on, the underlying legislative precedent will not end.


This is the point of our progressive movement

Why even need a Constitution ?

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If this goes on, the underlying legislative precedent will not end."

But of course, dear comrade. Rejoice! That is Fuhrer dear Leader Obomo's plan, is it not. There is nothing like ruling with an Iron Fist to make friends and intimidate enemies.


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Is not intimidation the point of wielding power? We say to the masses, do as we command or we'll send men with guns to take you away. This is the basis of all law and the law exists as our reason for being.

Remember the story of William Tell the Swiss patriot who defied Gessler the Austrian Governor over what Tell assumed was a stupid law.

But Tell didn't understand, no law is stupid. The reason for the law was to remind people who was in charge and force them to comply. Unless the people comply then the rulers can't truly claim to be in charge.

And this is why we must fight against those wannabe William Tells, those damn Tea Baggers who say they'll refuse to comply with ObamaCare regulations or worse, refuse to pay their taxes.

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What is going on here? A renaissance? Beautiful clever poetry? New and clever ideas? Thinking? All of you! Get yourselves to Jiffi-Lobo immediately! And follow it up with 2 liters of vodka, each. Leave the thinking for Dear Leader and the really smart ones among us like Comrades Nanski and Alan Greystinker.

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Being Left-Handed
And as known well Our Dear Leader has already started us on this as he is of the Left Handed. And there has been of rumor that through promotion of Education Czar all little skool children will put writing utensils implomints crayons in Left hand and should they try to change to other hand they will to be made example of by having right hand tied behind back. It is to be believed Education Czar learned this trick from KatholiK skool from the nunnery.

What is going on here? A renaissance? Beautiful clever poetry? New and clever ideas? Thinking? All of you! Get yourselves to Jiffi-Lobo immediately! And follow it up with 2 liters of vodka, each. Leave the thinking for Dear Leader and the really smart ones among us like Comrades Nanski and Alan Greystinker.
I not to be known for thinking. Words spilled from my mouth with no thought involved.

And has not Obamao been leading way with such poetic muse as in his classic


Under water grottos, caverns

Filled with apes

That eat figs.

Stepping on the figs

That the apes

Eat, they crunch.

The apes howl, bare

Their fangs, dance,

Tumble in the

Rushing water,

Musty, wet pelts

Glistening in the blue.

Ala zeg... tingly up leg happening. Such glorious memoirs he offers of his time in Kenyuk.

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Oh, that's lovely, Mrs. Al Czar Weary. Apes in a grotto. A grotto of apes. Apes glistening brightly by candlelight in the grotto.

Did you get your Jiffi-Lobo yet?

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Did you get your Jiffi-Lobo yet?
After reading Obamao poetry who needs of Jiffi-lobo?

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Musty, wet pelts
Flinging all the poo.
Crunchy figs
That have turned to goo.

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Lovely poo
stuck to grotto walls,
brings charm and wonderment.

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Spring has sprung
The grass is riz
I wonders where da birdies iz?

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Czar Czar wrote:Spring has sprung
The grass is riz
I wonders where da birdies iz?
Dey's in your pants, doncha knowz?
shelterin' from da Global Warming Snowz...