
Illegal Aliens Need OUR Jobs!

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As we all know employment is scarce and jobs are still hard to find , but sacrifices must be made for the greater good ™.

As citizens of the USSA, we have been too privileged with wealth and prosperity and this must be shared with others less fortunate in order to cleanse us of our collective guilt.

We have had it too good when millions have been starving in third world countries especially our neighbor to the south. Many of these disadvantaged souls have broken our laws to sneak into our country in search of a better life and we cannot let our selfishness interfere!

Now is the time to take a stand in support of immigration reform and surrender your job to someone who is more deserving than yourself. Do not be shamed by greed and be accused of racism for wanting to improve your situation. If you are unemployed stop looking and consider yourself a hero for renouncing your privileged status.

Face it, Mexicans and citizens of other underprivileged nations need your job more than you do!

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Alien Anchor babies. Not only should every good progressive man donate his job to an illegal alien, he needs to also redistribute his sperm to an illegal alien. One of our enlightened brethren in Her Majesty's Kingdom has done just that.

Labour politician, Simon Parkes, has admitted to fathering alien children with the most glorious “Cat Queen”.

I am sure the offspring of these intergalactic quickies will qualify under the provisions for dual citizenship.

extra-terrestrial-1281702-1280-1024 copy.jpg

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I just wish they'd hurry up and pass the Immigration Bill so we can find out what's in it!