
IN THE NEWS - Biden Commemorates Recovery Summer

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"Joke, it's a three letter word."
In The News Current Truth Network -- Santa Monica, CA

The fourth annual recovery summer extravaganza will kick off with a bang.

Vice President Joe Biden plans to cut the ribbon at several new Fisker Car stores across the nation beginning on the West Coast at the all new Santa Monica dealership on June 22.

Then, touring in a super space-age all-electric "wagon-train to the future" of sleek Fisker automotive luxury his motorcade of Recovery Summer will travel to every State in the country. The cavalcade will be shipped to Hawaii on the new intercontinental railway where the Vice President will host the 4th of July celebration of recovery summer at Pearl Harbor.

This will mark the first Recovery Summer of President Obama's second term.

Learn more at THE CURRENT TRUTH Network.

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Ahhhh, glorious Santa Monica - my former home!

I believe that all the showrooms are all lit with special Solyndra power and lighting, are they not?

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Sixteen Fisker Karma electric vehicles caught fire and burned to the ground after being submerged by saltwater from Hurricane Sandy's storm surge. But don't worry. They're installing automatic floatation collars on all future models. (Just don't leave them out in heavy rain)
